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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Hello Senior Old Salt, Nice of you to stop by and have a look at my build. Thank you for the compliment, it is much appreciated. Anja
  2. Hello Augie, Your planking looks superb. Excellent work as always. This is again going to be a masterpiece. Anja
  3. Hello QA, Ramin dowels are still available. Ashford Model Supply Centre still sells them. http://www.ashfordmodel.co.uk/ramin-dowel-94-c.asp Anja
  4. Hello Mark, J., Popeye and Grant, Thanks for the compliments and the kind words. It is much appreciated and as I said in my earlier response...... all your support gives me the energy and wish to finish this build. @ Mark & Grant Mistakes, me thinks the same now ........ Pffffffffff. They are there, can't do anything about it anymore. @ J. I will leave the ship as she is, in natural colors. I will only use a stain and a finish. I saw you already painted the inner bulwaks red. Looking forward to your results. @ Popeye, Yes, I was indeed expecting one of your rhymes. Maybe next time. Thanks again for stopping by and a thank you to the everyone who 'liked' my update. Anja
  5. Hello Bug, Bob, Augie, Doris, Wayne and Sherry and everyone who 'liked' my update. Thank you all very much for the compliments and the kind words. It means a lot and is much appreciated. And yes, it feels good to be back. Not in the least thanks to Sjors and you all. Your support gives me the energy and the wish to continue and finish this build. Thank you again, Anja
  6. Hello all, Finally an update, it was long overdue. The railings and the grating at the bow section are in place. They just need a little touching up and staining. Now I can really see where I made the mistakes. Before placing the railings I wish I had thought of using a template to get the right angles/roundings like J. (JCT) did on his Half Moon. But that is water under the bridge and something to keep in mind for future reference. The rudder is also in place. Tomorrow it is time to start shaping the masts and spars. Thanks for watching. Anja
  7. Hello Kamil, Finally made it to your build log. Found myself a seat on the front row. For a first wooden build you have made a good start. The Corsair is a nice ship to start with and she will look good when she is finished. Looking forward to your progress. Anja
  8. Ricardo, I congratulate you with this build. She is such a beauty. Excellent work! Looking forward to the finished pictures. Regards, Anja
  9. Hello Andy, You're off to a good start. The deck planking is looking good. Nice work. Anja
  10. Hello Max, Not almost Max, you may feel totally proud of yourself. Wonderful work, she looks great. I love the color of the wood. Anja
  11. Hello J. and welcome back to the hobby. I saw you used a template to ensure the right curves for the railings. I wish I thought of that, it would have made things much easier. Will keep that idea in mind for future reference. For me she had/has some challenges as well. But that is all in the learning process. She has indeed a nice shape and will look great once she's finished. Good luck and enjoy your build. Anja
  12. Welcome aboard Brian, You might have a look in our Articles/Download section for information about kits. Model ship kits - What to expect http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/plans_and_research/ModelShipKitsexpect.pdf Kit selection: http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/plans_and_research/KitSelection.pdf Caldercraft/Jotika has good instructions. Or have a look at Model Expo's US Brig Syren. Kit instructions can be downloaded from Model Expo: http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=MS2260 And after you have made your choice, the best thing to do is start a build log. You'll find plenty of help, advise and encouragement from everyone. Enjoy your stay here. Anja
  13. Just fantastic. My compliments to you Doris.
  14. Congratulations Elmir, She is a real beauty and looking great with the sails. Well done, my compliments to you. Anja
  15. Hello Anthony (Crackers), What is a builld log without pictures. So, pictures yes. But many? @ Lawrence, My part of the shipyard still has room to build. It is not Sjors who needs convincing, it's me! @ Max (maggsl_01), I will be back. Your Half Moon is quitely on my watchlist. She is coming along nicely. @ Bug, Peer pressure fun? Mmm, yes and no. But it helped. I'm convinced. I promised myself to do some work tomorrow. Thank you all for stopping by and thank you JesseLee for the likes. Anja
  16. Hello Popeye, Bug, Grant and Augie, Yes, I know. I should be spending more time on my Half Moon. I let it languish for much too long now. I hope I can be of service to you with a small update shortly. She really needs to be finished. Thank you all for stopping by and the little 'no pressure, but needed' nudge. Thank you again, Anja
  17. Hello Rowan, Welcome back. Sorry to hear your Endeavour is in drydock again. But so far, she is is looking great. Anja
  18. Hello Cergina, Thank you for looking in at my build. Yes, it is really time for me to finish her. But life and and a lot of work got in the way. The discovery ship the Half Moon was a small and lightly armed galleon, although in VOC documents it is called a Yacht. And by Emanuel van Meteren (a Flemish Historian) even Vlieboot (flyboat). Your Bon Homme Richard is coming along nicely. Thanks again, Anja
  19. Dear Sjors, It is January 1st. Time to start your Aggie. Anja
  20. Welcome back Moonbug, You have been missed. But it's great to see you found your way back and that you are doing well. Looking forward to your build the second time. Thanks for taking the time to re-post your log. Anja
  21. Hello Doris, I have missed you and your beautiful work, but more important is that you feel better again. It is so good to see you back and enjoying modelling again. The interior is just georgous. Thank you for a beautiful update, it is such a joy. Take care and warm regards, Anja
  22. Eddie often spoke with his son and talked about MSW. His son Christian took the time responding to my message to Eddie. I want to share this one sentence with you all. We spoke often and he'd talked about all the advice and help he'd got from MSW "people all over the world, with this damn lil ship." I thank you all for that. Best Wishes Christian Jordan Rest in peace Eddie. Anja & Sjors
  23. What a beautiful figurehead Matt. My compliments to you. Anja
  24. Hello Nick, I'm sure other members will come up with answers for you as well. But in the meantime you might have a look in the main articles/downloads section. You will find some articles about lights there. http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-model-furniture-and-deck-fittings.php Admiralty paint is of a very good quality. In the Netherlands you can buy it at Historische Modelbouw: http://www.historische-modelbouw.nl/?a=view-folder&id=30 or at Modelbouw de Kombuis: http://www.modelbouwdekombuis.nl/Category-405942/Scheepsverf-(17).html. You might also have a look at the subforum 'Painting, finishing and weathering products and techniques' http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/21-painting-finishing-and-weathering-products-and-techniques/ Anja
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