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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. hi Ken..........no, just my stargazers and assorted lilies. I was down in the field with Gibbs a couple of years ago, and we passed by a pile of gardening refuse that someone had dumped.........out of the center of it was this lone Lilly.....about a foot tall and had one flower on it. the flower was really neat and it looked relatively healthy, so I dug it up and brought it home. I put it in a bed by the back door........the ground could've used some fertilizer, but it been there all this time, and now it's about three feet tall, very bushy, and looks like it's going to have several flowers this year! enough Botany I'm going to try and paint the wood load....I've already given it a wood tan base coat. one more day in Wally-hell, and then I'll be on the week end...for me anyways
  2. the tail rotor looks great nice to see a picture of the model done so far .
  3. you tube can be a scary place on it's own.......you ought to see what else the search brought up. I looked for the big girls too Lou.......they got more 'kick'
  4. pick ups were especially hard to pimp out.......most just go for looks, rather than speed. the main drawback is that there is no weight over the rear differential.......the tires would lose traction easily, smoke 'em or wheel hop like crazy. traction bars did little to counter it either. sounds to me like the fella you bought it from didn't do his homework I love the Fokker.......the Germans had some of the most eye catching camo jobs on them. there is also quite an array of aftermarket decal kits for them too the largest one I have is the Revell 1:28 D VII.........if I would get off my duff and get busy, I'd get the Guillow's Fokker Dr 1 out and sand the wings. it has a wingspan of 20 inches.......I think it's 1:17 scale or something like that!
  5. thanks Sam.......that was funny. I was looking through videos about women being tied to train tracks, when I stumbled onto it. made me laugh like crazy yep.......not too much longer to go............but there is still more to go. a couple more logs at least
  6. look'in forward to the pictures....yea, back then, the muscle car was top priority my brother was stationed in Ft Hood, Texas..........came home in an "American Flag Barracuda". that was a hot car too.........his wife made short work of that though {quite a story}. yes sir.......don't be a stranger.....always a pleasure
  7. I figured that Ken........but there are no locator holes or pins anywhere. I'm going to drill a hole on each side, where the front tank lobes are and locate the hoses with brass pins.......then I can connect them to the pipes at the rear of the loco {at least they have pins}. I would imagine they were opened a crack so water could trickle in. it's the next thing to do.......I have installed the chains on the tender. still more to go Kevin.........don't go away glad to have you look'in in!
  8. hey there good buddy! where ya been? good of you to look in you can post the pictures if you'd like, but yea......I'm doing the Sox & Martin, and I'm past the half way point as it is. if I were doing a street machine, they would be of more use. jeeze......follow along already!......
  9. spent more time on the hull today........also spent time trying to find the paint scheme for the seagulls AdmiraltySeagull200FBustelo this is a place to order resin planes @Admiralty Models. I also went looking for better decals. Hannants - Plastic model kits and accessories they didn't have the decals in 1:428 scale, so I ordered the 1:350 instead. I also read an article where the Arizona lost one of their planes......didn't say why or how........but it was lost at sea. had I known about Admiralty before hand, I would have ordered the decals from them........that'll teach me I have pictures of the paint scheme, but I can't post them.
  10. it was fun watching you OC..........I hope when you get better, you finish the Pearl, and perhaps carry on with a new project.
  11. you should paint them. I've never worked with aluminum.......I have an abundance of thin wood dowel, so I make them in wood.
  12. that little inconvenience bothers quite a few......sorry to hear it's hit you especially hard take good care of your hands.......this won't last long and perhaps you can get back to her sooner. here's to hoping that happens for you no like button here.......I'll be happy when you get back to the table.
  13. I have the body on the table at the moment. I've gone over it with 1000 grit sandpaper......should be good enough to put some paint on it. the body is slightly warped.......like that since I started. when I added the firewall and the radiator panel, I didn't cement it along the fender wells. so I've done that now, weighing it down with something heavy. I'm hoping that boxing the engine compartment will help take out some of the warp.
  14. big thanks for the continued interest........keeps me going on this disaster I created. although, the more I repaint, the better it seems to look. thanks for the pictures Rob........in the beginning, I has a desire to do the original masts. I'm not afraid of scratch building.......but there is a lot to do, and a crazy amount of research to get 'em right. I have most of the pictures in the several sites that I've got bookmarked. I also have this site, which is a compilation of finished models. I get ideas from what others have done. ModelWarships.com I failed to notice that Lou........I'll keep it in mind. I'll have to check where I have the plane chock on the turret catapult. it fell off earlier in the assembly, perhaps it won't be hard to correct if I do have it wrong. might as well tell Tom's that they have it wrong in their PE set too {yes, I assembled it wrong, but I followed the instructions}. I'll correct it if I can as a matter of fact, I was looking around for the paint scheme for the Curtis Seagulls. I was surprised by how many folks modeled this ship with the Voughts. no one has ever modeled this ship with the Nieuport 28C-1's........they were the first plane to leave her deck in 1920. I suppose if one was to model her back that far, it would be an important feature. it would also be quite a feat to find then at this small a scale Revell did a terrible job with the planes........there are no wing pontoons. thanks John......I've a lot more mods to do I hope so OC......... oh..........'fore I forget...just a textual update. the upper hull is redone.........scared to remove the masking. I've also started to paint the visible deck structure, with the hope that I can start adding to it. it will be nice to move forward with this build.
  15. so here's a rather expansive update on the PE and mods. as mentioned, I started with the boat cranes.....figuring out as best I can, on how to assemble them. with nothing to go on concerning the hooks and rigging, I cut off the hook from the cast off plastic and glued them in place. note that one of them has a railing around it....they both will soon enough. the aircraft crane had been partially assembled.......prepped and ready to go with the mod for it next. I also dug out what I did on the catapult......this one will be located on the stern deck. I kinda goofed here.......the top part of this catapult was supposed to go to the turret catapult.....I got them backwards. oh well! the pontoons for the planes are molded to the plastic catapults, and need to be cut off. I didn't do well with the first one......I had to trim off the odd part I missed and repair the float. I scored the second one and averted a repeat occurrence. the planes were assembled and cleaned up for paint.......I'll need to look up the paint scheme. PE props are included, but I didn't use them......the original looked fine. the turret catapult was next........lots of add on stuff for it. the stern catapult was easier.........not as many parts as the other one. I noticed that it did't have the aircraft chock........it had fallen off. the boat cranes saw a few more add ons........pulley bits and ladders the two catapults........... I got creative with the aircraft crane........I used a couple of bits from the Hood PE. shoot........got an errand to run! I'll be back...........
  16. it would be a lot better Steve, if I paid better attention when I cut the railings off. I think I corrected a lot of it though........it will look better with the PE railings on. I'm almost done the painting........the upper part of the hull, then I can work on the deck. today, I finished what I was doing with the PE. thanks Rob.........I'm hoping it comes out that good
  17. well.......what you did get to looks super! I tried doing a gun like that since I have the Hood PE.......first one junk..........two more to go hope you see yourself finding more time soon.
  18. you've made some great progress.......looks really good I'm new to PE.....I don't know how you folks do it..... I'm using Tom's.......nice stuff, but like you, the instructions could use some better directions. I'm sure I'm not correct about a few things......but they are what they are nice take on the toilet holder.......we have the same one in our bathroom. it's in silver.
  19. look'in sweet Danny..........good thing I'm seeing an expertly built model like this.......I'd never be able to build one in my lifetime
  20. spent some time on the General......the coupling problem is solved......the pin will now go in! the holes for the chain eye bolts were drilled in the tender. I also managed to find suitable hose to replace the plastic hoses supplied in the kit. I still don't know where to locate them.......there is no clear indication where to put them. I will put them as close to the loco's water pipes as I can. the chains are now installed on the tender........now to locate hooks onto the loco near the coupler it not much of an update.....more soon
  21. hello J........no.........stupid chores! I got two more to do, but I got to spent some time on the Arizona build. I have the paint now.........once I shoot it {with no funny business}..........I should be back on the path to greatness {sic}. I even got the proper blue for the roof.......metal flake. perhaps if I get the chores done, I can put some time on it. keep look'in in
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