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Everything posted by CaptainSteve

  1. Please excuse my crappy freehand drawing (never been one of my strengths), but this is, allegedly, what the winch piece would look like ...
  2. Jay, If it hasn't already been claimed, then I'd really be interested in the Sophomore Course CD. Pretty sure I still have your e-mail on home computer, so will whiz one off to you this evening.
  3. Nice work on the sails, Jesse. I really like the look of the billowing sail ... I may have to try a little spray-starch on mine.
  4. You cover some very pertinent points regarding case construction, Bill. I'll be sure to refer your post to my brother in three years to five years time when my own Connie is nearing completion. I just hope your table will be strong enough to hold everything !!!
  5. What if the whole winch itself was actually metal ?? This would account for the strength issue which led to you making the bands (back on Pg2, I think), as well as the ratcheted ends. If this were true, I suspect the winch is nothing more than an iron bar (with ratcheted ends). The body would be turned wood then fitted to the internal bar. You be askin' the wrong person regarding matters of actually sailing experience ... I get seasick when taking a bath !!
  6. One detail which just dropped into place was, as I recall, that the tips of the winch itself were grooved to take the ratchet end (pawl ??). In other words, instead of having a cog wheel attached to the tips of the winch, the final 8" (or so) at each end was machined to BE the cog. Hard to explain without pics .... (Maybe you could e-mail your squirrels to me ... I'll let 'em run around my head for a bit and then e-mail them back to you !!)
  7. I've said it before ... I'll say it again ... those oar lashings make the whole thing POP !!! At one point, I had planned on adding steam-punk gears to the whale-boats for my Connie (the boats are all that I have completed, so far). I ended up scrapping the idea coz I couldn't find 4 cogs exactly the same which worked. I'm certain I had a pic that showed the set-up .... but, now that someone actually wants it, do you think I can find it again ?? (For those struggling to answer, the correct response is a resounding "No!!") From what I recall, the cog wheel was fitted to the ends of the winch at the back of the winch-holder (ie: just in front of the frames). The ratchets were fixed to the thwart-riser either side of the cog wheel. Without being able to locate (or Google) the pics, the best visual representation would be your last pic, but rotated 90 degrees ... Good to see the squirrels are doing well ...
  8. A-fore he be heading back to work for the week, Our Hero didst spendeth a little time this weekend a-wroughting. “Here be me grapnel which I didst make using the Kit-Basher’s example by GSM,” CaptainSteve didst sayeth. “This is the second one I were to maketh, for the first were not to successfully pass through Quality Control.” The Liver of Sulphur only gave the brass a very light tinge o’ colouration … “Those wi' a keen eye,” Our Hero was heard to intone, “may notice one o’ the grapnel tines doth be remiss. This actually be-eth in accordance wi’ Bligh’s log entry which be dated 3rd May, 1789,” he were to explain. "This didst occureth shortly after the party fled the island of Tofoa under native attack." And here be the grapnel after a little touch-up dry-brushing using matt black and dark brown … “Next to me blackened anchor,” CaptainSteve didst pointeth out, “be the kit supplied version.” Our Hero still be yet to add a rope unto the anchor … “I wish to serve-eth me anchor cable,” he were to add. But, forsooth, although he didst searcheth both High and Low, he was to discovereth that he hath run out of thin black thread !! “Never fear !!! An order didst I placeth with the fine folks at the Syren Ship Company,” CaptainSteve didst concludeth. “It shall be here any day now, o' that I be sure !!”
  9. Matt, I'd hate to be responsible for doing the squirrels out of a job, but no doubt you are aware that winches would require cogs and ratchets to operate ...
  10. Your compass is just stunning, Matt ... and I'm not in the least bit surprised your design has taken things up a notch !! Buck !! Can you lend Matt your digital compass so he can re-calibrate ??? It appears his true North is off by about 2.5 degrees !!
  11. Nice job on the knees, Tuffarts !! As for additional stuff to be added, I imagine the list is near endless: tables/benches/buckets/ropes/tools/chests/hessian bags/cannon-firing equipment of all kinds ... For just one example which springs to mind, check out the Victory build by Dafi (search "Dafi" in the Kit-Build forum). I'm sure there are others. Sorry I can't provide a link for you ... I'm currently on a work computer (with the dreaded, bug-heavy version of IE installed).
  12. This past week, Our Hero be working his way thru the list he didst draw-up of the detail items to be a-going into his Launch. “There be precious little to be a-telling ye about,” CaptainSteve did begineth. “This past seven-day, I be mocking up some buckets and piggins.” Indeedeth, the info provided by Buck as a reference was most goodly and of great help. However, CaptainSteve’s buckets be bearin’ only a passing similarity to Googled images. “I … err … that is, I was a-tryin’ to make ‘em appear battered and beaten,” he stammered. “Yea !! Verily, that be it. I was a-tryin' to be making 'em look weathered !!” Arrr. Indeedeth, CaptainSteve. The bases haveth been sliced from a spare piece of 10mm dowel. The edges o’ each Our Hero didst file to maketh the angle for the sides. “I didst cutteth a great number of slats, and thence taper and spileth each …” he continued. The slats were laideth out upon masking tape … … and thence folded into a circle, using the end of a pen to help formeth the shape. (A white colouration in the bottom o' me buckets doth giveth away me secret: a generous drop of PVA after the circular base hath been fitted doth hold all in place.) “Thinly sliced strips o’ masking tape (painted black), and rope handles I didst addeth to me buckets,” Our Hero didst explaineth. And, finally, The List as it currently stands …
  13. Not sure if it helps, Paul, but sometimes I am able to buy additional rigging thread from local haberdashery stores. You will need to ask for mercanized thread. (But, Yes, I understand your pain !!)
  14. I do not claim to be anyone's idea of a modelling expert, JS, but I had always considered that any part of the rigging which needed to be movable would be left untarred ... and, therefore, have always used light brown coloured thread (or rope). Here's just one example (from Dan Vadas' HMS Vulture build) ...
  15. Nigel, Thanks for dropping by and I'm pleased you enjoyed yourself. I do like to make my build-logs entertaining where possible. The LoS was purchased on-line and came from over East in New South Wales. At the time, I thought it a good idea to stock up, so I've bought 6 bottles. This will probably last me a life-time ... and, most likely, enough shall remain for me to bequeath some in my will. So far, it has only been used on the thwart clamps and some small metalworking on the tool-chest. The colour was more of a smoky-black, rather than the nice, matt colour you (and others) get for the cannons. Never fear, I have three bottles of Caseys Brass Black currently in transit.
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