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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. True, very true! I have the same problem as well. The Internet is a double-edged sword; with it's good points and its bad points! I spend too much time on it, my wife does the same and so do the kids....oh well...
  2. Thanks Nils. Those figures will surely bring Pegasus to 'life'.
  3. I know how you feel Leo and thanks for replying. Sometimes there's not enough time in the day. But, as long as we enjoy, it, time doesn't matter!
  4. Thanks Buck! Greatly appreciated and all the best for 2015.
  5. Nice work Leo! Great detail and character. You're ccertainly a very skilled and prolific builder. Out of interest, how long on average would your ships take to build? Mine often take me ages, 12 mths or more, so I often think I'm a slow coach. Keep the photos coming! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Nils Great work, as always. I'm just wondering...have you considered making your figurines into permanent crew members? That'd certainly be the icing on the cake on what is, an utterly beautifully detailed ship. Your thoughts? Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Vaddoc You've chosen a lovely boat to build by a talented designer. I also like a Tad Roberts' designs, a great deal. I respect your decision to start your build again, although it wouldn't have been an easy decision to make. If you get into any difficulty, there's plenty of people here that can help ya! Good luck and I look forward to following along. All the best Patrick
  8. Hi Leo. Truly lovely work. I will be following along as well!
  9. Love'em Dennis. Those drums look fantastic and very real. I trust you're not smoking around them!
  10. Love'em Dennis. Those drums look fantastic and very real. I trust you're not smoking around them!
  11. Leo, that's beautiful. Not only are the lines of the hull beautiful (as are all J Class boats), but also, I love the effect that the different grains of wood has. Great work. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Piet How come I missed this build log!!! Aargh. I'm going to make sure I don't miss another post from now on! Beautiful work, as always! Cheers. Patrick
  13. Hi Leo-Zd, Piet, Elia and Row. Thanks for your comments and encouragement. Greatly appreciated! Row, I've also visited your Enterprise log and admired your beautiful workmanship. Quite an inspiration for me, let me tell ya! All the best and stay tuned for more progress. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Jason I agree with your comments about Richard's books and plans. In fact, I have built the Lennox using Richard's plans. Photos are provided in the Gallery as well as a build log in the Scratch section. Pls see links below if you're interested. All the best Patrick
  15. Hi Elia. Many thanks for the compliment, but trust me, your work is on a whole level higher than mine. Seeing as I'm painting the hull, I wasn't concerned about scale width planks; therefore, the widest planks were two millimeters, whilst the thinnest were slightly less than half a millimeter. Hope this helps! All the best Patrick
  16. Hi Burnside63 and everyone else. Thanks for joining me on Rainbow's journey and for the Likes.. All the best! Patrick
  17. Hi Sherry That's a nice technique you've used to build the canons. They look great! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Bob She's really taking shape now. Great progress to date. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi everyone Well, as promised, here are the latest photos of Rainbow's hull. She has emerged from the temporary frame jig in all her fragile glory. There's still a lot of sanding and filling to patch up the little inevitable hollows that occur when planking, but, it's a milestone to have released the hull from the jig. The simulated internal ribbing will also need to be added...monotonous job it may be, but necessary to ensure some degree of structural rigidity. I've also made a temporary work stand to hold her from this point on. Hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Walter I'm also keen to see you get back to the workshop so that you can post your progress photos, but I understand that sometimes, things are of a higher priority...especially if the Admiral dictates that it be so!!! Hope you'll be able to get back to it soon. All the best and stay well. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Row Sorry for dangling the carrot and leaving you in the lurch! I was at work and had a minute spare at lunch when I sent that post. But, I'm at home now; so I'll be able to work more on Rainbow tonight and post some pictures! All the best! Cheers Patrick
  22. Hello everyone for the wonderful comments and Likes. Greatly appreciated! I've made a bit more progress on Rainbow's hull and photos will follow shortly. All the best Patrick
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