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Everything posted by SaltyScot

  1. I decided to measure the mast rake. I was surprised to see from the Musquidobit plans taken from Chapelle's book that the angles were different. I measured using a horizontal line drawn beneath the foot of the masts and a center line going through the middle of the masts: By my reckoning (and please correct me if I am wrong here), the fore mast has an angle of 14 degrees and the main mast 11 degrees. Is it normal for a schooner to have different angles? (Newbie question).
  2. Now there's a man after me own heart. What is your particular poison? This one is mine (also sadly just about empty )
  3. When I started and was planning to build the Endeavour, that is what I put in the search box "Endeavour". That way, anything related to that name popped up and I could select the build logs that were appropriate at leisure.
  4. I am glad to see you back at it, Greg. I am going to hop on board and follow along with this as well, sir.
  5. I totally agree with Bob here, don't get bogged down and frustrated, reach out to those here who are ALWAYS willing to help a newbie (I am quite new myself). What he said about looking into other blogs is also important. Find other builds of your model on here (use the search option top right on the homepage) and read through them. That way, you can perhaps find mistakes that were made or tips that the other builders dropped in to help out at a certain point. These are true words. I found my first build to be a very steep learning curve but it was also very enjoyable. Stick to it and, no matter how it goes, you will be proud of what you turn out which will then inspire and motivate you for your second build. Good luck!!
  6. Hang in there, Chris. The effort will be worthwhile, it is already looking good!
  7. Builds like this inspire me. I am a lot slower keeping up with the maritime vernacular, me being a newbie and all, but some of it is beginning to become familiar
  8. Should be done by, hmmmm let's say, Christmas, Glenn? 🤣 🤣
  9. That is one fine looking vessel, Bob. Enjoy the fishing you lucky duck! Can't wait for the season to restart here.
  10. I am an advocate for that, Glen. I fully intend to enhance my next build, the Endurance, with 3D printed parts!
  11. Friday March 7th A productive day in the shipyard today. I fixed the issue with bulkhead #11 first making sure it sat nice and square on the dry fitting: It will be glued into place later once the rabbet is done, that’s next up. I got a good line for the rabbet using a planking strip from another build and the dry fitted bulkheads: Once I had marked my line I chiseled and sanded in the rabbet: I did a test dry fit of the lower deck into bulkhead #2 before going any further. Some adjustment was needed. It was an easy fix: There is a piece that sits on the nose of the lower deck. The piece itself has a slot in it but there is no slot or any reason for one being there in the plans: Because I will be covering the lower deck, I filled in the slot to prep it for planking. I also dry fitted the transom (that will need shortening by 10 mm to comply with the correct length of the vessel: Now I was ready to start glueing the bulkheads in place. I started at the stern and, after placement, made sure each bulkhead was nice and square: With them all in place and dry I then dry fitted the lower deck to check the fit: She looks pretty square to me.
  12. Langsam aber sicher nicht war, Wolle? We know it is not a race to the finish line, don't we
  13. Wow, that is a LOT of prep work and execution for that one piece, Trevor. That being said, it is a key piece in the build (at least that is what I gleaned from reading through your text here) and messing it up would naturally have a negative effect on what follows. Thank you for this. Funnily enough, as soon as I saw the word "pram" yesterday, my mind went back to the big boxy "pram" my brother and I (we are twins) were carted around in as toddlers (our mum took a lot of pictures and kept them for years). Looks like I wasn't far off after all
  14. Herzlich Willkommen, Joachim. Glad to have you aboard, sir. If you have any questions AT ALL about this fine hobby, there are plenty of resources and good folk here to help you answer them.
  15. Glenn, I truly wish you both all the very best in this and a speedy recovery back to healthy normality for your good lady sir.
  16. Happy wife..... and so on. Always good to keep the CEO happy, right?
  17. I am glad that ended well for him, Joachim. Wo genau sind Sie in Deutschland? I lived near Bonn for over twenty years and still have friends over there.
  18. Good morning, Phil, Thank you for pointing that out, newbie error. It actually gives me peace of mind that I was off with the measuring because now I can continue to get those bulkheads fitted and squared off without concerning myself with how to shorten the keel. I will still spend some time today comparing photographs and plans so that I get that transom and the stern built correctly. I am still leaning towards the Musquidobit build with the counter that Trevor pointed out. I feel that this would still be historically correct if I am indeed sticking to those particular plans.
  19. What a truly nice thing to say. Thank you, Trevor. No pressure then 😄
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