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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. WOW. If I had just waited one minute before posting I would hav seen the bow even better. Well done. Bob
  2. Wow, it’s a three dimensional jigsaw puzzle of a boat. Oh, what fun. Bob
  3. Every part of this boat is so well done it would be nice to have that “I shrunk the kids” machine to become small enough to sail her yourself. As for sail winch I saw a 5 foot boat, with big sails, where the owner used a reversing screwdriver/drill with a torque control for the winch. I'm sure you'll work something out. Bob
  4. Russ, Michael, David B, S.os, John, Elia, Thank you all for the kind words. And thanks to those who click on “like”. I know how it is to not know what to say. Michael, Thanks for showing us how to make the flare on the pipe. I rounded the point of a nail and used that as the chasing tool. Not as nice as your tools, but it worked. S.os, Yes, I like working boats. Even when I sailed I always bought older boats. I don’t know if that’s because I feel they should look lived in or if I’m just not careful enough to make them look new. Bob
  5. So now it’s time for the hawse holes and hawse pipes. One of the old pictures is looking straight down the hawse holes and it is taken from the top of the sampson post. I placed a yolk at the sampson post location and used it to guide the drill. I enlarged the holes to accept a brass tube 9” scale diameter. After flaring the outside, the tube was cut to length and an oval washer soldered to the inside. The last two photos show the bow sprit temporarily in place. I have to admit there was a problem the old picture was of the Lettie after the fore deck was raised. But my model has the fore deck lowered. So I drilled the hole in the wrong place and had to raise it to put it into the correct location. All good now. Next the chain plates. Bob
  6. Nils, Congratulations on a fine build. It has been enjoyable watching you build the Gorch Fock 2. Thank you also for all the information and help you have shared with us during the build. Bob
  7. Michael, I agree the curved grain piece is the way to go. It will blend in better than the laminate. Bob
  8. Ah that hawsehole lining looks just right. Last night as I lay in bed I came up with the same method, but thanks for showing how first, now I know it will work. What metal is the pipe it looks too silver to be brass? I will be using 1/4” brass. Bob
  9. Tom, I remember how you did that on the Vinal Haven and it turned out looking very good. Michael, sounds like John did it first but he didn’t tell us which boat he did it on, and anyway I was hoping to follow your lead. Bob
  10. If you are having that kind of trouble you should contact Dassault Systems, the same people that make SolidWorks. They are the ones the put out Draft Sight. Or talk to your IT person at work you use it there with out problems. I make all my model drawings in Draft Sight and have never had any problems. Bob
  11. It took you a lot of thought and work but you built a boat to be proud of. Well done. Bob
  12. Popeye, I wish that would work. The hawsehole goes through the bulwarks almost parallel to the keel, so the outside shape will have to be an oval. You can also see the wood that will have to be added above the hawsehole. Bob
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