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Everything posted by Altduck

  1. Wow! Interesting reading. I think it can be summed up as follows: - Don't use lead or lead alloys on your models. - They will live longer, and so will you.
  2. Nobody has spoken to this question, so although I don't have a Byrnes table saw, I'll give it a go. Most table saw fences share the feature that they at least try to square themselves to the table when tightening the front clamping part of the fence against the front slide rail (looks like it's a round bar on the Byrnes?). Of course, some saws do this better than others, but from the reviews of the Byrnes on this forum I'd guess it does a pretty fair job of it. But you need to do this first, while the outfeed end can move freely. If you tighten the outfeed end first, you will restrain it and introduce a bit of a bind when you then tighten the front. Just my US$0.02 worth,
  3. Ah, Yes - I see that now. Thanks, Kurt
  4. Harley, I guess you could put narrower strips of sandpaper on if you never or rarely sanded thicker work. Also, I see that Wefalck in his (typically beautifully made) tool stopped the sandpaper at the top of the work table so as not to sand the edge of it, whereas the sandpaper on the Sand-It as shown in the photo has the sandpaper all the way to the bottom of the sliding block, as seen at the end of the miter gage slot. Over time, it seems that edge would become uneven, especially if the sanding block is not given full strokes all the way across.
  5. A Fleet? Oh, My! I started looking at this thread from the "bottom up", and when I got to this one - I thought Mike had a gastrointestinal problem. I'm "relieved" to see it's about model airplanes
  6. If that's the seat of ease, where does "it" go from there? Looks like kind of far inboard for a straight shot to the sea.
  7. The Admiral and I plan to drive there from Northern CA, arriving Wednesday and leaving Sunday. We'll be on the Dam & Sternwheeler trip, but we'll stick with the limited mobility contingent at the dam. We plan to check out the visitor center, any tour options that have no stairs or long walks, coffee shop, etc while the more energetic do their thing. Looking forward to meeting some of the familiar names here face to face, and to an interesting and educational conference.
  8. Is this the site you are looking for? (or will it do for now?) https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234929054-revell-172-type-viic41-u-boat-u995/
  9. A truly masterful model, and thanks for the excellent build log to bring us all along on the journey. Well Done!
  10. I've been interested in following your efforts to control weight, balance, etc. Might you put steel or brass slugs in a couple of the barrels and then be able to move them around on the deck for final trim? Just a thought, if it doesn't add too much weight
  11. When I saw your first posting, I was very interested as I still have the old SL I got back in about 1964 and here is this neat new machine that’ll use the same chucks, etc... That’s why I went looking for more info right away. Dave’s comments are enough to convince me. I think I’ll pass on this
  12. Not that I want to pre-judge this machine, but I googled it and Amazon UK lists it under "Toys and Games"
  13. Tried to PM you & got return that you can’t receive msgs, please PM to me all-up cost shipped to Auburn CA 95603 thanks
  14. I'm sorry, but I can't resist - It's a Goldfish
  15. I'm especially happy for your kids - they just struck it rich! 😊
  16. TJ Depending on what style centerfinder you have, might you put IT in the vice, or clamp it to the edge of your bench, and then present the work pieces to it?
  17. Danny, I guess I'm like everyone else - every time I look at your log, and see the intricate curves and surfaces, I have to remind myself - it started as flat card! Truly masterful work.
  18. That's a BIG improvement over the kit supplied casting. Well worth the work.
  19. JD I’m glad you got the correct plans for your Swift. And what you’ve done so far looks great! I hope you’ll start a build log so we can follow your progress to completion.
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