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Everything posted by Altduck

  1. Lauck Street Shipyard? I see Bluenose and Bluenose II listed and apparently include a CD
  2. Reminds me of whenever a newbie tried to secure a small boat mooring line to a cleat on the dock, and buried the cleat in rope - the comment was "if you can't tie knots, tie lots"
  3. Can you imagine if you had been da Vinci's next door neighbor? Life would never have been dull!
  4. Jeff, I'm glad that a few days off gave you a new perspective and a plan for a better project. I hope the rest of your build goes well.
  5. Thanks, Slideways, After reading some of the reviews on Amazon -- I think I'll look for something else.
  6. I've been looking at it too, in Micro-Mark. They call it a "Dremel Workstation" on sale US$43.99, catalog #83453 I assume that means that their current offer is a genuine Dremel. Hmmm. I guess that doesn't mean there aren't plastic parts on it, tho.
  7. Just from one Neanderthal to another - I like a real hard copy book. I just don't like reading a book on a Kindle or whatever. I like to be able to easily riffle back to a previous page or section, or illustration, without going back one page at a time, or "go to" a random page and hope I'm close. Several decades back, when my employer decided to get us all e-mail, desk tops, etc. the provider, who was training us, wanted us to keep it in perspective, and made the memorable statement: "The paperless office is about as useful as a paperless bathroom." Never forgot that piece of wisdom.
  8. Carl, Julie Make it three - I've ordered a "spare" more than once , too
  9. How about a "Topic" on Shop safety, and under that, threads on: - Toxic Materials Handling and Precautions - Corrosive Materials Handling and Precautions - Flammable Materials and Fire Safety - Eye Protection - Hearing Protection - Breathing Protection - etc etc etc
  10. Bill I should have been more specific. I opened it with OpenOffice 4.1.2, running on Windows 7 Pro
  11. I just downloaded it, and it opened as "read only" but I "saved as" and re-opened the saved version and it runs ok
  12. This has bee an interesting thread to follow. Question for those who have studied this far more than I: Is it valid to use experience with modern weapons using modern, smokeless propellants and muzzle velocities of Mach 3 or more to cannon used in the age of sail? Black powder gives more of a "whoomf" than a "bang" and as best I can find, muzzle velocities were less than or maybe equal to the speed of sound so the sharp "crack" is missing. And the total energy was far less. Back in the day, they maybe lobbed a projectile small enough for you to carry, over ranges of hundreds or maybe a thousand yards. The big 16" guns on 20th century battleships sent projectiles weighing on the order of 2,000 pounds over distances of 20 miles or so. Just curious what others may think about this aspect.
  13. Messis, I don't know how to do this, but I'd suggest you experiment with some scrap fabric material and different stiffening materials, mixes and application techniques before treating the sails on your model. And please let us know what you find that works and doesn't work. Good luck,
  14. Here's iron-on transfer paper 11"x17 " if it's the same stuff http://www.photopaperdirect.us/inkjet-light-transfer-paper-11-x-17/
  15. Welcome, Dan. My avatar is a photo of me and the Admiral, taken in November, 2011. Since you are in Cairo, you may appreciate the story. We signed up for a tour of Egypt and Jordan scheduled for the first week of February, 2011. but the uprising on January 25 caused a change in plans; the tour operator offered a refund, or reschedule to the fall. We still wanted to see the sights, and their elections were to be in September, so we rescheduled for November. We got there just in time for the delayed elections, and it was an absolutely fascinating trip. We saw all the sights, (with very small tourist crowds), and also the run-up to the elections. We were in Luxor on election day. There was a bit of additional security, but we never felt personally threatened or unsafe. All the demonstrations and government reactions were "internal business" and tourists were made to feel welcome even by some demonstrators at the Alexandria Library that came over to our group to talk to us and tell us the Library was open and feel free to go in... I'm glad we went when we did - it's been sounding a bit less enjoyable since then. All the best,
  16. How do you measure and monitor "Particles per square foot"?
  17. I like the boats better, but maybe best if she picks the one that "speaks" to her and is something she would be pleased to display as a finished model. And I think the "Barn" is a church. Richard
  18. Pierre said "Not sure what I'm gonna do now that I'm getting into static models....." Get a cat or a grandchild. Richard
  19. One possible solution: As you have drawn it, the first plank would be fully into the false keel about 4mm short of the stern post. Stop it and it's bevel there. Don't go all the way to the stern post. Second plank and it's bevel go to the stern post, but the bevel only starts ~4mm from the stern post, and only takes 1mm out of the false keel on each side. The final result is a "stepped" bevel or whatever you might call it. Richard
  20. I really like the old chart in your case. It'll be a very nice background. Richard
  21. I did something very similar to Jack when I first started repairing clocks as a hobby back in the '70's. Mine was a bit bigger, maybe 30" wide by 24" deep, and in addition to the side and back edges about 1" high, I glued and tacked a piece of 1/2" half round on the top surface along the front edge to keep small tools and stuff from rolling off. Also had a small jewelers vise mounted on it. Used it for years (or decades) and finally tossed it in our last move. Kept the vise though and it is still in use, mounted on my current bench. Richard
  22. Congratulations on completing a very fine model. And thank you for giving us a well illustrated build log. Looking forward to following your next build. Richard
  23. Nice job on the boom buffer. Thanks for including the patent sketch, too - I'd never seen or heard of one before and that helped me see how it works. Richard
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