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Everything posted by pontiachedmark

  1. Gidday Steve and welcome aboard. I'm also in Victoria although a fair way from Melbourne, which is how I like it. You certainly have found the right site for the sharing of knowledge and expertise. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  2. Gidday OC. Looking good Pity about the Topgallant. As long as we learn something from our mistakes it is not a complete waste of time. I wish you and your family all the best. Mark.
  3. Gidday Pat. She is looking very tidy and I like the simplicity of the jig. Is there a description of the various woods in the parts list. Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  4. Gidday Pat and a warm welcome from a neighbor across the ditch. I also have a somewhat cluttered workspace and somehow things / projects generally work out. You have chosen a fine ship. I am sure she will present immense satisfaction and probably some frustration. There is a wealth of knowledge here and most members freely share there expertise. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours, no pun intended. Mark.
  5. Gidday Sodburybungy and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. I also spend a great deal of time thinking and staring(unfortunately this is not confined to modelling). As you have been looking around for a couple of weeks I am sure you will have found the wealth of knowledge and support here. When and if you become stuck or are unsure please reach out. I have always believed that we should ask questions to gain knowledge or clarify issues. In this long winded rant all I am saying is welcome aboard. All the best with your build. Mark.
  6. Gidday Ekis and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You have found a fantastic site that is full of knowledge and support. I encourage you to ask questions as and when you encounter a problem. Your choice of model is very interesting. I wish you all the best in your build. Mark.
  7. Gidday Ronko and a warm welcome from the Land Dowunder. I agree re the quality of kits. Long gone are the days of timber with a printed pattern to cut out with a fretsaw. You have certainly found the right site for modelling expertise and support. Wishing you all the best with your build. Mark.
  8. Gidday Alberto. I will add my comments, for what they are worth, the isopropyl alcohol is a good idea if you used P.V.A. and wish to take things apart. Personally I would start over as the warped keel needs to be straightened or remade. I understand your budget constraints as I operate on a shoestring myself. I can only reinforce Stevens comments above. I learnt the hard way in my exuberance re dry assembly before finally gluing up. Most problems can be overcome and by the tone of your post you have a very positive attitude which is admirable. As I stated these are only a few of my personal thoughts. Others will undoubtedly offer other remedies or approaches. I wish you all the best in your build. P.S. I found the intro fascinating. Mark.
  9. Gidday Danny and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. Re your query on previous or current builds, search under Cutty Sark in the build logs section. You will find a wealth of knowledge and expertise here. Ask lots of questions if and when things become confusing. Wishing you all the best with your build. Mark.
  10. Gidday Mark. It seems you are on track with this build. I have found that once the planning stage is thought out the process flows smoothly. (In my case it's just the execution of the plan that poses a problem). Wishing you all the best. Mark.
  11. Gidday OC. I've been away from the site for a little while. I missed the whole "Scratched Lens" incident. I am glad you found a resolution. Kudos to the members on this site. Very interesting scraper you have there. Wishing you and your family all the best. Mark.
  12. Gidday Binho and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You will find an enormous amount of modelling knowledge and expertise here. We all undergo a learning curve in some way in this fantastic pastime if we didn't life would be very mundane. I am looking forward to your build log of a very interesting subject. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  13. Gidday Mark. I will be following your progress and if possible offer support along the way. On the contrary I found your intro interesting and informative. I can certainly empathise re understanding languages. I will be awaiting your problem solving in what promises to be a challenging build, at least in the beginning. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  14. Gidday Jo. Opening any kit can be daunting. Once you get your head around all these pieces do go together to make the picture on the box you'll be O.K. Please ask as many questions as you need to. There are no stupid questions, sometimes they are just irrelevant. (Please forgive my weak attempt at humour). A good idea to read and reread the destructions and familiarize yourself with plans. Wishing you all the best with your build. Mark.
  15. Gidday Richmond. Looks good. Mark.
  16. Gidday Kirk and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. There are a few card modelers on this site. If you do a search in the build logs you may find your kits listed. What a wonderful idea to have your son as an apprentice. You will find a wealth of knowledge here in all mediums and scales. Wishing you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  17. Gidday Todd and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. My ideal workspace would have plenty of light. Plenty of power outlets and plenty, and I mean, plenty of flat stable workspace. Pegboard or similar on one wall to pin / peg plans. Plenty of shelves, I personally don't like drawers as I seem to fill them up and can't find anything in them. Smooth level floor, easier to glide around on my office chair. And ideally a beer fridge. CD's and more music. These are just some personal initial thoughts. I think this thread is going to cause a lot of healthy. I hope it's healthy, debate. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  18. Gidday Jo. Postal deliveries on a Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!! Here in my State of the Land Downunder we haven't had Saturday deliveries in decades. Wishing all the best with your build and remember to ask questions as needed. Mark.
  19. Gidday OC. Don't sell yourself short. Plenty of ugly ships have been made from "well constructed kits". As I have stated, keep up the work to this standard and you will have something to be proud of. All the best to you and your family. Mark.
  20. Gidday Jo. I gather from your posts that you are quite excited and awaiting delivery of your Il Leudo. I would just like to give you some advice which I have learnt the hard way. Check the contents against the parts list, I check twice as I don't trust myself. Familiarise yourself with the plans, instructions and kit contents, this way you will get an idea of assembly and where things "belong". Dry fit the parts before gluing anything. It is easier to modify parts as needed unglued. I am not the most skilled builder and am offering some basic steps I employ based on my experiences. Wishing you all the best with your build. Mark.
  21. Gidday Timothy and a warm welcome from the Land Downunder. If you are so inclined can you introduce yourself. I am very curious by nature. All the best. Mark.
  22. Gidday O.C. She sure is looking good. You are making a fine job and progressing well. Keep maintaining this standard and she will something to be proud of. I can empathise with your 'sticky fingers' I sometimes end up with my fingers stuck to my head. (Another poor attempt at humour). Wishing you and your family all the best. Mark.
  23. Gidday Peter and another warm welcome from the Land Downunder. You certainly have found a fantastic site. There is wealth of knowledge here and most members freely share there expertise. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask for a solution. I wish you all the best with your build. Mark.
  24. Gidday Dave and another warm welcome from the land Downunder. You certainly have found the right site for learning and the sharing of knowledge. There is a wealth of experience here and most members will freely share their expertise. When you have decided on a class or period of ship you may find it a useful exercise to look through the build logs. This has helped me immensely in the past. I also enjoy seeing the outstanding quality of the work and the problem solving involved. I wish you all the best in your endeavours. Mark.
  25. Gidday Paul and welcome to the site. In answer to your question re building the Benjamin Latham, you are the only person who can objectively answer that question. I will say there is a wealth of knowledge here and you would be hard pressed to find a more positive and encouraging group of people anywhere. Re the non use of power tools, I often marvel at the Admiralty Ship Models that are centuries old. No power tools or electric power for that matter. I recently read a comment, forgive me for forgetting who posted it, about modellers of yore building magnificent models on a card table with a minimum of tools. So in my long winded opinion I believe fantastic results can be achieved with hand tools. I would say that you should attempt to build the Benjamin Latham. Remember to utilise the knowledge and support of the members here. I sincerely hope I haven't confused the issue. Wishing you all the best with your endeavours. Mark.
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