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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Adrian Very nice metal work, once again. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Vaddoc Great to see your latest update. We all know that life just keeps getting in the way, therefore, it must be a good feeling to be back at the bench, getting in some valuable time on the boat. All the best. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Frank You know, I actually was contemplating trying my hand at making some super-models. However, with my poor level of carving abilities, sadly, they really would be 'stick figures'. If that were the case, my stick-figured super models would never grace the latest fashion mags ever again! Oh well..I know my limitations! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Frank Very impressive! A couple of quick questions-Firstly, a stupid one - What does HAER stand for? Secondly, will you paint the woodwork, or leave it oiled/varnished? Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  5. Many thanks Piet I also like the back-lit photos. Strangely, they weren't intentional. Instead, I was just mucking around with the camera Nd accidentally took the first shot. Mmmm, not bad, I thought! Thanks also, for the advice about the bare table. I'm working on it! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi folks Thanks for your comments and Likes! Much appreciated as always. A quick update: It seems that after a crappy day at work today, I'm now having way too much fun working on some of Shadow's deck furniture. In particular, I've created another 12 seater table that adorns Shadow's Sun Deck, (this deck is her uppermost deck). Also located on the Sundeck are three of those luxurious sun lounges, you know the ones in which the bikini-clad super models drape themselves over. I hope you all have a great Friday and weekend. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Carl Great to hear from you. I hope all's well at your neck of the woods. Incidentally, I have to agree with you about that particular photo. It's my favourite too. I love the way some of the interior can just be glimpsed because of the backlit windows. Nice! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi folks A quick update: I've just added the table and chairs to the outdoor aft-deck space of the Upper Deck. I hope you're enjoying Shadow's progress. Cheers Patrick
  9. Thanks Nick and Meddo for your comments and Like. Greatly appreciated! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi everyone I hope you're all doing well! I've been working a bit more on the furniture in Shadow's Upper Deck's saloon. Principally, Shadow now has her mini-bar set up, a small coffee table, and a small three seater settee with black cushions and two gold scatter pillows on it. On the other side of the saloon, I've added purple/mauve cushions to the expansive settee that adorns the large screen TV sitting area. I've also added gold patterned surfaces on the wall, just to give a bit more "mega-yacht glitz and glamour'. I hope you enjoy these photos. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hey Frank Lovely and precise work, as always. I'm glad to hear that your wife is doing much better! All the best to both of you for the weekend. Cheers Patrick
  12. Beautiful work, Tozbleker! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  13. Marvellous stuff, Igor! Wouldn't it be marvellous if you could rig the sail and set the yacht to sail into the sunset on your local pond? Yep, she looks that realistic. All the best! Patrick
  14. Hi Greg. Many thanks! Not sure about the Suround Sound system. Rumour has it that I did actually make it, but that it mysteriously flew off the tweezers and disappeared prior to installation. Well....that's my story and I'm sticking to it😉 . Hi Lawrence. Thanks! I'm glad you like Shadow. You know, I reckon that she's looking better than Majellan because I'm able to successfully avoid all the mistakes that I made in Majellan. Nothing like learning from one's mistakes, hey? Thanks also, to all who hit the Like button. Have a great weekend, folks Patrick
  15. Hi everyone! Here's a quick update on Shadow's internal accommodation, principally the saloon at the rear of the Upper Deck. This saloon is where the guests relax on the large settees, all the while enjoying the latest Walking Dead episodes on the big screen TV. What a life, heh? Lots of fun to go. I hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Denis Life gets in the way, sometimes! No stress though. But, I'm like your future daughter in law....wouldn't know the first thing about jump starting a car😳. Gotta admit, I thought modern cars couldn't be jump started??? Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Rick The hull deck and cabin is looking very nice, I must say. You've gotta pretty pleased with the progress. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Denis You're really cracking along now. Looking really, really good! Cheers Patrick
  19. Very nice work on those rat lines! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Tugrul You're moving along at a terrific pace. I love the quality of the details that you've put on your ship. Looking mighty fine, I must say! Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Hartmut Wonderful details. Wonderful colour combinations. Wonderful workmanship. Seriously nice! Cheers Patrick
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