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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Hello, dear friend Bob. We miss you and your three builds. We miss your puckish runaway pig also . Hardly wait for progress on your CS. But, life goes first
  2. Dont know, Denis, somewhere sometime I just needed brush I didnt have, used piece of wood and hammered it to soften it on edge and finished job. After that, in another sitiation, I needed very little but sharp brush for something I do, also I do not remember what, which, quess what - I had not, and idea bumped ... and if can use something for painting, you can use it also for cleaning ... tried ... it works ... I am happy
  3. Thank you Igor and Denis ... here is Serbia, where you can not find such a things, particular 2,5 mm letters, particular in white. This is why I drew them Cosmetic works continued color mess on white panel Before And after Tool - allmighty toothpick with "softened" top BTW - on those photos is shown the closest shade and look of color I get
  4. Ah Dave, whole my life my tongue is a bit faster than my mind ...
  5. Another rebus ... color of front name panel or it is just playin' of the light?
  6. Here they are. Main tool - thined tootpick Grrr ... too late I see ...little far from bow edge ... I have to live with this mistake. Now there is no way to clean letters without big mess under on sheating ... acrylic stuff ... great danger to leave white splodge which would be worst solution
  7. Blue ebony ? Nice Just kiddin' You are doing space technology craft work, in same frontier to SF. Let the force be with you
  8. Hard question, considering I started with very simplified TEHNODIDAKTA plans, continued by Campbell, with many many photo investigation and photo consulting ... During this voyage, I noticed differences of Her look through a time, and I marked them somewhere in my log ... number and positions of hull windows, number of hull rails, and many little, significant or not, different details. Just to mention - today I first time since I started, saw a bow protective net on Her in dry dock !!!! IgorSky posted it in "Amazing photographs". I did not notice presence of this net on models and kit plans or photos until today, which seems to me a bit strange ... Probably someone more dedicated could reconstruct exact look in certain period, but I am not so much dedicated So, my build is/will be a kind of mix - dimensions and proportions by Campbell, ( in measure of mess already done to compromit proportions) today look, but with all spreaded sails ... There will be more dilema, having in mind different kind of sails, and probably different rigging details As a conclusion, having in mind that destiny of my model is not to be on competitions and exibitions, but only to sit still in living room in Her glass cage, main thing is fun,and question of accuracy is, and will be under influence of my curiosity, challenge to my so called skills, patiente and, of course, time Thanks for your interest Thanks also to Mark and George for kind words of support
  9. Hey, Cap ... thx for idea and interest ... I just found ... or just remembered how I wrote letters on stern decoration ... with very very thinned top of toothpick, writing point by point Here are test numbers in scale And "in place" I think it will be ok
  10. First attempt with idea to paint numbers Grrrr ... my thinest brush seems like gigant broom when I put it close ... each number is over 2mm high ... and I just WANT this numbers Must discover some hot water Must discover
  11. Numbers on bow ... They follow different line before fire and after Look at this pictures: What will be ? On a "hmmm" road again ...
  12. Final look and color of left hull rails Nice and precise straight lines, clean and straight edges of color surfaced Happy to the sky I succeded this. Hours and hours of exercises paid off
  13. Thank you dear friends.There are many details of deck furniture with identical or similar color. So, there will be more "color games" here There is something I discovered and want to share: ... when you use mat acrylic transpsarent warnish toned with a drop of acrylic paint (yellow for rails and white for decks), and when this mixture just start to dry turning itself to "plastic", fast moves with brush with only little drop of this mixture left desired yellow/white tone on surface, but also left on surface nice thin shine satin effect. I am proud to declare that final painting and color triming of hull and outer bulwarks just started. After that, only marks for water level on bow and stern left, and I can climb to the deck for a long time, making all this things settled on and under all three decks. It seems that dead eyes will be first in line
  14. Layers #4 and #5, and finaly teac color I was looking for What do you think - to add more yellow tone, or not?
  15. I found new source of photos of CS ... Youtube How, there are only video clips? Easy Watching wideo, you noticed some detail you are interested to Pause video, and capture screen. On android, typicaly power+home, and photo is almost in cellphone memory On PC Ctrl+alt+shift+PrtScr, which sequence copies screen to ram memory, then open any picture related software you use, new document and simple paste command Here are some captured photos, which can be usefull for analyze details not on plans Little problem is - hours and hours of video materials on Youtube to watch which need to much time we usualy do not have
  16. Layer #3 A bit darkened by brown It needs a nice touch of transparent yellow, and that will be what I am looking for
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