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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. I'm thinking it might have been the equivalent of two trees! Thanks Chuck, I'm looking forward to when I can visit you again! Thank Mike, Out of the frying pan and into the fire?
  2. Thanks Glenn, This is the second time I've planked the Winnie so I'm good there. After doing this big hull I'd gladly plank the Cheerful again! Thanks VTHokiEE and Don. Also all the like too!
  3. The last 11 strakes have been completed. Prior to starting the planking these strakes I checked my distance from the keel to the already completed 12 strakes. I noticed that at frames A and 1 (center of the model) the distance was 1/32" wider than the 11 1/4" strakes would cover. To remedy this the Garboard Strake was cut 1/32" wider and installed. I then added 2 more strakes above the Garboard. I then add 3 strakes to the completed upper strakes. This left me with 5 strakes to be completed between these two bands. I then rechecked and adjusted my remaining tick marks and then finished the planking. As you can see I still have to sand the planks at the stern post, add the stern post and trim the keel then chapter 3 will be completed.
  4. Hi Glenn, Sorry for the delay but I had to first shake some cobwebs loose. I took the lengths and pattern right from the plans. It's a four plank shift and the plans show the joint locations. I marked the bulkheads and got my plank lengths from there. Hope this helps.
  5. Hi Glenn, I think you're going to love this build and we're going to love following along. It's always fun to see how each modeler approaches a build.
  6. The Winnie is not the simplest hull to plank even with Chucks great guidance. You're doing a good job and I'm sure you're improving with every plank you do. Keep up the good work!
  7. Thanks Glenn, Funny your builds have always inspired me! I agree the cherry on our Fair American's have aged very nicely. A large portion of the pear I'm using came from Jeff too.
  8. Thanks scrubbj427. Thanks Chuck, the pear is kinda like cherry on steroids. It'll be interesting to see how it ages.
  9. Thanks Ryland. I've never used this much pear before and I'm happy with the look. Thanks everyone for the likes too!
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