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Everything posted by Sven

  1. I am so sorry Nenad. Our hearts go out to you.
  2. Hi Nenad All you detailing is looking terrific! The sharp and fragile piece I think is called the whisker and is hinged on the real CS as you can just see at the top of the photo to keep it out of the way when necessary Hope this helps!
  3. That looks just wonderful Michael. Those big end shells are unbelievable! Will The valve stems be lubricated or will splashing get to them? Matt
  4. I bet that crank would work even with the little grooves but I know the "out of sight out of mind" line would never wash with your brand of perfectionism! Fantastic and inspirational work Michael and it amused me to think of that sort of language from a gent like you! Incidentally I was just thinking about the dim distant past when I had model aero engines. They always needed lots of mass in the prop to keep the revs at a sensible speed. I'm no engineer but suspect you will need as much crank weight as you can get. Would it be worth thinking about full circle crank webs as you are re making it anyway? Matt
  5. I'm speechless. This is amazing! It looks like half of the engine of my 1929 Austin Seven!
  6. Maybe it is a spigot for the flagstaff as it is midships of the stern? Matt
  7. Hi Nenad I visited the Cutty sark this morning and took some photos of the coppering which has dulled down in the last couple of months
  8. Hi Nenad I visited the Cutty sark last weekend and as a reasonably regular visitor I noticed that in the last month or two the Muntz metal used on the hull has lost most of its shine! I did not have a camera with me but it clearly is losing a lot of its "bling" (which is a good thing)! I shall post some pictures in the near future Matt
  9. That's brilliant Michael. To see her on the shore looks so authentic. The primer and paint patches only adds to that! Almost a shame to paint her!
  10. Nenad. I live very close to the Cutty Sark and visit most weeks as I have membership and free entry. Let me know if you need any pictures of details!
  11. Wow. Some tough decision there Mark. Lots of respect for your commitment to getting it right!
  12. This is just outstanding. At such small scale the detail looks full size!
  13. Well done Daniel. She looks great! Nice job Matt
  14. Thank you SO much for the kind words. I have really enjoyed building this model and the great encouragement from all on this forum I have noticed an error in that I put a mizzen course sail on which I believe would never have been in place at the same time as the driver! Unfortunately it is very well glued in place so I think I shall live with the error as an idiosyncrasy of this model! Matt
  15. Thanks Bob, Daniel and Mark! Daniel that was a great tip on the watch parts. I got a 20 gram bag for £5 off eBay with literally thousands of tiny engineered pieces. Lots of fun sorting them into types! Deck furnishing now done Matt
  16. Final touches. A few flags Thanks for following this thread! Matt
  17. Thanks again for the comments fellas! Been a bit slow on the finishing of the hull. As expected I needed several goes at the waterline and had to respray a few times! Now back on track with some brass detailing added to the hull. The portholes are .7 mm holes with cut sections of brass tube inlaid. I am also experimenting with the ship's wheel. Matt
  18. Literally great work Michael. It looks like it could float with a small child on board! Matt
  19. A great start Nenad and a good idea to put in the deadeye chains before the bulwarks on the Cutty Sark! I love this ship and hope someday to make one. What scale is your model? Matt
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