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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. It can be fitted ... depends how stubborn are you, and which measure of challenge can you deal with Anyhow, wellcome to CS fleet. Here is another builder building CS and VIC simultaneously (Rfolsom aka Bob) I think CS do not like radiator She is not a cat !!!
  2. You boys are really wind in my wings ... oups ... sails @ George - you can see my peace ... devil turns me on whole day in yard ... this and that ... that and this ... why you ... why don't you ... etc etc @Mark, I hope so. Little color corecting after mounting ... @ Kess, thank you for your care for my poor eyes ... still in place ... I just picked up them from the floor after today work and put them in my head @ Dave, I must give Princes to read your post ... Maybe it will work !! @ Piet, thank you. Do you believe when someone of my friends look at She, they do not see 4000 pieces of "cooper plates" riveted separatly, several hundread pieces of deck strips, and also decorations on stern, so I must use my finger with "look at this point" and after that follow "wow thing" ... only by few of them ... ... most of them ask "when it will be finished?" and hearing my answer with prognose in years, suddenly lose any interest ... @Denis, we discused earlier about decal option, which, by default, has to be more precise, probably with moee accurate color. All this time I had feeling that there just has to be some relief just to promote some details, and it seems it was bingo. This evening, running away from wild Admiral ... kidding ... she works with me in yard and she is so tired, napping in front TV ... I did first "rigging" aftet almost 35 years ( rigging of Jolly Roger 15 years ago does not count) Before mounting panels, there are some things that had to be done First, four "eyes" under bowsprit Somebody in earlier post remembered me not to forget rigging of them. Very clever and usefull tip. When eyes were on place, during waiting for glue and colour to harden/dry, I though about ... how to hell to approach to them after mounting panels ??? And idea comes, I put there temporary lines just to be sure that I shall be able to pull with them real lines when time comes Attached with paper tape to fore deck temporary, not to disturb me Next is bowsprit chain - gammoning. Just had no nerve to even try to find and wait ( if there any) from internet for chains less than 0,5mm thick, and decide to improvize. Rope was made earlier, a lot of "eyedrop" working, and applying over very thin layer of black acrylic mixed with a drop of gold acrylic, just to get a nice "metal" shine ... I think it is OK, considering all stuff what will be mounted over and beside Faced today with something new to me ... knots ... which are enormous large against rope thickness . And you must make knot to fix rope to eye . Or not ? Obviously I must investigate MSW and learn a lot of things before real rigging start
  3. Very nice time outside = a lot of garden home works arranged by Admiral Look from my favorite resting and smoking place First collateral ... my Zippo disappears somewhere in yard ... From second smoking place, playing with camera panoramic view shots
  4. You are right, but ... after a few hours, emptiness of home become to much loud, if you can understand what I think and try to say with my poor English ... we ( Admiral, kids and me) are very close to each other and very attached ... Hothead is in another town on his study, Princess after work zig-zag with friends until late hours, Admiral went to mam ... happy 2-3 hours, and after ... new meaning of "sounds of silence" I must organize little talk with myself about ... we made children to grow and to fly away, not to sit behind my paints or Admiral's ... that is only regular stage of life in it's beginning ...and I have to be happy about, not sad So, big big smile for it
  5. Sound of silence ... home alone ... holiday ... Better than I hope. And a bit easier than I expect. Tomorrow fine shaping and correcting of lines
  6. Thank you Nils. I have no problem with hands. Even opossite, if I could find sharper needle to control drops of paint better, I can do this more precise. My main problem are my eyes. Wearing glasses until I was born (for distance), faceing with need for glasses for this little works (still do not need them for job and reading books), so must work with magnifier. I use a cheap one (3x , Chinesse) and ... devil devil ... my birthday is coming close, and have some "bad thoughts" about "magnifyng" ideas for birthday present from family
  7. Thank you everybody for likes and support. Wind in my sails After two bussy day and "little" after-lunch-napping, made new music mix (this time Dylan, Baes, Donovan, CSNY, Melanie, Denver) and went down to play with "lettering" From distance, look very o.k., and close up is still little frustrating. But, this panel is 22mm long, and whole model will be over 1000mm long. Think it is not such important. Game with "dotting" was pretty hard, full of very strong 3 hours lasting concentration of mind and non-shared attention to world around. Just me, magnifier, colors, needle and this pieces. And music This time, main tool is sharped needle Here is step by step , process ... what I wrote ... dot by dot I As it can be seen, I decided to step off C-plans and actual look and to "rise" a little this platform with letters, to "promote" it a bit in relation to other gold elements Platform is a little more than 3mm wide, and a letters are about 2mm tall ... tricky Only one lettering left ( rudder wheel box)
  8. Adding a little drop or two of gold/silver acrylic in another acrylic color of mix of colors can sometime give desred effect particulary on small pieces
  9. "...for the deadeyes i foresaw a bit of a problem with fitment. if i fitted them now the rigging will become quite a pain in the..." Real pain ... what tools to use ... and a bit of panic ... how thin ropes for deadeyes have to be ... inside deadeyes lower than main rail are thrue challenge ... 4mm deafeye with three holes .. Huh huh huh
  10. And ... that is it Just have no patience For now Maybe there will be some "edits" after mounting
  11. Oh, sweet taste of re-do Technics and method are ok, but drawing is wrong. In patience. Just inpatient. Once again. I draw main lines with graphite pen, and jumped over next step - to bold them before starting with clay, so, without continuous keeping of one eye to photo, I just missed right shape and look I want. Working with this little pieces of clay just occupied my attention, and I just follow wrong lines. See what I have done during making photos With toothpick apply thin line of thinned wood glue, pick pieces of clay with same toothpick and just put it on the glued line, and after a while just fix relief with little drops of acrylic. I used gold in intend to be easier to see relief when paint surface black Acrylic applied in dots hardened and help to fill spaces between pieces of clay, and to make all relief more consistent, and also every next layers rise up relief a bit
  12. Drastic testing and briliant idea how to keep model far away from Admiral when she get her daily brain attack to clean dust
  13. Thank you Piet. Nothing to compare with your hinges Hey Bob, we miss you. But life first ... and piggy ... and Her Majesty
  14. Shipmodeling as a puzzle of details Extra work. Hope you find your runaway ideas on your table ...
  15. Enough testing Nenad, be brave and go forward So, printed details on scsle from C-plans, re-scaled photo, pit paper in front of me, clean mess from table, and started with new mess on table ... it seems there can not be creativity without even a bit mess around ... I finaly resolved camera issue ... just bought micro SD 4gb/4€ for old HTC, and turned it to be only camera to be always in workshop, connected to home wifi. Aftet shooting, with file transfer application, in a few seconds tranfer photos to new htc, and can post them Much better pictures, even close-ups Listening Simon&Garfunkel, here is today result. Two wooden details and first layer of gold cor on mouldings Yes, I simulated rivets, but them can not be visible Circle is 4mm in diameter, "cross" drawn with my toothpick tool Shooted with new fone, just to see diference I think that anchor hole will be thined a little, final decision about this will be made after relief works, when I see how it fit togethet
  16. Enough testing Nenad, be brave and go forward I finally resolved camera issue ... just bought micro SD for old HTC, and turned it to camera to be always in workshop, connected to home wifi. After shooting, with file transfer application, in a few seconds transfer photos to new htc, and can post them Much better pictures, even close-ups Circle is 4mm in diameter Shooted with new phone, just to see difference
  17. Thank you all for kind words, likes and support in my way to sadomasochism ... Hello David Somewhere in my log I posted photo of brush I use ( less than 0,5 mm on top). For this kind of work, this brush is unusable ( too thick) and I used very sharped toothpick, with only little drop of color on same top ( the smallest you can pick up), making only dots, and lines from sequence of dots. In that scale of work, acrylic paint dry very fast ( and make larger drops on top of toothpick) and you have to continuously take care about viscosity and density of paint, particular if you use little yellow add to gold acrylic as I did Believe me, if you have patience and skill to make masterpieces from card ( USS Maine, Monitor Lehigh etc) on the way you did, you have all you need for something like I try to do. You have patience, skill, and good magnifier I suppose, and that is all you need
  18. You know Mark ... in neighbor's backyard, grass is always more green ... looking another's masterpieces on MSW, I do not feel as an artist, rather as semi-successful imitator playing around There is an old Serbian saying "even a blind chicken pickup seed from ground"
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