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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thanks for the kind words Mark. And also for all the likes. Well I'm back from vacation and though it's cold and snowy out it's warm in the workshop. I spent the afternoon running the baton strip to mark the bottom of the wales. I'll look them over again tomorrow, after ugh work, with a fresh eye. Next up I'll cut the pieces for the lower counter.
  2. The stern framing in the quarter gallery area has been redone again and finally I think it's right. I've also completed the bollard timbers though I haven't glued them in place yet. I'm holding off until after I complete the lower counter planking. Just a quirk of mine. This completes the 1st chapter! I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. With the holiday and then taking the Admiral on a vacation the Winnie will be in dry dock for a couple of weeks. I won't even have access to MSN while we're away. Sigh. See you all in a couple of weeks.
  3. Great work Chuck. I think having the drop and the figure when building the quarter galleries would really help proof the galleries. At least for me that is.
  4. Just keep on as you're doing. Sand some, check the lay of the plank, sand some more and keep repeating until you get a nice lay of the plank. If you take off too much it can be built back up but if you keep checking the run of the plank you should be fine.
  5. I cut close to the line but leave the line. That leaves me the flexibility to sand to a final fit.
  6. The brain cramp that Mike thankfully pointed out has been corrected. Sorry to say it won't be the last one either. I've added the hance pieces on both sides as well as the strip on the quarter deck. On to creating the bollard timbers and thinning the inboard side of the hull at the stem. Thanks for stropping by!
  7. The stern framing is now completed. Everything has been rough sanded. More fairing will be needed once I determine the run of the planking. I the last picture you can see the nice curve of the stern. Next is placing the hance pieces and the piece of strip wood along the top of the quarter deck.
  8. Everything is looking really good. I too had a couple of wanders to but it didn't cause any issues. If you read on to the port framing section you'll see that Chuck has you doing just that when you cut the sills to size. When I framed up the ports it worked wonderfully.
  9. Thanks Chuck, Your framing guide and window template really made it come together well. Also I forgot to add one picture to the original post which I just added. Oops!
  10. Here's where I am at right now. The stern frames have been completed and I started installing them. First I placed the outer most frames , parts ST-C and ST-D, and then placed the stern framing plan over them to confirm the correct width. Following checks marks and using the spacers here is the assembled stern with some light sanding. A lot more sanding is needed to clean it all up. Oh I've also finished the preliminary sanding of the port side port framing. Time to ice down my shoulder.
  11. Thanks Chuck, I started dry fitting last night and notice the curve. Looking at the picture and the optical illusion had me scratching my head. Won't be the last time either.
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