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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Ah percussive maintenance of computers. I know it well. You have my deepest sympathies on these headaches.. err.. computers.
  2. Off to a flying start, Kenny. I've been thinking of the Raleigh myself but in 1:64. Just a note, check all your planks and strips for size. I've found that the timbering set I used had material that was thicker than specced on the material list.
  3. Ouch... I daresay that was a tad too long, Denis. I hope you have some spares.
  4. One problem I've found, Rich is that the plans are "flat" and the stern is curved... sometimes in two directions. You're doing what Dirk did on his Confed and it does take some fiddling to get it right. Same issue with following Hahn's method of gunports.. cut the plan, stick it down and cut.. doesn't account for the curvature of the hull. You seem to be on the right track though.....
  5. No leaks from the cooling system, I hope. It just seems surprising that the PS would blow up like that. That is a well-packed case, I must admit.
  6. Nice work on the decks and boats, Gregor. Thanks for that link on the boats. I'll have to take a hard look but they might work out for my build.
  7. Hi Bulwark, You're in good company here as we're all on that journey together.
  8. Jaw-dropping work on the stanchions and rails, Toni. I'm I reading that right that the stanchions are all one piece?
  9. Chrome automagically downloaded them but they have an extension of .webarchive Not sure what that is. Maybe you need to open and then save them as a PDF or some other file type? And thank Michel Saunier for all of us.
  10. Yeouchhh... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that Murphy decided the power supply was enough mischief. Any post-mortem on the PS as to cause? I went through that with the laser cutter a couple months ago... tube, power supply, controller.... <sigh>
  11. Here's a starting point... essentially, they're frayed rope tied to the foremost shrouds to prevent chafing.
  12. Given the conditions on land at that time, many made a choice... Army or Navy. In my view, Army life would have been far harder and more dangerous given the casualty numbers in battle and due to disease, accidents, etc. Warfare back then was brutal in the sense that huge numbers of men fought and died or were wounded. On naval ships, the casualty rate was lower... Even the Army at times had a hard time feeding itself. Pay was higher for the Army than the Navy which was part of the underlying problem that lead to the Spithead and Nore Muntinies of some English navy crews, but, they had a place to sleep and food. As to hearing... I have deafness caused by rifles, machineguns, being around jet helicopters and then later... drag racing both as a participant and as a trackside photographer. No regrets on any of it.
  13. Looking good, Carl. As for the stripping off of the owner/copyright properties, ask it in the Problem area. I'm thinking the forum software does this as it seems rather common on other sites. Usually to anonomize any location data, etc.
  14. Here's a disclaimer from my tech writing days (modified for ship building).... "All errors and mistakes along with any broken bits whether intentional or accidental are for the sake of realism. Just deal with it as crap happens." After re-planking an area on my gundeck for the 5th time (near the bow), I may have have a plaque made and attached to the display.
  15. I'm not gonna' like that post, Jay. I had kidney stones once back in my late 20's. I think there's still fingermarks on the wall of the restroom where I worked. Miserable.. just miserable. You have my condolences on these as I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy... ok... maybe on them but not on the rest of us.
  16. That's a great tutorial, Eric. Thanks for taking the time to do it.
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