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Everything posted by yvesvidal

  1. Alan, Could you be more specific with the following: - What company did you use for the case? Was it Acrylic Job ? - What kind of glue was used to glue the panels? (You did a great job, by the way, on that difficult task). - What was the price of the case? Perhaps you can install some small handles on each side of the case, to help you lift it and place it in position. I am very interested since we have the same ship..... 🙂 Yves
  2. Go for it Craig: it will be a master piece, done by you . Yves
  3. You are too hard on yourself. All the models you built, are really beautiful. Yves
  4. Once you tire of the HMSH Britannic, you need to resurrect your Enterprise, Kevin. Yves
  5. Nobody will want to build the quarter deck and hide this beautiful cabin from the view. Maybe Chris will design a removable deck to show the interior.... Yves
  6. It is now time to work on the rear quarterdeck. Below is the last picture of that part of the ship, never to be seen again: As usual, I am gluing each side separately: Planking can be started for the starboard side of the ship: The floor is treated with Wipe On Poly and you can see the demarcation where the wood has not yet been treated. The kit offers some bulwarks, unfortunately too short, leaving an impressive gap between the floor and the bulwark. I am thinking to remedy to that error with a strip of wood carved as a water channel: That strip of wood is 4 mm high/thick and will fill that enormous gap. The other side is glued and the planking is completed: Et voila, where we stand: Yves
  7. A few progress on the railings, around the mid-ship: Both sides are completed. Yves
  8. I just received a supplement kit with the wooden decks, metal guns, chains and masks for the deck. This was purchased on E-Bay. There are no instructions but hopefully, once you get the QDDR code on your phone, something should happen..... The overall kit was about $100.00. I just wish they printed a sheet of instructions.... Yves
  9. I am with you: TAMIYA paints are fabulous and very easy to spray. Just use 50-60% paint and 50-40% thinner and you are good to go. Vallejo? I just cannot do anything good with them. Their primer is okay on plastic but a disaster on brass parts (Photo Etched). I wish TAMIYA would have more colors.... especially for ships. Yves
  10. What a fantastic collection !!! I will be following your new Build Log. It looks very promising. Yves
  11. Aon, I did indeed receive an answer from Chris W. Yes, the ladder would have been folded or moved to another location. I wanted to keep the capstan (almost) fully deployed and retain the ladder in its regular position. I think I have achieved that and it really does not matter because nothing shows. Yves
  12. I am now working on the railings in the mid-section of the ship: The space inside the bulwarks is filled with pieces of wood for the hull planking. They fit perfectly and are glued with Titebond for additional strength and stiffness: After a nice sanding, the top rails can be installed: Et voila... Yves
  13. Then, we have this issue that we discussed a few posts ago: the conflict between the main ladder and the rear capstan !! I finally found a way around it, by simply cutting two spikes of the main capstan to free up some space for the ladder: That fits and it still retains that working (no longer now...) capstan. I recommend gluing the ladder before closing the second half of the sub-floor. All this precious and delicate work is now fully covered. It is one of the drawbacks on these large ships with their multi decks, hiding all the equipment underneath. A few pictures of what should remain unseen..... :-( Yves
  14. Moving along with the rear quarterdeck. The opening provided in the kit is not right (round opening) for the main mast: Therefore, it is necessary to perform some surgery.... and turn it into a square opening. I suppose the round opening may have been created to position exactly the sub-floors in relation to the main mast. We will give CAF the benefit of the doubt..... Yves
  15. My sentiments exactly !!! There are two square openings on each side of the main mast. They could have placed the staircase/ladders there.... Yves
  16. Thank you Chris. Yes, that would make sense and on my model, I would either have to remove the staircase or remove the spikes around the Capstan. Yves
  17. Mort, no the staircase is straight and goes forward down. Yves
  18. Folks, experts, I need your help here. The picture above shows the rear quarterdeck subfloor. The stern is to the right and the bow to the left, with the main mast going into the square cut. The rear capstan is located on the main deck. Apparently, there is a staircase going down from the quarterdeck to the main deck. That staircase is located on the second opening from the right (center of the picture pretty much) and would come in conflict with the spikes of the rear capstan. The staircase would land approximately right before the hatch located to the right of the main mast. How do I solve that impossible equation? How did it work in real? Was the rear capstan never actuated/operated/pushed from the main deck (but only from the gun deck)? Was the staircase foldable or retracted when the main deck capstan was used? That seems unlikely, when looking at the size of it. I could not find any information on the Anatomy book or other plans of Bellona. I suppose, removing the spikes would allow room for the staircase. I am looking forward to reading your comments and suggestions. Yves
  19. Amazingly beautiful. For the presentation, I would place one on the deck and present the other twos, in the front, separately. Yves
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