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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. It seems everyone wants to tell you how to make this assembly, so I'll throw in my two cents. In the picture of the real boat the stropping is attached to the chain plate with a bolt. So I would have drilled the strop and chain plate and put in a 00-90 or 000-120 bolt and nut or maybe just a rivet. This would allow the deadeye to align with the shrouds and get away from the soldering. Bob
  2. She's lovely and well done by a master. I know what you mean about running out of room. I give mine away so I can continue to build. Bob
  3. Nice to see you back on the MSW site and soon to be back in the shop. Bob
  4. Thank you all for your kind words. Now it's time to finish and get on with other builds. Bob
  5. Just realized I haven’t shown an overall picture in some time. So here it is. Almost done but not quite. Bob
  6. Popeye, Gerty and Bgformula, thanks for stopping by, Icebreakers? Wow that would be way too cold for me. but check out the Indicator loop cable website for more on the Pequote. http://indicatorloops.com/usn_pequot.htm Ok, in launches, Edwardian indicates a style not an era. If you Google 'Edwardian Launch' and click on images there are many to see. Some steam some gas most made in early 20th century. Bob
  7. What an interesting build to follow. I'll try not to be too noisy. Bob
  8. Any pictures Patrick? All I see are nineteenth century. Bob
  9. Thanks Patrick, but I don't think I'm up to Druxey's standard yet. That's a challenge I'd like to see also, Carl. Do you know of any plans or pictures? Bob
  10. She's already starting to look good. She'll be a beauty. Bob
  11. More on the order of a shorter version of the Greenwich Hospital barge of 1832 by druxey with a prop instead of the ores. Google 'Edwardian launch', there are many of them. I was not considering steam, but . . . Bob
  12. Shephan, It's hard to determine just how the old boat builders made things. But this is how I tried to follow the information in Chapelle's book for my model of the Lettie G Howard. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/4692-lettie-g-howard-schooner-by-capnbob-148-pob-complete/?p=196977 Bob
  13. Patrick, Let's see, what next, I have about 30 boats waiting research. So witch one? I'm kind of leaning toward an Edwardian type launch, but we'll just have to see. Thanks Nils, it's amazing what can be found when you look. Frank, it will be good to see you again. Bob
  14. The plans show, what I believe to be, a ring of fire buckets around the stack. I had made the ring with the holes in it but had not made the buckets when I mounted the stack. It was ‘fun’ squeezing the buckets through everything, using tweezers, to place them in the holes. I also mounted the dory on it’s davits at the stern. Bob
  15. It seem like I'm always trying to figure out how to wiggle through all the parts I've installed in order to mount something I forgot. Bob
  16. I hope your SWMBO and my SWMBO never get together or we would both be in trouble. Hope you can get back to the boats soon. Bob
  17. I really like the small working boats and this one is lovely. I hope you plan on a lesson on how you make your great diorama water. Bob
  18. If you cut your planks using the method Mike talks about above you will not have any of those double pointed planks to contend with. Try it you'll like it. Bob
  19. What a challenge you've set for yourself. That's going to be a lot of popsicles you'll have to eat. Bob
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