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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Hello Tony, You are more then welcome. Good luck with your build. Anja
  2. Congratulations Tony, Excellent work. Just beautiful. Anja
  3. Hello Gundorph, There is a 'General Kit Discussion' http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/forum/23-general-kit-discussion/ It contains subforums with questions and reviews about: - Wood ship model kits - Plastic model kits & Plastic Scratch - Built a ship from card - RC Kits & Scratch building Anja
  4. Dear friends, I am very saddened to write that our friend Mick passed away in the early hours of July 24th after a period of illness. Eamonn (egkb) has opened a 'So long Mick' in the Shore Leave section. Please join us there in offering his wife Elaine, family and friends our condolences. Goodbye Mick, rest in peace. Your are gone, but not forgotten.
  5. Dear friends, I am very saddened to write that our friend Mick passed away in the early hours of July 24th after a period of illness. Eamonn (egkb) has opened a 'So long Mick' in the Shore Leave section. Please join us there in offering his wife Elaine, family and friends our condolences. Goodbye Mick, rest in peace. Your are gone, but not forgotten.
  6. Hello Alex, Congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your daughter. Wishing you happy moments with your little angel. Anja
  7. Hello Greg, I took the liberty to rotate the pictures. Good luck with your build. Anja
  8. Hello Dave, I am not sure, but I think you can't upload additional photos/pictures in an empty album. Unless one of the other moderators has an answer for you, the best thing you can do, is delete the albums and make new ones. The pictures might have been lost because of some problems we had a few months ago. This topic explains what happened: http://modelshipworl...ance-scheduled/ Anja
  9. Hello Guy, Aldo hasn't posted lately because he is facing a health issue. Frank (Riverboat) posted this in sickbay. I think it will take some time before Aldo will be back to answer your question. Anja
  10. Hello Phil, Unfortunately I never heard of Mara Macho wood before, so I can't advise you. Google didn't come up with anything except that is used for the production of furniture and general construction. You can find some general/technical informtion about the wood here: Newman Lumber Company: http://www.newmanlumber.com/mara-macho.html Woodsourcingg.com (page 2):http://www.woodsourcing.com/usersfiles/273/desc/WMSS-Product-catalog-peruvian-joint-venture.pdf I hope some of the other members are able to give you some advice. Anja
  11. Hello Nenad, Thank you for stopping by and for asking. I am five months into my new job now. Spending my workday making decisions, trying to solve problems, evaluating new information, make/give presentations, make manuals/guidelines, provide workshops on how the program works. Pfffffffffffft It is still very demanding, but I hope that will all settle down in the near future. Next thursday it is vacation time for three weeks. And after that........ I will do my best to finish my Half Moon. Thanks again and take care, Anja
  12. Hello Rick, Just an idea. Have you checked your picture size? If the pictures are to,big the page won't load. Try keeping your pictures smaller than 1 MB. 1200 x 1600 is the maximum size in pixels. Anja
  13. Welcome aboard Calvin, I have removed your email address to prevent spamming. Also non members can read this. If our members have information for you, they can post it here or send you a PM. I also moved your question here. This is because members are usually quite quick at responding to calls for help, but are more likely to notice them if they are in the relevant forum. Anja
  14. Hello Rick, It is possible to just select the text from Word and do the copy/past. After uploading the pictures, did you choose the 'Add to Post' option? 1) Open the Edit box by clicking the 'Edit' button at the bottom of your last post. 2) Upload the picture and place the cursor where you want the picture to be added a 3) Click on 'Add to Post' 4) You can now paste the appropriate text for the picture 5) Click on preview to see if the layout is ok 6) Click 'Submit modified Post' You already uploaded the pictures. You can: 1) Remove the codes in your post first. Then do steps 3 till 6. 2) Or make space between the picture codes by pressing the Enter key. Then copy/paste your text under the appropriate picture. Anja
  15. Hello Chris, It's great you started a log of your Cutty Sark. May I also suggest you create your signature and place a link to your build there. That way your log is just a mouseclick away. This topic explains how to add the link to your signature: http://modelshipworl...your-signature/ If you want to add, delete or change text in an existing post, click the 'edit' button on the bottom of your post. Use the 'edit' button also If you want to add additional pictures. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/540-how-to-add-pictures-in-your-posts-and-pms/ If you want to add a link to your post: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/4355-how-to-add-a-link-into-a-post/ Good luck with your build and enjoy it. Anja
  16. Hello Nataniel, You're doing great. She's really beginning to take shape. Looking forward to your progress. Anja
  17. Hello Nataniel, You are making some great progress. Nice job on the planking and the windows. And I like the combination with the lime wood. Anja
  18. Hello Christian, When I try to open the link, I need to log in. Progress will come once your new house is finished. Take care, Anja
  19. Hello Ulises, The site Fineshipmodels.com has the same pictures you showed: http://www.modelships.de/Royal_Louis_I/Royal_Louis_I_eng.htm No builder name are mentioned, but you might want to contact Dr. Michael Czytko. His contact details are on the site at the bottom. http://www.finemodelships.com/about-us.htm Good luck. Anja
  20. Hello Woody, If you have any questions regarding your build, just ask away. You'll find plenty of help and advise from everyone. As David said, take your time. Be patient and enjoy the modeling. Good luck with your build. Anja
  21. Welcome aboard Yamsterman, Good luck with your build. If needed, you'll find plenty of help, advise and encouragement from everyone. I wish you smooth sailing and happy modeling. Anja
  22. Hello Alex, They look beautiful. Well done. I have no experience with it, but maybe you can use colored plastic sheets or colored acetate sheets to simulate the glass? Anja
  23. Hello Alberto, Welcome back to your build. She is looking good so far. We all made mistakes, don't worry. Mistakes can be fixed and you learn from them. And if you need help, just ask. There are a lot people here who are willing to help and advise and answer any questions you might have. We are all here to help and encourage eachother. Anja
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