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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. awesome work Sailcat, just awesome, great work on the decals too!! Who would've thought that wreck you started with would turn into a masterpiece !! Frank
  2. Hi Jim and Mario....... thanks for the encouraging words , I'm fairly pleased with the way the sails came out, considering everything was done by eye. at least they add a little character to the ship !! Frank
  3. Wow! Sjors, just catching up , she's just beautiful ! I see you've conqured the crows nest, nice job. I'm glad you've decided not to bombard my Supply, after seeing all those guns, you've put the fear of Sjors in me !!! frank
  4. Hi Patrick...... glad you stopped by....... the addition of the sails seems to have given her a more weathered look .... I bought the fabric at "JoAnn's " fabric and craft store. It's a cotton fabric real light in weight. I thought I still had the receipt but I don't . If you have A Jo Ann's out your way, PM me your address and I'll send you a piece of the fabric, then you can go to the store and they'll help you find it . OK? I'll send you the fabric if you want even if you don't have a JOAnns .That way you can go to some other fabric store if you want. Augie...... Thanks for the boost!! ...... I have the same regards for your Syren..... by the way, you'd better keep your Syren on alert !!!!!!! Sjors...... thank you , thank you , thank you. I was worried there for awhile that I might have to steel plate my Supply to save her from your cottonball bombardment !! Sherry....... always nice hearing from you...... that sail really looks a whole lot bettter being full and attached to the mast. I'm glad I found the Surprise picture to help me..... I see your San Felipe is coming along nicely, keep up the good work. Hi Carl........ Thank You for your nice comments.... glad you like the look!!! Frank
  5. Congrats Garward on being the first member to make Capt. A rank well deserved. Your work is outstanding !! Frank
  6. I might just do that Andy....... you can never underestimate "you know who" frank
  7. a little update...... When I first attached the sail to the gaff it looked a little skimpy, so I went on line and found a picture of the Surprise with its gaff sail furled. They had it attached to the mast also. I made the correction and it looks alot better....thanks for look'n in.. Frank
  8. Ok Anja, thanks....... maybe Mon or Tues we can talk...... like I told Tony,hope to have one more update soon.. Frank
  9. thanks Moobsie.... everything is a go for Weds the 3rd....... hope to have one more update before then.
  10. Things are lookn good Mobbsie....... I like your trade mark with the guns !! Frank
  11. Look'n good Peter... Nice thing about this site ...... there are a lot of eyes to help us out !! I was wondering what that hole was for in the stem I agree with BE, looks much better! Frank
  12. Nice Augie, the standing rigging looks just great !! It's going to be a beauty!! frank
  13. Hey Patrick...... the addition of the gaffs really balances the whole look... nice work on those. Frank
  14. Hey Andy ..... How you doi'n, Ive been following " Andy's Maritime Adventures "with keen interest, man it sure looks coooooold where you are, that ship of yours looks huge, what do you guys haul? Squid? ..... Yeah. He's capable of doing that!! frank
  15. Nice work on the upper deck hoses's windows and doors, I agree also, the windows look alot better with the frames. Frank
  16. Sjors....... thank you for your interest in my Supply, I just hope you'er not thinking that the sails will make good target practice when all of your guns are in place on your TWO men o' war !! Derek....... yeah. I like the furled idea too, that way the sails don't hide all the rigging, thanks for look'n in. Peter...... I'm glad you like the overall look, I hope I didn't go overboard !!
  17. All kidding aside Sjors. your ship is looking great, the ornaments give her a different look, like she's ready for BATTLE !! Frank
  18. Thanks Mike for dropping by..... How's the Badger coming along? I'll bet the new addition(s) are keeping you busy!! Thank you too Patrick for look'n in....Just got thru looking at your Niagara, looks like your pretty well coming to an end ... nice job on the boom gaffs.. Frank
  19. Nice work Sherry, I see your moving right along ( as expected ). glad to hear your daughter and brother are doing better. Like your saw!! Frank
  20. Thanks ...... Popeye,Augie, Andy,Sherry,B.E., for looking in, your input is always appreciated. Hey Augie. sorry to hear that someone ate your groundhog ! What happens now?........... you keep on shoveling snow for the rest of the year!!! Frank
  21. OK...... just a little picture update..... all the yards fitted with salis and attached to the masts, this almost completes the standing rigging, I need to run the yard braces and tye off the backstays, then I can start to work on painting up the crew!! Boom gaff and driver gaff have to be attached ..... almost forgot those... Frank
  22. "Beautiful" Augie, nice work....... looks like you'er almost ready to wrap this one up!
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