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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. No worries Piet! Hope all's going well on the 'truck'..., especially with the snow, etc, that you're getting there.
  2. Hi Vaddoc Great work! Bevelling the knees may sound obsessive, but who cares if no one can see them. Half the stuff we do in our models can't be seen, but there's no doubting the satisfaction we have in knowing that they're done. Most importantly, however, congratulations on the incoming addition to the Vaddoc family!!! I wish you, your Admiral and new family all the best for a happy and healthy future together. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Brett Good question about the deck plank colour. My assumption (and knowing me, it'll probably be wrong), has always been that the darker coloured planks are only dark because the decks were wet with spray, wash, or rain. The reason I say this is because I've seen many photos where the decks appear as different shades due to some of the decks being awash, whilst other planks amidships were lighter because they were dry. Any how, I could be wrong as I said. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Matija Very nice! There's very little not to like and admire about your boat. She's truly marvellous. Well done Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Vaddoc Looks like you're progressing really well with fabrication of the centreboard, frames, etc. It won't be long now before you'll be able to start assembly and enjoy the rewards of your hard work. Cheers Patrick's
  6. Hi Dennis Does that mean that your truck is kaput? If so, I hope it's insured and that you and your Admiral have other transport available. All the best Patrick
  7. Hi Bob She's looking really nice! Have you given any thought of the final hull colour? Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Dennis Thanks. Centreboard? Ahh, ok I see what you mean. Actually, what could easily look like a centreboard housing is in fact a crude cardboard mockup of the main companionway's staircase *ie the slightly triangular shape in the rear stateroom. I needed to do the mockup so that I could get a good idea of how the main cabin and staircase all fits together. Without doing so, I'd really be flying blind as far as it all coming together! Hope this all makes sense! All the best Patrick
  9. Hi Bob I've just measured the plasticard sheet (.20mm thick) and also the thick cardboard which was used as the temporary stand for the hull. The card measured .42 mm thick. The photos are below. I've thrown in some better photos of Rainbow as well, just in case anyone's interested in seeing more photos. All the best! Patrick
  10. Hi Chief That was a fascinating introduction to your build log and I loved reading it. The fact that you have first hand actual experience in the incident, is even more remarkable. Thanks for sharing your experiences. As for your model, I'm definitely going to follow along. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Bob Thanks. I'll take some measurements with the digital calipers and post photos tonight. Cheers and all the best. Patrick
  12. Thanks Jan She's looking really nice. I'm enjoying your updates immensely and thanks for the additional explanation along the way. All the best Patrick
  13. Hi Dennis That sounds like one heck of a drama with your truck! I'm glad things worked out safely. Did you not have a mobile phone to call your Admiral? As for your AG, brilliant detail work as always. If I were you, I'd definitely put a painting on the wall. If not a painting, then maybe a large map. But that's just me. Looking great and am looking forward to the next update. Cheers Patrick
  14. Very nice Igor and well done! She's growing more and more with each update. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Ben Many thanks and yep, like you, I've drawn lots of boats and drafted plans in the past...but there's nothing like having your qualifications and training. At school, Tech Drawing was one of my best subjects and i regularly got 10/10 for my drawings. Enough of me, though. The focus is on you and your wonderful dolls boat for your daughter. One question, though. How are you going to build all the interior items so that they're removable for your daughter to play with? If so, how easily will it all fit back in? Cheers Patrick
  16. I agree with you Mike. I have to admire people who make things look easy. The reality, as you've said, is very different as it takes a lot of skill to do what Matija's done. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Mike Ahh, ok, I understand now and that's perfectly ok about the language difference. The photos of the actual modern day replica of Rainbow (built by Dykstra in 2011) has a mixture of rich mahogany for the main accommodation and living areas, as well as off-white bulkheads for the other areas such as cabins, galley cupboards, etc. Therefore, I thought the best way I could simulate the white bulkheads and cabinetry was to use white plasticard. I didn't see any need to paint the white plasticard as the unpainted plasticard looks like a pretty good match to the photos I've seen. Besides, painting adds another layer to the surface, which at this tiny scale, could make the bulkheads look thicker than they should (I hope I'm making sense!). Hopefully I've answered your question. Please let me know if not. All the best Patrick
  18. Hi Matija Wow!!! The hull with the ribs in it, just looks brilliant! At first glance, looking at the overhead shots, all it would take is a bit of a scrape of the paint, a few dings and knocks, the odd rope and ancillary details, etc, and one would think it was the real thing. That's a true testament of a well built hull. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi everyone Thank you for all of your wonderful comments. I'm just glad that you all like my models! KeithW, thanks also for joining in and welcome aboard! Mike-many thanks. One question, though. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "white scots on the original materialised". Can you please clarify? Thanks Patrick
  20. Hi Leo I really don't know about the "master" thing, but I'm happy that you like my models, anyway. It's a great compliment. I'm looking forward to more updates, especially as the hull's taking shape beautifully. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Leo What can I say but "those cannons are marvellous!" The paint job you've given them highlight the fine detail beautifully. Very well done! Cheers Patrick
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