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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Nice work on the yards Peter, I'm sure you'll have alot of fun with the ratlines, everyone does!! frank
  2. Your work is always outstanding Andy, she really looks good. Glad to see someone else has an uncluttered workspace!! Frank
  3. Hi Derek, man, you sure have made some progress, everything is look'n good. have fun with the guns!! Frank
  4. I'll bet you had a lot of fun with the bowsprit !! Man, that really looks good Augie. Super job all the way around. You'er fortunate to have had Chuck write the rigging instructions, most of these kit instructions are a joke. Don't mess up your back shoveling snow !! Frank
  5. I know you'er about to say good -nite, but good luck on the interview, I just know you'll do fine. How could anyone not like you ? thanks for your kind remarks on my post today. Frank
  6. B.E. .......... this build is just outstanding !!! Thanks for posting . It's such a pleasure to look at your work . Frank
  7. Looks like another winner for POPEYE the sailor man !! Nice popeye...... real nice.
  8. We' er not out of control Augie, just a little sea sick !!!
  9. Thanks BE....... for your nice comments ........ it's getting there, I think the sails are giving it just the look I'm after.. Mike: ...... I haven't given thought to the jib sails yet, I have the lines in place, so it's just a matter if I want to install them. If you plan on doing them you'er going to have to install a traveler and the in and out haul lines. Danny informed me about the traveler sometime ago, so I installed it. The instructions and the rigging plans don't show this at all. A good reference book I used was Petersson's book,some of the rigging I've done so far was not on the plans, but from his book. If you use Huberts method , use the one he does the sprit sail .on the B------ I can't spell the name of the ship, but thats the easiest one . When you'er ready let me know . Thanks Sjors: I'm glad you like the look....... this way I don't have to worry about your big guns blasting my sails to bits....Now all I have to worry about is the masts getting blasted !!! Whats up with Skype??? Patrick :...... Yeah it's getting there, slowly but surely....... this part is alot more enjoyable than the rats were !! Augie..... are there really faded red sails??? ..... or are you just pulling my anchor chain !!...... I,m keeping all those suggestions available for the future..... thanks Hi Jim :...... thanks for taking time out from your new home choirs to look in ........ Finally begging to see the end of the tunnel, so to speak....... this part is alot more enjoyable.... I'll bet you can't wait to get your move settled , so you can get your dedicated work space going !!!!
  10. Popeye......... I just love this ship, it has great lines, and you'er doing a great job on her....... I like the way your cap rails came out ....this is going to be one beauty when you finish her !! Frank
  11. Hey Augie, they'er only going to move, if I make them move !!! other than that ,they stay put. Did you like the color? I read some where, here I think, that sails took on more of a grayish color. I have some weathering powders and one particular color looked doable, so I diluted it down and brushed the sail with it after it was attached to the yard.I was pretty pleased with the result, then I brushed the sail with diluted white glue, that helped set the creases.Anyhow, glad you like the sails. Thanks. Yeah Popeye, it should capture the look I'm striving for ......... beat up !!!!!!! Thanks Andy..... you being impressed, impresses me, because your build is just outstanding!!!!....... Good question on the display aspect. Man I don't know what I'm going to do.... I neglected to put mounting reseptacles on the bottom, so I'm kind've screwed there. I'll be open to suggestions....... There's alot of imagenative talent here... lucky me !!!
  12. Thanks Wane.... I wish I had a little seamstress like you do to help me out..... I'll bet she's your pride and joy !! Thank You too Mark.... since I didn't pin the yards, they can be manipulated with their coresponding ropes.I'm going to try and tie them off without gluing. Frank
  13. Just finished up installing foremast and bowsprit yards. They still need to be trimmed, but these pictures will at least give you an idea as to how the sails look installed. These sails are probably not the exact way that they should be made, but seeing as how I'm not a very good seamstres, Hubert's method of doing these worked out just fine for me ( Thank you Hubert!!). The pictures I'm posting show the yards from different angles. to show the attached sails from a different prespective.They said to pin the yards to the mast, but I didn't do that, I wanted the yards to be able to raise or lower.,..same for the bow sprit yard, I just made a sling for that one . Once they'er trimmed they'll tighten up real good...... I hope ! ! Frank
  14. Whew !!..... glad you got that straighten out....... good thing you've been eating your spinach! Frank
  15. OK, thanks Derek for the info.......... Augie, I should think about turning this computer off too !!
  16. Hey Derek, thanks, glad you liked the sail, it's not the best, but it's a fair resemblence of a furled sail . let me ask you something, since you'er a Supply alumni, how did you attach the yard to the bow sprit on your build ?? Frank
  17. I'd really like to have it so it's movable like the other yards, but if I can't do that, then its the pin... Well, it's a little TV time before I hit the sack, so I'll talk at you later Augie.... Frank
  18. Thanks Vince, like I just told Popeye , I'll probably end up doing just that.... Frank
  19. Thanks Popeye, the instructions say to do that with all the yards. I haven;t done that with the foremast yards because I want them to be able to be raised or lowered, but I might have to end up doing that with this one. Thanks again. Frank
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