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About egkb

  • Birthday 08/22/1966

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    Arklow, Ireland

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  1. Crackin' Good Ballahoo There Gregg ! don't forget to pop a link here to your next build so we can follow along there too (it's so easy to miss brilliant build logs otherwise) All The Best Eamonn
  2. Hi All .. Bit of good news to relate ..Many of you may remember Kester from on here (MSW).. aka Stockholm Tar .. building a very smart Sherbourne .. but he seemed to vanish before finishing her .. I was browsing Facebook a short time ago and up pops the name Kester on a Historic Shipping Site, He has written a book which seems to be based around our shipping period... If I find out anything further I'll pop it on here. Bye For Now Eamonn BTW I haven't vanished myself either.. I pop into your builds and keep up to date at least once a week.. The new venture is going better than we could ever have hoped, but it leaves little time for hobbies as yet .. E
  3. Hi Gregg .. Moving along nicely here .. Take your time (maybe not as long as I did though LOL) and enjoy Ballahoo.. All The Very Best From Sunny (For a change) Arklow Eamonn
  4. Will be looking forward to seeing this George .. She will look wonderful with the copper! Eamonn
  5. Thanks Guys .. I was a long journey (made longer by a few interruptions ) I have taken a break at the mo as I'm setting up my own business, I have been involved in Photographic Printing and Framing for the past 16 years and thought I'd better get stuck in and do it for myself ! Unfortunately that means I'm not able to start my next project just yet (Sherbourne) but the MNN plans are all laid out.. fingers crossed I'll be able to kick her off soon though.. Doesn't mean I'm not keeping an eye on all your fine builds out there .. All The Very Best Folks Eamonn
  6. Crackin' Good Job Derek ! Can't wait to follow along with your next project.. Eamonn BTW Your photography rocks too! I know how difficult these wee builds of ours are to photograph well .. E
  7. Hi SZiggy8 .. I believe I painted the Black over the white .. I can't remember exactly but suspect I would have painted the White well above (ie 1 cm or so) above where the waterline is, then drew the waterline (after taking measurements from the plans and leveling Ballahoo so I could run my pencil around using a makeshift 'waterline marker') then laid my tape and rubbed the edge with something blunt to ensure no bleed then painted the black .. The White I used isn't a 'Brilliant White' but is in fact a creamy/off white in colour (only slightly mind you) Oh and don't forget the rudder when you are painting, in case you have left it to install later I mean. Have you a build log by the way .. I should love to follow it ! Eamonn PS any questions please ask away.. I shall try to remember what I did lol (looong build time here )
  8. Cheers Derek ! I've been looking at Ballahoo for so long now that She feels like one of the family 😃 E
  9. Great solution to the chains Ras, I have seen local fishing boats with the exact same gratings over the chains (the chains ran in metal 'channels' to keep them off the wooden deck too, if that helps) Eamonn
  10. What a brilliant idea Jason .. I shall have to investigate this method when the time comes to deck 'Shery' ! (BTW Ballier isn't quiet finished just yet, just a teeny bit to do but I have been turfed out of my build room as it has become a temporary bedroom whilst a family member awaits their delayed move to Holland 🙄 😃) Looking forward to your next installment. Cheers Mate Eamonn
  11. Nice Fix Steven ... Reading what you said about having to repeat the fix reminded me of a time many years ago when I built plastic sailing ship kits.. I had one completed when my small doggie managed to knock part of the jib boom off.. I super glued it back in place but had to hand hold the piece.. 30 seconds later I went 'Ta Da', and whipped my hand away.. Yup! whole model was stuck to my fingers and ended up on the floor .. Back out with the Super glue! .. Am not a little embarrassed to admit I did another 'Ta Da' but this time my finger was glued to a stray piece of rigging and the build was back on the floor .. needless to say I wasn't smiling 🤣 (I can now though) .. All The Best Eamonn
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