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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. sometimes those close up shots make things look worse than they really are, don't worry about it . are there any other chainplates available that you could use on your Victory? I'm surprised Jotika wouldn't have had some decent chainplates included with the kit. Maybe some of the other Victory guys can give you some advice. i'm sure you'll find a solution. Your build is looking good , so just hang in there with the chainplates. frank
  2. Too bad about the chainplates Derek............. I know it's frustrating to tear them out and do it allover again, but you'll be happier in the long run....... the Victory is lookin good regardless... .. I see what you mean about the paint on the close up. what kind of paint did you use ? Frank
  3. Take care Andy....see ya when you get back....... your build is lookn good!! Frank
  4. Hi Sjors..... haven't looked at this build in some time...... This is going to be one beauty when you finish her Frank
  5. Andy has a pretty good idea there Popeye................ I'm sure you'er thinking very seriously about it....... the windows look great , nice job!! Frank
  6. Nice job on the planking Mobbsie......... at the rate you'er going , she'll be ready for launching before the sun sets !! ( Ididn't say which sunset though ) I suspect that this is gong to be one fantastic build !!! Cheers, Frank
  7. Nice goi'n Popeye....... love the sails ,super job. You'er slowly but surely going full time to the dark side!
  8. NIce job on the trap door Popeye,...... I'm surprised you haven't made some lobsters to go in your traps !! ( not yet anyway !)
  9. Hi Ron...thanks for your comments..... If it's where I think your talking about, just under the bowsprit, I've used a total of 8, 5mm deadeyes., 2 set of 2 on each side.they tie to the bowsprit and tie off to eyebolts on the bow of the ship. I hope that helps . Frank
  10. Hi John....... your build is coming along nicely....... I see you've managed to conquer the stairs!!!.... that was my biggest hang up when I built her, everything will be smooth sailing for you now.... Thanks for the nice comments on my Supply build... have fun ! Frank
  11. really enjoyed looking at your work......... it is just outstanding !! Frank
  12. nice! work Wim....... I've always been a fan of your work ..... and I see this is going to be another "Wimmer" for you !! ( just a little pun ) Thanks for the comment on my build. Frank
  13. Doris I have to echo Sherry, WOW!!!............ you are truly an artist first class...... your work is just fantastic, thank you for sharing your talent with us. Frank
  14. Whatever name you use Sherry, I know you'er going to do a first class build. There is nothing like a woman's perseverance if your first build is any indication of what lays ahead, this is going to be one awesome build !! Frank
  15. Nice to see that you'v posted this build again ........ I remember this from the old site, and was very impressed with your imaginative skills, It'll be nice to see your progress. Frank
  16. Hi Dave..... thanks for looking in....... have you started a build log ?? Sherry .... I know what you mean , but thanks for your nice comments..... have you started your San Felipe yet? Frank
  17. HI Wim: ...... You certainly do some interesting builds, this should be right up there with your Chinese Pirate Junk, I'll be keeping tabs on your progress, I enjoy your work. Frank
  18. All good ideas guys, Thanks....... stored away for future reference.
  19. Hi Larry, looks like you've got everything under control, framing looks good , ready for planking. One step that helped me in planking was to bevel the planks , it gave them a real nice snug fit against one another, and another bonus by doing that is you will hardly use any filler.!! and, if you really take your time with it you may not have to do a second planking, of course you may want to do a second planking ,thats your choice , either way have fun with it, your build looks great !! Frank
  20. Hi Josh, just now ck'n out your build. Looks to be a very interesting kit from MS, I really like the construction of it, it has real nice lines. also the deck framing seems to be pretty extensive You seem to be handling this extremly well for a first time build, your work looks very good . Just have fun with your build, and good look to you on your degree!! Frank
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