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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. HI Adam, thanks for the kind words you left on my build log.... I wish I had as much confidence as you do in my doing a build video.... When I first got my flip video camera I did a mickey mouse video on the start of the hull weathering. If I find it I'll try and post it for you so you can see how corny I really am. How's this build coming along for you? this will be a real winner!! Frank
  2. Adam, That's a GREAT OFFER, take him up on that one, He does excellent work, and his fee is very reasonable... 2 cans of spinach!!! You can't beat that
  3. Hi Mark.... was just ck'n in on your progress and find you've had a mishap.... happy to hear you're OK... sometimes power tools have their own minds as how they want to do things, so please be careful ... your build is coming along nicely.... Frank
  4. Hi Aldo..... I was wondering where you disappeared to.... I just saw on someones's log where you said you were starting to scratch build the Triton, so I thought I'd better get over here and see how you're doing.......looks like your off to a great start.. with all the talent you have, she's sure to be an outstanding build ... frank
  5. Nice to see you back Anja ,safe and sound! Frank
  6. Outstanding ! work Kats....... I thought my little brig had a lot of rigging..... great job, hope your back is feeling better Frank
  7. Nicely done Andy..... the gammoning looks great.... are you going to paint the figure head? Frank
  8. It would be hard pressed for anyone, near or at your caliber, to offer any words of constructive wisdom to your skills. Your work is just outstanding. Thanks for your build logs Danny. frank
  9. Congrats Popeye on your promotion........and again, beautiful job on the sails!! Frank
  10. Bob.... all I can say is "awesome"... you are definitely at the dark side...... you have taken this to another level... great work oh yeah, your drawing ability is pretty darn good too!!! Frank
  11. Hi Sjors....... wishing you and Anja the best on your holiday... Say hello to Tony for me....... I see you've got yourself some new toys !! I'm sure you'll put them to good use. Have Fun !! Frank
  12. nice go'n Augie....... she looks beautiful !, amazing what a few threads will do .... they'll turn a nice looking hull into... a gorgeous lady!!
  13. Very interesting build wefalck, outstanding job on the machined parts. Frank
  14. Wow ! Jim, I didn't realize you were that close to finishing her... Congratulations !! build well done!. Looking forward to your new endevor.. Frank
  15. Hi Sjors....... you finally got to the fun part ............ you'er off to a good start ,just try not to get tangled up in all those ropes!! How do you like the Morope? Frank
  16. Ron are you talking about the ones that go thru the mast tops? If so I'm sure I used the ones that came with the kit. I did make a couple of them because they broke .I think I used 22 g wire . Frank
  17. Look'n good Ron...... from here on out.... work carefully !
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