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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Ah, she's coming together nicely. Love the curve of the frames. Herreshoff really designed beautiful boats. Bob
  2. Patrick, I always Look forward to what will be next. It's great fun. John, I do not know about military ships but my friends who do tell me during WWII the hull should be black and the deckhouse should be off white. Bob
  3. Finally the holidays are over and I can get back to modeling. In painting the hull I messed up the rivet band so that had to be redone. Plans are to paint the bulwarks and deck, install the rail and start on the cabins. Here are the pictures for now. Bob
  4. Well done mobbsie. Like Frank, I've used these solutions for weathering. Bob
  5. I'm sure when building the fancy steamers that carried passengers up and down the Mississippi they used matching deck planks along with all the rest of the gingerbread. On the other hand they did not put a lot of money into building the work boats because they had a short life span. Bob
  6. That's an interesting variation from Herreshoff's design. count me in. Bob
  7. What do you do for white letters on a black hull? Bob
  8. My wire drawplate has very slight countersinks on the small end of the holes. For drawing wood that edge needs to be sharp to scrape the wood. A friend made a drawplate for wood by annealing a hacksaw blade, drilling the holes and then re-hardening the blade. Bob
  9. In the mean time fasten a piece of 1/8" Masonite or sheet metal to the disk sander to reduce clearance. Bob
  10. This is all I could find. He is always shrouded in fog and is hard to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKsOpYkwqbQ Bob
  11. Sounds like an interesting engineering problem. What scale will you be building in? I remember seeing a 1:8 scale skiff where the figure sailing the boat turned his head and waved to the people on shore. Your build will be fun to watch. Bob
  12. With all the molds glued to the build board it must have been fun cutting down through it all to install the MDF. Good job. Bob
  13. I would propel it with a small motor and prop and rudder concealed low in the boat, and have him dip the paddle occasionally to appear that he is rowing. I don't think a single oar would move the model, let alone steer it. Bob
  14. Future (Pledge) floor finish is basically clear acrylic. Once dry it would be stable. Bob
  15. Congratulations, well done on a fine project. Bob
  16. Nice setup of the frames and transom. the planking should run easy. Bob
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