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Everything posted by JesseLee

  1. Progress on Fore & Main masts. I don't like how thick & fat the belay pins are in the kit. Tried thinning them down some. I like them better but wonder am I really going to want to do this with every one of them for the rest of the build?
  2. Tying & seizing blocks. Very difficult for me to do. Maybe this will be easier after the surgeries. For some reason the camera makes the paint look way more rough & crude than it looks by eye.
  3. Getting the masts ready. Had to re-do the crosstrees because the kit ones did not fit right at all. Decided on the white paint based on the model by the ships 1st Captain.
  4. I am learning a lot about rigging from your log. Thanks for sharing all the pics. I am coming up to these steps on my build. Will be studying yours closely during my surgery recovery learning how I will do mine.
  5. Your ability to make it look like the real thing is very impressive. Nice work!
  6. The detail is great! I'm a little jealous of your talent!
  7. Some of these names for things make me giggle. I wonder why these names were used- some sound strange or funny. Getting anxious, only 7 more days until my first of 2 carpal tunnel surgeries. Wont be able to work on my model or much of anything else for a few months. Because of how Lyme disease has damaged my body I have to walk with a cane & a walker. The Dr. says it will take a month (maybe 2) before I can put pressure on my hand to use these. Once I can, the other wrist will be done & the same recovery time again. This means 2-4 months of having the use of only one hand at a time. Not looking forward to that. Will try to get what I can done on the ship these last 7 days but it wont be much as I have to get other things ready like cleaning my aquariums before I cant work with them as well.
  8. Most of the deck housing has been pre-built ahead of time so it would be ready at this time. Working on the anchors. Changed line on windlass to a heavier one. Don't think the one with the kit was heavy enough for an anchor. After studying other builds & researching online I decided to do some extra stuff not in my directions with the anchor assembly. Puddened the anchor rings, seized the blocks to the rings & tied a clinch knot in the heavier line for the anchor cable.
  9. Started adding the rest of the deck housings, figurehead, etc. Now it's beginning to look like something!
  10. The instructions show to cut off the bowsprit at the same angle as the deck & glue it down on the deck surface. As usual that's not good enough for me. I'd never get it right & I also know it would not be secure enough. So I drilled & filed a hole for the bowsprit & glued it in. Had to do some minor patching on the deck planking around the hole but the windlass will hide it when it is in place.
  11. Thank you all for your kind words & encouragement. Went for pre-op today. My 1st surgery (carpal tunnel) will be on the 20th & the 2nd one will be as soon as I recover enough from the 1st. I will try to get as much done as I can by then but once the cutting starts it will put my ship building on hold for a while until I am able to use both hands again. I guess I will be keeping up with other logs & planning my next steps for when I can start back again.
  12. I glued the deadeye strop to the channel. Glued the plate to the hull after scratching off paint for better a hold. Drilled holes for nailing. Finished touching up with paint.
  13. Putting on the lower deadeyes & chain plates. Tied a line to the mast at the crosstree to use as a guide for where the shroud lines will be when they are added later.
  14. After much delay I got the chain plate assembly finished. Had to cut all the brass plates shorter. Didn't have blackening solutions. Tried all the DIY methods I found on the internet but none of them worked. Painted them black then over that I painted them with black antique polish (paint), which made it look more realistic than just the paint. My camera doesn't zoom in close enough to show the close detail. Now need to start adding them to the ship.
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