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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. With that smile I can tell you like the way the hull came out. I agree. Well done. Bob
  2. Making an RC boat out of a static boat is always a challenge. You are doing fine. Your electronic package looks good. Bob
  3. Patrick, I hope you realize that what you are doing is imposable. On the other hand it's a fine job. Bob
  4. If the epoxy is worked well into and through the glass cloth the glass will disappear and it becomes like a heavy varnish but it takes some practice to get rid of the air trapped between the fibers of the glass. Thinning the epoxy with alcohol will help. Use a very light weight cloth like 1/2 ounce. You don't need a lot of strength for a model. Women's nylon hose is strong enough. Bob
  5. What a lovely work space. I'm sure you spend many happy hours there. I sure could. Bob
  6. Finish on the hull depends on usage. If it is in the water as a one time thing then any good poly or paint will do but if you plan to sail her many times then use epoxy. No mater how well it is sealed the wood will swell and shrink with getting wet and drying. On one of my boats I used epoxy inside and out without the glass and after a couple years of use I can see light between the planks. Bob
  7. There are dredge cable rollers on the rails on both sides of the boat even with the dredge winder. The rollers protected the sides of the boat as the dredge was being taken in or out. Bob
  8. A beautiful case for a beautiful ship. What could be better? Bob
  9. Thanks, Jack. I guess the Pequot at 166 feet hadn't gotten around to adding the 'W' to it's number as of May 1944. Or maybe the 'W' was a book keeping thing and not necessarily shown on the boat. Bob
  10. Go to Specialshapes.com like George said. That is where S&K gets there brass and then they repackage. Bob
  11. Ken, thanks for the camouflage color information. The Pequot was a Coast Guard boat that worked up and down the east coast of the US in the ports and bays. I don't think it was ever camouflaged. The black and white pictures show it always had a dark hull and a white deckhouse. Bob
  12. Some designers knew how to create beautiful boats and still make it easy on the builder. Bob
  13. Thanks for going into such detail on your build of the Heroine. It is interesting to see the similarities and at the same time the differences to later riverboats. Bob
  14. Thanks Ken. The white I have is more of a warm white but going towards the gray makes sense. I'll have to look into it. Bob
  15. You're doing a fine job. We all love your creativity we never know what you will do next and it sounds like you don't either. Bob
  16. It's interesting watching the different methods of building essentially the same boat. They are both fine builds. Bob
  17. Phil, none of us started out as master craftsmen but as we build we get better. So start a boat with a build log, we're all here to help. Bob
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