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Everything posted by druxey

  1. You may find it easier to lay each strake in two planks so that they fit at stem and stern. Shape the plank ends first, then trim the butt joint to land over the center of a frame.
  2. Enjoy your new space, Tim! As for ceramics, the mess would be difficult to reconcile with model-making in the same space.
  3. Surely you all know the maxim; "Measure twice, cut once, blame the tape measure."
  4. All supporting rigging is strongest in 'tripod' configuration, so I supposed fore stays and shrouds would probably do it. However, I suspect running backstays added would make for 'belt and braces' - literally! - in severe weather conditions.
  5. Or that the found object - in fact, a pulley or sheave - has been 'decorated' with line. The condition of the line (and in particular, the worming) does not look as old as the sheave!
  6. Ah - a true ship modeler! Can't let it go until it's right. And, of course, it looks so much better now.
  7. Buxbaum = boxwood. South American 'boxwood' or Castello is a pale orange-yellow to yellow-brown with extremely fine grain. Some pieces can be brittle, but most can be bent with care using steam or dry heat. This specie is excellent for carving. Beech (IMHO) is a lovely specie - for cabinetwork. The grain in most pieces is too prominent for model work.
  8. Always finding neat reading matter! Thank you, Bruce, for sharing this.
  9. Actually, for the Swans, the frames at the top of the side are 4½" molded once faired - even thinner! However, with temporary fillers between the toptimbers the structure should be quite rigid.
  10. Do you have decimal reading calipers? That would be the most direct way.
  11. Excellent! Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Bruce.
  12. For an ambitious 'first' project, this looks pretty good, Nicholas. Bien fait, monsieur!
  13. Not an expert, Allan? By the time you have finished rigging this model, you will be!
  14. Remember to leave a hole covered with gauze or cheesecloth for ventilation under the model's base with a small air gap between it and the case baseboard. Does your booklet address that point?
  15. There are also many dockyard plans and details in the Danish archives: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/billedviser?epid=17149179#207914,39521395 Start here. There are many, many plans of all kinds, mainly 18th and early 19th century to enjoy.
  16. Perhaps the fiddler sat on top and threatened to fire on any slacker at the capstan bars!
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