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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Thanks Mark and Augie, any ideas on attaching the bowsprit yard????????? Patrick..... Who should I look out for?????
  2. Thanks Aldo, I used Hubert's method to make the sails. It's a pretty simple process. and what i like is that there is no sewing involved. The only thing I added to the cloth was a hem on the top of the sail to accept the lacing. I'm doing everything pretty much by eye, as I have no info or pictures to go by as to the size of the sails.I'm working on the sprit sail now,a ssoon as I have it set I'll post some pictures. Frank
  3. HELP ! HELP ! , hurry back Jim, you never know whats going to happen. We need you ! ......... good luck with your new home. Frank
  4. Thank you for your comments Joshukr, I'll be looking out for your build once you get it posted back up. That's a nice kit you'er doing. Frank
  5. Congrats to you too Augie, on your promotion to Lieutenant, well deserved, just like our friend Sjors !!!
  6. Sjors, your build is coming along nicely.......Now I must get back to building again BYE!! Frank
  7. Looks to be a very interestig build , i haven't seen this ship before. Will try to keep up with your progress. Frank
  8. Looks like Sjors has joined the crew of the "Flying Dutchman", Sorry Augie, but I can't mentor him now, He has really gone over to the dark side! Frank
  9. Oh Yeah!, almost forgot, now our( young ) friend Sjors , can have you as his mentor !!! He needs someone like you to guide him !!!
  10. Well Augie, I guess I have to take back that remark I made about you sitting too much! Looks like you got up off your--- and did a fantastic job !!! Your Syren looks awesome Augie ,nice work ( for a senior!!! ) Frank
  11. Very nice log B.E. You have alot of information here that will benefit all. Thanks Frank
  12. Hi Oli: ....... Welcome to MSW. You made an excellent choice in the Badger for your first build , it's a nicely detailed model. There are a few Badger builders here, so I'm sure you'll get all the help you might need. If you decide to weather your build , I'd be more than happy to help ypu in any way I can. Have Fun.!! Frank
  13. Popeye, you should really do a weathered trawler, you definetly have the talent to do that. Those trawlers are work horses,they always look beat up. Go for IT!!!!!!
  14. HI Peter, yes I remember this from the old MSW. Thanks for reposting . frank
  15. Your ships boat came out real nice Ron, really like the finish !! Frank
  16. Hi Danny........ let me just say it's so nice to see you getting your log back together again. This and your Supply logs were just Classic works. I'm sure there are many here that have taken advatage of your expertise in putting these logs together. I for one have used your Supply log constantly, and it has helped me better my work. I don't know what your plans are for that log,but I'm happy that I had the chance to take advantage of it when it was available. Thank you so much for your help Danny! Frank
  17. Yeah, I"m like Patrick.I didn't see this on the old site either........ Let me ask you, do you ever sleep ,eat, or whatever a person does??? You never cease to amaze me! Where do you find the time, you must live in two diffewrent worlds....... and what makes it more incredable, is that your builds are all terrific !! You'er starting to out do yourself ! Frank P.S. I didn't realize you jumped to the dark side until today.
  18. HI DiKri: ........ excellent job, well done, It's a beautiful model, and you certainly have done her justice. Frank
  19. Hi David..... your Niagara is looking good...... nice to see you up and posting again.... Have fun with your fellow jurors!!! Frank
  20. Hi Bob....... Nice to see your build back up...... the hull planking looks really nice. I'll have to remember to keep tabs on your progress!! Frank
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