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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. I always thought the profile drawing of the keel looked bad, but in the round it looks fine. Or maybe it's just your great skill. Bob
  2. Interesting method for setting the sheer plank. I'll have to try it. Bob
  3. Good start, you can already see she'll be lovely. Bob
  4. Mark, I don't say much, but I want you to know, you're doing a fine job Bob
  5. Really looking good, your attention to detail is amazing. Bob
  6. I like the frame wood. I think I'll stick around to see what else you have to teach us. Bob
  7. It's a lovely start. This should be fun to watch. I'm with Patrick, I don't build RC anymore. I have to get my thrills from watching. Bob
  8. Igor, all winches seem to big to me and then they get stuffed way up in the bow where there is no room to get around then. Careful, Dimitris. If they build the lifeboats you might get them back in a bottle and can't get them out. Bob
  9. New methods is how we learn, and if it is better then the last, that's when others pick it up and say, "Isn't this great?" Bob
  10. That's why we use primer, to show us that what we thought was good, wasn't. Bob
  11. Well done, your attention to detail has always been great. Bob
  12. Here I am just waking up and you're half finished. Nice deck. Bob
  13. I see what you are doing, I understand what you are doing and all I can say is "WOW". Bob
  14. We're all interested in this build. You have quite an engineering task going and you're doing a fine job of it. We are anxious to see the final design working in the water. Bob
  15. I was going to relax but this build will be too exciting for the rocking chair and foot stool. Bob
  16. That's beautiful. Those are the kind of plans we all wish we had. Now all you need is a lot of matchstick lumber. Bob
  17. She's a lovely little boat and you've done a fine job on the lap-strake. Bob
  18. Fantastic finish, It would make Joshua Slocum proud. The RS1 is a nice boat and a good choice. Bob
  19. Jond, I did not know that about the schooners, But when coming about, as you turn farther into the wind the sails quit pushing and you start coasting. The drag of the water on the hull and the drag of the wind on the sails slow you down. If you do not have enough speed prior to coming about you will lose too much momentum for the bow to pass the point of the wind and push you on over to the other tack. Bob
  20. We always coated the hull and deck with epoxy resin even if we did mot use the glass fibers. You can't beat it for water proofing. Bob
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