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Everything posted by Altduck

  1. JD There have been several editions of the AL Swift. If you still have the box, there’s a date on it, and you might find a date on whatever of the instructions and drawings you have. Let us know what you find, and what docs you have. Perhaps someone among the numerous who have done it have your edition. Welcome, and Good Luck
  2. Another tidbit of history that I either never knew, or long ago forgot. 50-50 odds on which of those.....
  3. Otto Frei lists a wide selection of tweezers, too - high end to low end, you gets what you pays for. http://www.ottofrei.com/jewelry-tools-equipment/bench-tools/tweezers
  4. Cathead said: "....whether or not it violates the rules of the build. " Umm, there are rules for this game???
  5. Thunder, That's not unique to the UK.
  6. Did you have to clean off laser char, or is what we see what you got? I was tempted to get a couple of them until I thought about cleaning the char off of hundreds of itty bitty parts...
  7. Jaager, If it works both ways, you could have a lot of fun opening their garage door with your shop vac.....
  8. I Googled that kit and found this. You might get in touch with these folks: http://forum.model-space.co.uk/default.aspx?g=posts&t=25565 In Post 6, the poster seems to think it'll be available in the UK sometime this summer They may be able to help you, or maybe just commiserate with you - either way, it's something to try.
  9. Well, "the best you can do" as you so modestly put it is superb! What a beautiful model. Congratulations on a job well done.
  10. Kurt, I had the same concern as Chuck. I'm slow and limited duration on my feet, don't do stairs well, etc. And I also have been thru Hoover dam as a youngster, and again when my daughters were kids. Could mobility and access issues be covered on the NRG Conference page? And if I make it there, Chuck, I'll probably keep you company at the bus stop.....
  11. Moab Like these? https://www.fastenal.com/products/details/11130241?r=~|categoryl1:"600206 Hardware"|~ ~|categoryl2:"610321 Caps and Plugs"|~ ~|categoryl3:"610325 General Purpose Caps 9and Plugs"|~
  12. Looks great, Vinnie, and you're making good progress.
  13. Have you checked any of the model railroad sites? Seems like some of them must have come up with scale thatch for their layouts.
  14. Ages of Sail say on their blog that they have it. Didn't look for any more. https://blog.agesofsail.com/2018/04/24/hms-terror-new-kit-from-occre-of-spain/comment-page-1/
  15. "The treenaills can only be really seen under direct light shining on an angle. The polyurethane will probably further obscure them - but at least they're there. " Looks good to me. Especially on a part of the ship where they are painted over, I like them that way.
  16. Did you find out before or after he consumed the beer? Oh well, another neighbor, another six-pack.
  17. Yes, I think I need one too - if I could figure out what it does and how. But I know I need one......
  18. Looks like a fine plan, and you've made a good start on it. I'll be interested in seeing it progress.
  19. Topsail schooner??
  20. There are demagnetizers available. Here's one simple one: https://timesavers.com/i-8950996-magnetizer-demagnitizer.html
  21. One method is to use "cutting broaches": https://timesavers.com/search.html?q=cutting+broach These are 5 sided hardened steel tapered tools that clock and watchmakers use to enlarge holes in brass plates. A set of 6 of these in smaller sizes should do it for you.
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