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Richard Griffith

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Everything posted by Richard Griffith

  1. I make strips by attaching he brass to thin plywwod with carpet tape and run that through my Byrnes saw. No curl nice straight edge, I-do have to remove the glue. and sand the edge but I get just the size I need. Duff
  2. Good advice above use your hand tools and current power tool, then decide what hobs you need help. For me sanding neened the most help so I found a mall disc sander/beltsander at a tag sale for $5.00 My local hobby store wanted $65 for the same machine!!)
  3. Hey Aceman I am still interested, I just had a mwdiccl issuue which requied a week in the hosipital, they pacthed me up well.... I can do the paypal EFT if you are good for rhat. tnx
  4. Hi Jerry, I'll buy these. I live at 63 Trolley Crossing Lane, Middletown CT 06457 (Richard Griffith- legal name) Let me know the postage cost and your preferred method of payment. thx Duff
  5. Hi Jim, your Connie is looking great! I think you're making the right choices and getting good input from this valuable website. Just remember, you are making an illusion, so everything you make must 'look right'. just as you did with the coppering (and confirmed by others). Viewing distance lighting, choice of paint, fidelity to scale, and others all affect outcome. Nice job. Duff
  6. Thank you. Words are inadequate. You inspire me and all of us to reach for the heavens. I have your first two volumes and anxiously await the third. Duff
  7. Jean Boudriot's magnus opus The 74 Gun Ship, age 95 Vol 3 outlines the tarring of rope. Bob and Mike have it right. USS Frolick has it right: The net on the anchor is to prevent the fore course from snagging on the fluke when the course is hauled inboard, and the stunsil when deployed. Duff
  8. Hi Mark, Napier also devised a way of spooling the thread. It is a square board with a nail in each of the four corners around which he wrapped his thread. It allowed him to immerse the thread in a pan of hot solution so the dye could reach all of the thread. Duff
  9. Hi Mark, fantastic work, very inspiring. For rope dyeing, you might consider getting a copy of "Valkenisse" by Rob Napier. On pages 156 to 158, he reports good results with Pro Chemical & Dye in Somerset, MA. He also outlined his method. BTW, his book is book is a treasure drove of tips and information. This is one of my 'go to' books. Duff
  10. Bazzg, your scale dictates the size. 1/96 is also known as 1/8 inch to the foot. HMS Victory normally carried a range of different cannons (and carriages to match). Does this help?
  11. All the best, Mark. The wood is patient and so are you. As artists, we do have to tame our minds, to focus on our art. Your new project looks very interesting. Duff
  12. Hi Patrick, the diluted Tamiya paint will work well on the lines that are already rigged. Dilute it with rubbing alcohol about 1/3 alcohol. I had tried the Tamiya on lines before rigging them on the model but found the line too stiff, but found the Minwax{R} oil stains worked well. Duff
  13. I cannot recommend the tea treatment because of the tannen. Tannen will cause deteriation of the fibers. Instead, use an oil based stain, perhaps diluted 20% . Duff
  14. Spiced rum and bourbon are my favorite vices...………….. You can make your own with hard wood and wing nuts to suit any configuration.
  15. Paul, the best small table saw is the Byrnes saw A small drill press is very useful, and a thickness sander can not be beat. Since you have a table saw, I recommend a quality drill press. Tool selection depends on your needs and building methods. Duff
  16. The short answer is YES. The preceding comments are all valid. Also, power tools as a rule make the job go faster and in many cases more accurate, but that is only after you spend lots of money to get them, and then spend lots of time learning how to safely operate them. Very find models are made without them, but as Chris says, a Dremel is very useful because you need to drill lots of holes. Good luck and have fun~! Duff
  17. Joshua, thx for getting the books into the mail.

    BTW, the April boat show is well worth the ticket price, as it includes a continental breakfast, a superior buffet, access to the table top demos and more.    Check it out at our website - ctshipmodelers.org.         Duff 

    1. Azzoun


      I'm going, been there the last two years.  

  18. Beautiful workmanship, Kortes. I think the gerbel is your secret weapon..... What have you used for the black seams in the deck? Duff
  19. Way to go Mark~! This hobby is a great therapy and we are 100% with you...…...Duff
  20. Glad to hear you cleared the decks, Mark~!! I'm looking forward to the Belle as she is gorgeous...……….. Duff
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