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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. I understand you, Marc My first unsuccessfull try of Cutty with all planking and decks "done", went in trash can with no mercy, when I started over
  2. To add to this : ... actually kicking myself I realise that I could do EVERYTHING so much precise, clean, correct and better ... ( Thanks to Bob who`s work illuminates that road to me ) That impatience we all have sometime, to come as soon as possible to visible results ........ I think that impatience is often with kit builders than with scratch. There is always some piece next in line sticking out of the box, challenging and baiting you, and order of pieces in box creates illusion of easiness of whole work. And you gain the impression that there is only set of LEGO in front of you Wrong The one and only safe on this road is - work on something about month, and rework on same position another two, trying to correct what can be corrected. And marked spot on the wall to bang your head every time you decide to rush And, of course, a big laughing donkey picture near that mark, to remember you what are you exactly doing Try to imagine - all that white panels on both inside bulwarks, near 70 of them 1 x 9 mm laying in little trench, each sunken in 5 x 11 mm "teak" panel, every panel separated with little 1 x 5 mm pillar. and ALL of them had traces of glue, putty and WRONG layer of sadoline. ALL of them must be cleaned from glue, putty and sadoline to prepare surface to correct teak acrylic colour !!!! Take "dentist" tools, magnifier, rasps 2 mm wide and enjoy yourself. That is my entertainment almost a week. I dont wish you that joy Keep good working and posting, pls
  3. Thx Edwin, problem is resolved urgently with bying 2 tones of coal ( one phone call), but anger stays. I do not like and want to go back in life, especialy when it is not mine fault. I do not know how much time is already happening, and I am a little tired of it. I only want quite and peacefully job with enough money to live peacefully and booring family life without stres. I do not need or want richness. Just rise and step up to next level, and war begin. Just rise again and step up on next, and hiperinflation comes, just rise AGAIN and AGAIN step up and Kosovo with bombing comes, just step up, and some rotten people come to power, and whole life goes on that way Smile, and go forward, nose up, and dont look behind Crack from time to time, but it all goes as it goes But, lets go back to Her Majesty, I hear Her grumble that She is neglected, even I spent 6 hours today with Her cleaning my messy work as much as I am able too
  4. Bob, with thin bulwarks, here is realy big problem to get it all strong enough. I am thinking about this a lot, during endless cleaning my massive bulwarks, thanking God for this
  5. Still cleaning and dental job ... It seems I spent time on some work about month, and clean it about two another months ...
  6. Angry and didnt work. I must hit something or bite somebody or simply destroy first thing in front of me. Joking, but ... Last year I remade heating system in house, leave coil and connecting whole house installation to natural gas. Ecology and so. Invested more than 2000€. And winter was fine and warm enough inside for same price and much more comfort, regardless of the outside temperature This winter unpleasant suprise. Price of gas is same, but gas bill is doubled!!! Very low and bad quality of gas !!! It looks like that in December 2013 with outside temperature +50C to 150C I spent more gas than in February 2013 when outside temperature was -10oC to 00C. !!!!! But with the price of full quality gas !!!! Main distributor is government ownership and control !!! And gas is from Russia somewhere. Government steal from citizen !!!!! And no place and way to control gas quality in the place of delivery. And official lies and demagogy ... grrrr... And so, I was forced again to move step back in life and turn off gas, and bye coil again. Very very very angry. With 2 tones of coil I ll finish all winter season, february and march for 200€… and it is no matter how cold is outside. With this quality of gas, only in February, this is expected that gas bill could be about 500€ !!!!! Maybe more I think and hope that other country do not steal from citizen on that way. I said kids again. FINISH YOUR SCHOOL (medicine and architecture) AND GO WEST AS FAR AS YOU CAN. For me (55) with my job it is to late So I was forced to rearrange shipyard which is in heat room, and get some more space as to manipulate with coil and to expand workspace in shipyard. But, had no place to spread plans. I must spread plans in near room - garage on hood of car ... the whole day entertainment
  7. "dental" cleaning works tonight on inside bulwark. Nothing to show for now
  8. Ok, Luca, waiting for your photos of proud and bright bow-line I only want to help Nenad
  9. Yesterday I found (America) that acrylic paint consumes very thin paintbrush. One day you just discover that the brush stops to listen your commands and follow your will, and become willful. Under magnifier you can clearly see what happened. You can do everything from yourself in mercilessly washing and cleaning paintbrush after every step in painting, but invisible particles of colour always remain in root of paintbrush, and as time go by, make paintbrush unusable for precise painting (hairs begin to curve in different directions, and nice top of paintbrush does not exist any more, and there is no way to form it again) So I finished painting with black colour, and decide to leave painting of white square rail for latter ( when I bye new thin paintbrush). Also other two rails is better to paint when finish with cleaning and mounting bulwark with panels and dead-eye holder ( same colour of teak), so I climb on the deck and start cleaning job, removing putty and traces of glue Very usefull tool for this job is dental tools, as for instance, I do not have it, and must improvise making jig from needles ( one streight and other curved on top) Also a little "rasp" for fine cleaning, with amendable little pieces of sandpaper with different granulation Oh, messy Nenad, this will quite a job to entertain yourself a long time ... And another thing for continious taking care of I discover: Do not lay your whole left arm on your model while doing this !!! She do not like that !!!!
  10. Luca That problem with soft transition to the bow and stern is exactly what I wrote about, mentioning thinking forward If you had look forward to the position where you have to be after planking, you ll probably see that you MUST adapt end of planking strips , for instance, as on this picture. In opposite, happy sanding is in front of you. Oh, yes, and a lot of putty But, if you see that right on time, next question arise immediately - you could not use nails to fix them (thin edges of strips), and you also must fold strip little more on last rib before bow/stern, so some "corners" appear... and it needs some extra ribs to add to avoid corners I do not see clearly your instructions, have you on the next step to put some like false keel ? If it is so, problem is little bit smaller, but still exist If you plan to put second planking layer with veneer, that will cover all hills and holes after putty and sanding @Dognut in his topic ( http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2842-cutty-sark-by-dognut-constructo-scale-1115-1869-first-build/) run in the same problem, and it is a pitty he didnt post a while, so I do not know answer how he resolved this problem Dremmel will help, anyway For second question, there is maybe answer in Campbell plans (on scale, of course) in this segment Anyway, keep on going, there is no mess you can not clean up on harder or easier way. And cleaning a mess is also big joy and fun, when you succeed and see results
  11. In meantime untill next step, it is worth to look at impressive and fascinating work of Croatian master of modelling Roland Vlahovic, on FB profile of group " Maketari i brodomodelari PANCEVO" at https://www.facebook.com/groups/123125704388848/ in photo album JADRAN
  12. Nice and brave stepout to POF building. I do not dare (yet) keep on with good work, I ll follow Nenad
  13. Warm welcome to CS fleet Luca !!! I wish you on start, to keep on good precise and clean working as on your first build As I am almost beginner as you, I can not give you valuable tips for now. I planked in different way, so do not know what to say. Theoretical, your planking way is right way. About coopering, I bang my head a lot of time how to do that, and also nothing to say for now Be careful on stage of work you are. It seems you hurry a little, just as I did at the beginning. Mistakes on ribs and bulkheads REFLECT to latter loosing lines of hull and deck, and to enormous problems very hard to successfully correct later (if you do not believe, see my log) But there is some really valuable tip, if you do not want to jump in swamp as I did: Do not believe to much in instructions, rather believe in your investigation on MSW and internet. Delicate moves, or moves which you are not quite sure they are right, first try then do There is fun and joy in investigation and research also !!! Think then ten times about every move, then think another ten times about that move relative to next moves, think continuous about order of moves, and then move forward only one step by step. And remember, this is not race, this is hobby. Ah yes, if you are even a little ambitious , find somewhere Campbell plans, which are more detailed than Artesania Latina plans, and do not believe in instructions as a Bible book. Take your time, do not hurry, and carefully read very usefull topics on this great site, there is a lot to learn, and many good ideas. And many details of Her Majesty (Lou`s topic) It will be a pleasure to build our Citty Sark models at the same time and to share ideas, experiences, questions and fun See you soon Nenad
  14. I like it, Bob I wish I could find in Belgrade "ponce wheel" which I am thinking a lot about when considering coopering job somewhere in front of me. As I wrote somewhere, When you walk in Belgrade windows watching, it seems you can find and bye everything. But, when you look for particular thing, you need more than two shoes to spend before ( if you) find that For instance, my hothead son yesterday blow up head of my Einhell set, and only place when I can find spare parts is in village more than 20 km from Belgrade where is Einhell service stated. In shops which sell Einhell tools (a lot of them) there is not (?!?!?) What type of glue will you use to connect wood and Aluminium ? Maybe little nails ?
  15. I like to put our frend Bob in head-ache with ideas. Guilty by all means So, when I discovered tonight that my son had destroyed Einhel head, I was so p** and nervous to paint, after unsuccessful learning of soldiering, I decided to try some testings how to connect dead-eyes to look like as on Her That is idea which is pretty long in my head So here is result , only as idea, not near final solution. First I made new 5mm deadeye, then use tin of Coca-cola can as clout, wire is of little office staples Deadeye will maybe be smaller ( if I can make it), wire will be painted white, clout around deadeye will be white and little more narrow, wire will be little straight, inside bulwark will be white with waterport surounded with battens, nailholder will be teak colour, on the place of first "deck" molding there will be gray waterway, second molding will be arised little than waterway when I do replanking of deck ... Try to imagine teak bulwark with white panels rear of deadeye, and ropes from deadeye to up, and on nails in front .... Maybe little thin wire, or not. I knew that this thickness of wire is little out of scale, but thinking about this details as little massive than on scale, to add their contribution and help to mask mess and swamp on the inside bulwark under wires I think that is solution and that will be good @Bob, under holder is "hidden" supporting square molding 2x2mm to get strenght to whole construction, we wrote earlier about this question
  16. I wish you luck with your build, and watch it with great interest For now, only to say: Bulwark stage is more important than you think. Mistakes there REFLECT direct to lines of hull and lines of decks, and if you mess there, you will have terrible headache how to resolve further problems of lost lines. So, think it 10 times, and another 10 times, and move on slowly and precisely as you can. I did not, and went directly in swamp of mistakes, and lost months in trying to correct consequences of earlier mistakes. Take your time, do not hurry. This is not competition ( where was this thinking when I start ?) Waiting for your progress Nenad
  17. Tomas spend as much as possible time with them until they raise their wings up. That time comes very fast. Mine kids are 23 and 25.
  18. Pavel I think that is irreplaceable tool for soldering and other fine works You can find it in Chinese shops about 5€ I also wait for soldering tips, and research Internet for lessons Nenad
  19. Never enough sanding. Always seem to have it little more with little higher granulation of sandpaper ...
  20. Thx Burga I can say that there is sure some kind of magic when lines of hull start to appear under putty. But, if that stage last months ... magic go somewhere And you can never be sure, have you sanded Her enough ? A little more ... I can say that same thing is with painting too. Wonderful straight lines appear, but ... if you want to do it correct and precise, only on one single rail, upper or down side (only one of them) to paint from bow to stern you need almost one long hour stare in magnifier, stoned on chair, deeply focused. And there are three rails on left, three on right, so six of them, two with upper and down side, two with down side only, and it mean minimum 10-12 hours of "mad scientist" position. Only one colour And then, you jump to paint rails. Another ten sides, another 10-12 working hours, but this time, there must no be any mistake. Magic fly somewhere in mean time, and you start to yearn to move forward to next stage And you realise that every single particle of wooden or putty dust which you can see only by magnifier can turn paintbrush in undesired route or leave a "hole" in paint. And you want clear bright and straight line between black bulwark and white rail where contrast make very visible deviations from a straight line even they are smaller than 1/4 mm. And you realise that sanding with sandpaper 400 or higher is absolute neccessary for smoth sliding of painthbrush. Difference between sanding with 280 and 400 is very visible under magnifier, and very sensitive and reflecting to paintbrush when you are trying to paint straight line Unbelievably. Real "dark side"
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