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About Richard50

  • Birthday 07/17/1950

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  • Location
    Taunton, Somerset. United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Model ship building, photography, music.

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  1. Good luck with the build, I look forward to following you. I have some spare parts,so if you need anything and I have it your welcome to it.
  2. I joined this site back in 2013having had decades of ill health with the last 3 years being the most demanding. Confidence was shot to peaces and the passion for model building completely lost.


    I'm now back and have begun to setup and organise my work area to continue where I left off with building the 1/84 Amerigo Vespucci.  The first task will be to reassess the build so far, cleaning away the dust, re-painting were required, the studying the builds of othe fine model builder of this ship on this site. 


    I Think progress will will be slow at first and then speed up as my confidence improves. It's good to be back and would welcome your continued support.


    Thank you

  3. Hi Joachim, Thank you so much for thw fantastic detail you have shown in the last batch of photographs. I have been unwell for some time, and my build of Amerigo Vespucci has been paused for some time. I hope to be able to start again soon, and look forward to using your work as a referance. Thank you once again.
  4. Hi Augie, I've bee back in to hospital, but so looked forward to catch up with your build; the ship looks beautifull. I will continue to make up thebooklet and send the up dated version to you in a couple of weeks.
  5. Hi Nenseth, I recently stay at a hotel in Falmouth where they had a very large model of the Falmouth ship. If you would like to see them, I have some photos which were taken through the glass case, so there are some reflections. I wish you well for your build and will follow it with interest.
  6. Thanks Kevin, it was great talking to a fellow modeller, and thanks also for all the tips. The day made me feel better, and inspired me to get back to working on The Amerigo Vespucci with some vigor. When you have the time, why not try getting back to your A.M. which has been tucked away for some time. Once again thanks for your time.
  7. Thank you Lars for your suggestion, I'll give that a try as I do'nt realy like the cradle. Thank you also for the images of your build; they have been of great help to me.
  8. Hi everyone, After yet another time of not being able to work on AM, I'm back and have begun building once more. I have foolishly forgoten to make provision for pedistal mounts in the hull, which is now completely closed; can anyone pass on any advise to help me overcome this problem?
  9. Hi Kevin, I'm sorry there has not been any activity form me of recent, I was discharged from Musgrove Hospital yesterday after a three week stay. I will catch up on adding photos during the next week or so and add them to your publication. Meanwhile a Happy Christmas and New year to you and your family.
  10. Welcome Stuart, It looks as if you have done a good job, I'll follow your build with interest.
  11. Hi Kevin, whilst looking through Amazon I came across the book which might be of help to you if you don't have it already The Battleship Bismarck (Top Drawings) [Paperback] Waldemar Góralski (Author) http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/8362878592/ref=pe_26761_41900181_em_1p_0_ti
  12. What camera are you using to take the photos, and did you have any software with it?
  13. Hi Augie, I've been away for a day, opened my e-mails this morning to find there has been a bit of trouble. What ever has happened, I'm glad to see you have returned, (from where) but I will as long as you are sending in your build log, continue to add the to the one I've already sent you. Thanks to you and everyone who helps us fairly new builders.
  14. What a great idea, I wish I had thought of that for my build. I following you build with interest.
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