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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Hey Popeye: the only thing that'll slow you down, is looking for something else to build . here's a tip for you ole' buddy, get youself a small St,Anthony picture, statue whatever, and keep it on your workbench. He'll help you find things when you loose them ( he's noted for helping people find lost items) It works for me, the only time I can't find something is when he can't find it either!! The nice thing about this is, you don't even have to be religious! ( but it helps!!) Frank
  2. getting close..... lower rigging of forestay start and finish of foremast crowsfeet Following pictures will be of the mainmast rigging and the final stages of the standing rigging. I wanted to show this first picture to show the tacky glue, ( Aleene's) this works great when you attache the deadeyes to the shrouds.... it holds immediately notice how I attached the stave this time...... in front.... Not like the fore mast which is wrong!! catharpins lower main shrouds finished Had to throw this one in..... My first Inspection crew... the Capt seemed to be pleased!! I think these last few pictures will pretty much bring us up todate, so following this , I will bring an update as to where I'm at , Thanks for looking!!!! this picture shows the backstays bundled up. I didn't want to tie them quite yet.
  3. Ok, back at it again, I'll try to keep things in sequince, so many pictures ,I don't know where I'm at half the time. First picture showing attached blocks to foremast top. Jib traveler, alot of the rigging sequince is not covered in the kit. DanVad's log has been a tremendous help as was Petersson 's book. next three pictures: fore shrouds attached and the ships boat finished start of fore shroud ratlines This one shows the fore mast stave being attached, after it was all finished (Imean all finished) I realized I installed it wrong, t should have been on the front of the shrouds not in back.I made sure I did it the righr way when I did the main mast. showing burton pendants Cartharpins on foremast Cleats shown attached to foremast shrouds
  4. Hi David: I'd be more than happy to explain the process of the barnacles, but It'll have to be after I finish with this posting crap. I'll tell you,if it han't been for the help of Aldo (rdsaplala), I'd probably still be crushing stone!! if I forget, drop me a PM. OK? Frank Hi Aldo: Thanks for your comments, looks like they like our barnacles!!!!! Hi Augie: Wish they were real, woud've saved me ( and Aldo ) alot of time. Man I'm getting re- posting out, I've got to get this finished, I've started to add the sails (furled) to the fore yards and I want to get back to them , they'er kind of fun to do. Hope fully I can caught up today. Frank
  5. Thanks Patrick, I'm going to have to learn how to serve the shrouds, your 's are the best I've seen. Frank
  6. HEY Popeye, Finaly up and posting .... nice to seeYA!.... I haven't seen this build of yours on the old site, looks really nice, you did a very good job on the planking. Are you going to repost all of your CURRENT builds!! frank
  7. Thanks Popeye, I'll be glad when I get this all posted up , so I can post some updates . I'm starting to add the furled sails to the yards, so I really want to finish this up.How are you coming along with your logs?
  8. Hi Mobbsie..... it's good to see you back and up and running again....... How do you like the new format? Pretty slick!!! Frank
  9. Hi Anja.... Everything looks Ship Shape.... your build looks great... are you and Sjors competing against each other?? ( for a new computer) Hope your new bosses don't eliminate people. Frank
  10. This next series deals with the masts and sprit& jib Sprit & jib attached next up Fore& Main mast
  11. Hi Peter.... What an outstanding build!!! ..... superb job on the copper plating..... there are alot of talented guys here and you are certainly one of them. Thanks for looking in at my log, glad you liked the worn look. I'm at the stage now of mounting the yards, and like you I like the furled sails, so thats whats going on the yards. as soon as finish catching up on reposting what was lost, I'll post some new updates. Would you mind telling me how to insert copy between pictures like you did? Tha nks Frank
  12. Hi Aldo.... Glad to see you on board....... like I told you before at the old MSW, your planking job is superb... can't wait to see your progress.... talk at you later Frank
  13. Hi Bob: So this is where you'er at, the DARK SIDE, very impressive work there Bob, have you given up on your other builds? Did you make the jig for your frames? it's a very good looking project you'er working on. I'll try to keep up with your progress, thanks for stopping by . talk at you later1 Frank
  14. Hi Mark: it's nice to see you 've got your Constellation back up, You've done an excellent build on her and it's one that everyone here should see.The picture with the lighting on is just awesome! Great job. Frank
  15. Hey Sjors: your ship is looking great!, nice to see you can get some updates going...... She looks like she's just waiting to get her guns placed so she cause some damage , but I'm sure you'll keep her under control, Right? Anja told me not to worry!!!, You'er one lucky guy to have her. Talk to you later Sjors. Peace be with you!!!!! Ciao Frank
  16. Hi Brian: yes I'll be weathering masting ,rigging, sails . I'm at that point right now but I haven't put up any updates because I'm trying to get this log caught up. In another couple days I should be able to post an update, Thanks for looking in. Frank
  17. Welcome back Kats, glad you'er reposting your build, it's the best renovation build going on.!! Frank
  18. This brings us to the final stage of the build in the first folder. This section shows the start of the weathering process of the hull and the addition of the barnacles to the hull.
  19. Ok , back again, lets see...... where did I leave off ? Oh Yeah. winches and hatches. Well let's move on to the deck guns and their rigging. The first couple pictures show the breech rope redone, followed by the rigging of the guns, the last pictures are of the deck with guns and ships boat in place.
  20. Hi Popeye; Welcome to the new MSW, yes this is what you have to do, repost everything. Man I don't envy you one bit That'll teach you to be doing 5 builds at the sane time!!!! Lots o luck!!!!!!!!!! , your old buddy,............. Frank P.S. I'm really not to worried about you , the speed you do your builds at, posting them all back will be a breeze for you!!
  21. Hi Jim...... glad you'er posting your build again, It's a pain , but it'll be worth the time.. your build is too nice not to be shared with everyone here... see ya later !!!! OH yeah, the pictures look great!! Frank
  22. Hi Patrick....... nice to see you up and running..... I don't think I've mentioned this before, but your rigging is just awsome..... how did you do your shroud tops? they look like the real thing..... It's too late for me to do on mine now because they'er finished...... but I really like the way you did yours... maybe next time Frank
  23. Thanks Carl for looking in......... the riverboat is A.L." Mississippi Riverboat", glad you liked it. I'm hoping my Supply comes out as well... I've got alot more postingto do before I catch up to where I'm at, so, back to the posting!! Frank
  24. Hi Wayne, interesting build you have going. You don't see this one being built often. Your's is coming along real nice. Thanks for stopping by my log. Yes, I am quite away into the build, but I'll try to get as much posted , leaving out some things that are not needed. Keep it com'n Frank
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