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Everything posted by 42rocker

  1. Looks very nice. I'm working on a cross section also. Someday I'll start a build thread. Later Tim
  2. It's ok. Used to be several ship modeling clubs in the Tampa Bay area. As I have been trying to stay home and get a lot of stuff done, I have not kept track. To many 1 to 1 scale things to get done also. Need to go cut some 1/2" thick Cherry for frames for a cross section I'm working on. After a few other projects that is. LOL That was a NICE Share by the way! Good of You! Later Tim
  3. Should have also added I would like to be 2nd in line if things don't work out. 34667. Later Tim
  4. Seems there are several of us Florida folks on this site. Nice to also see the sharing. Later Tim
  5. A bump for a nice looking building jig. Kit? or did you build it from plans or ? Later Tim
  6. Just THINK how far computer graphics has changed over the last 5 or 10 or 20 years or so. When I started with computers this was just a dream. Look what you folks have done. Of course, I started with punch cards and tape. VERY GOOD! If you go back and view your 1st image, LOOK how much better your image looks. WAY TO GO! Later Tim
  7. Outstanding Thread. Your workshop and modeling and photo skills are outstanding. Thanks for sharing. Later Tim
  8. Buy a file card and use it to keep the teeth clean also. My middle school shop teachers pushed this one a lot. When ever we finished using a file use the file card on it. What's a file card? Think of a hair brush with short metal fingers and lots of them. Also remember push down on the fore stroke and take the pressure off on the return stroke. Wood or metal. Even pressure and use the full file not just part of it. Later Tim
  9. Ray With the song -> "I did it my way" in your head you and Woody have brought a very interesting build to a great finish!! Several folks here and there said this and that but you pushed on doing it your way. NICE FINISH!! Looks great and way to go. Later Tim
  10. Al Good Luck on the Flagship. Shame that you can't put it in your cnc machine as you would make some great parts for it. Later Tim
  11. 1st thought and it might be wrong but I think that it is an end view of the part of the right showing size and shape. Note how high it is and the part to the right. Later Tim
  12. May the "Song" be with you whatever way you go. All of the above pics look great. Later Tim
  13. Very Nice. Well Done. Later Tim
  14. Did you have a spider working for you on that rigging or what. Wow you work so fast. And it looks good also. Way to Go!! Later Tim
  15. Tom I also have the book and Plans. Good Luck to you and will try to follow along. Later Tim
  16. With speed and a song in your head you do such fast great work. Well Done. Later Tim
  17. Just planted some more green pepper plants myself over the weekend. Good Luck and Enjoy Life. Later Tim
  18. Alabama has more different types of poisonous snakes than any other state. That's if I remember right. Still I'll always remember it as a nice state to live in. Enjoy your cnc time. I've been working on the big mill lately. Metal projects not wood. Later Tim
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