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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Ah... so it will have jets and guided buzzbombs then. Good thing the Germans weren't working on lasers back then. I guess I should specify that the V1 could be considered an unguided drone?
  2. Nope, not picky to me. I didn't know that. And for that, I'll go do penance.... maybe clean my apartment.
  3. I would suggest going here: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-modeling-articles-and-downloads.php and look at the Materials and Tools sections. This area (the Article Database) has a lot of good information and also the most overlooked section.
  4. Actually, the Germans were working on jet aircraft in starting pretty early in the war but Hitler kept delaying it. So it;'s possible that the carrier had some modifications just in case they got the aircraft right. The ME-262 should have been out years earlier.
  5. Question do begat answers which mean more questions. Is the wood porous? Fine grained? If not porous (the "vein" holes) and fine grained then that's good. So, take a couple of small pieces say 1-2" long by 1/4" wide and maybe 1/4" thick. Glue them together with some wood glue and clamp. Try popping them apart once the glue is dry. As a side note, Yellow Ceder works very well for modeling.
  6. There's also build logs on this ship in the kit section which would probably also help. In the Kit section, at the top in topic for indexes. Hit the wooden kit and it'll download a PDF to your computer. Open the file and scroll down to the Bluenose listings.
  7. Wind deflectors? Are you talking about on the foredeck below the flight deck? Might not have had any as there's railings. The only time a crew would be there is when anchoring or tying up.
  8. There's easier ways to simulate the caulking than something messy... Some run a Sharpie pen down one side of the plank and on one endSharpie's don't bleed when wet from glue, etc.). If you use the Sharpie on all sides, the caulking will look too wide. Others use some thin, black paper. And then there's the white glue with black pigment mixed into it. I've tried all three and I'm partial to the Sharpie pen. The deck is high in the center due to the scuppers being on sides for water drainage more than anything else. With the model at the scale it is, the curve probably wouldn't be noticeable. As for the cannons, they really didn't roll that easily which is why they needed the tackle to re-position the gun after firing.
  9. Ah.. good for you. go for it. I ran in to AL's issues with my Constellation build. Ended up just using (after reworking it) the hull to build the 1854 version. That kit I wouldn't recommend to my worst enemy. I'll stop ranting now.
  10. CDW, I think many of are behind the times when it comes to drag racing. What kind of top end speed where they hitting? I remember when the first 200 mph run was made by a funny and I think the times were in the 7's maybe?
  11. What translator are you using? I'm using Google's and while it's not perfect, it does seem to be getting better.
  12. It's great to see you back, Anthony. And the progress on the Mayflower looks good. The idea of thin screws for holding the planking for gluing is a great idea.
  13. Marcus, Then I'd say go for it. I do understand stubborn. The first kit I bought (and it was the second one I built) was the Billings' Vasa. After opening the box, I said "whoops" and bought a brig from AL. Between the two of them I learned a lot. This was before MSW so I did a lot of pounding my head on the workbench. It can be done. Just do a build log, ask for help when you need it and you'll do well.
  14. Yeah.... Lou... never do they get things wrong. <choke><cough> I didn't know the whole real story until recently. I ran across the Warfar History site following some links from another site while reading up on some naval history. I think I was following links on the battle Taffy 3 fought in WWII. Bad habit... once I follow a link, I look over the site and anyway... I'm buried in the Warfare History site right now.
  15. Hi Marcus, Welcome to MSW. If I may be so bold, may I suggest you start with something a bit simpler? The Victory is a large and complex build. Some kits are better than others as to instructions and kit quality. I"ve noticed over the years that probably 90 to 95% of new builder who start off with a large model like Victory never finish so that's why I"m offering the advise. No matter what you decide, you'll find support here. I do suggest you read the various tutorials such at the planking tutorials in the Kit area and those in the Database as they will go a long way in helping you to complete your model.
  16. I didn't know the whole story either Lou. I did see the movie from Disney though. Does that count?
  17. Well, would it be to your advantage to finish and point out the errors or just move on to a better kit? AL is known for their "sloppy" kits.
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