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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. You'er off to a good start Larry, .......... looks like the sun is shinning thru the darkside for you !! Frank
  2. Wow !! beautiful job there on the sails...... Do you do drapes too??
  3. Hey Augie.... I think I might have a part for you in my next picture
  4. yeah Jim, i would've liked to see that one myself.... i hope you'er keeping your windows closed down there in Fla. ...... you don't want one of those slippery pythons falling in love with your present masterpiece Frank
  5. Sherry....your talents have no end..... great job on your figure ! ( I mean the Capt. ) Frank
  6. Superb work on the yards Augie, they look GREAT! !....... I didn't realize how hard you were working ...... sorry about sneaking in and adding those extra blocks, but you'll thank me later frank
  7. She's looking beautiful Sjors...... but....... we really need MORE PICTURES!!!...... and yes, follow Grants advice on the rigging
  8. Hi Mike... CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!.to you and your wife..... you'll be a busy man for awhile Thanks for your concern. Frank
  9. Petehay...... I tried it again today and it worked fine, must've been something messed up yesterday... Popeye....... I'm definetly no Coppola...how about Tarrentino Anja....... I just noticed .... you'er a staff moderator.. is this something that just happened ,or have I had my head ( you know where) Congratulations anyway.
  10. I don't know Jim .... I 'm using IE and it' lousy pict. and sound..... come to think of it, Google has something to do with you tube, so maybe you will get better reception with Chrome....
  11. Hi Sherry.... she's coming along nicely.... you'er a very talented lady.... I like the use of moulding for your slip.... frank
  12. Wow!!! Tony...... this would be just the thing for you know WHO!!...... you'er right he's all set up with a video camera..... this should be very interesting to see if he goes for it...
  13. Hi Augie...... the sound is a little messed for me here.... I did that awhile back when I was experimenting with posting videos on MSW 1.. It's pretty corny,but it served it's purpose
  14. Yeah it made me a little dizzy too Jim, ...... I don't know what makes it pixalate so much....... I did this to show Mario how to post a you tube on your post here at MSW. I just ck'd You Tube and the video runs real smooth there.... maybe uploading it causes it to do that??? Ron it takes a long time to upload .... so to do a tutorial on something would be strenuous at best..... at the old Msw they had a video download available where you did your posting but they seemed to have changed that. You Tube has changed their method also..... I had to go online to get the info on how to upload again.It's a good tool for a short presentation, although there are some people who do long videos.I'll have to ck into that.
  15. Yeah, Danny gave me a heads up on this awhile back and I'm sure glad he did. There were a lot of them I didn't have attached, so it was a good thing I ckd all the plans . just take your time ..... you've got a good build going!!! Frank
  16. Hi Popeye.... don't think I've seen this one before.... great looking build you've got going.... next time you color some rope try using a small top of something like a medicine bottle or anything that will hold your coloring media. grab one end with your tweezers and use a stick to hold the rope down in the liquid then pull it thru .,don't put all the rope in the liquid leave it out side of the liquid then pull it thru as you hold it down with the stick ..... let it end up on a pc. of paper towel pat it dry then you can roll 'er up!! you might want to try some water based flat paint for your coloring. Make a wash or thin accordingly Thats all I use , works good for me. weathering powders work well too, thats what I used on my sails. Good Sailing !!.... frank
  17. nice work Rebecca...... that is pretty small after looking at the coin comparison..... looks like you'er going to turn this into a great looking riverboat Frank
  18. Hi Ron..... looks like you'er ready to do some rigging!!...... Make sure you ck all the plan sheets for block installation on the masts and deck, Now is the time to attach them when nothing is in your way. It's looking good , now the fun starts!!! Frank
  19. Hi Sjors... just caught up with your gun lid installation pictures...... they look great!!.... I'm sure glad we're still friends .... those guns look fearsome, even if they only fire cotton balls!!........ Why don't you ck with Wayne , maybe he'll lend you his "ratline crew" to help you with your ratlines Nice work Sjors!! Frank
  20. Look'n good mate! ....... there's no grass growing under your feet Frank
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