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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Paul Welcome aboard and thanks for joining Shadow's journey. I'm pleased that you like her! Thanks also, for the suggestion about the diorama. Mmm...food for thought. Who knows...I may give that some serious consideration Thanks and I hope that you can drop by often. Cheers Patrick
  2. Thanks Greg! They certainly were fun to do. Have a great day. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Vaddoc Congratulations to you and your wife!! Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Vaddoc Great to hear from you again. Now...about those chairs and placemats. I have no explanation!! I swear I was sober when I built them that night..... Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi everyone I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Back on Shadow's construction journey, I've decided to tackle her Workshop/Ship's Storeroom and Electrical Generator Rooms which are located in the focsle of the ship. These rooms are only accessible by their respective doors in the foredeck of the ship. To be really honest, I have no idea what these rooms look like on the real ship, because I don't have any photos. All I've got is a blurry low res lines-drawing on the plans I'm using. But, hey, with a bit of imagination, I've managed to hobble something together that looks reasonably convincing..well I hope so, anyway! I hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Frank She's really coming along beautifully! There's no doubting the shapeliness of the sharpie's hull design, especially now that the deck clamps have been installed. Yep...Lovely...Shapely...yet Precise. Cheers Patrick
  7. Many thanks, Frank. I like that last photo, as well. In fact, as I'm working on her day in, day out, I kinda forget just how tiny Shadow really is...ie until I look at photos of her in my hand. It's then that I think, 'yep, tiny alright'! Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Nils - many thanks! I'm glad you like Shadow. Actually, it just dawned on me, that she's not much bigger than those lovely lifeboats on your KWdG liner! Hi Denis. Thanks. Mmmm, now lets see, we don't get a lot of Martha Stewart here in Oz, but I do recall that she did 'her time to pay for her crimes'😉. No problems though, any celebrity endorsements are gratefully accepted. Have a great weekend, Nils and Denis. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Mark Beautful work as always! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Igor Simply marvellous work! You've got a little beauty there. I can't wait to see you put the masts and sails on. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Nils You know what? Regardless of whether you're taking close-up photos, or those long full-hull shots, there's no denying it....your KWdG is just simply marvellous. Rich in details and character. She's a joy to look at. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Marcus Pity about the weather and the fried PC. I hope you'll be able to get back to posting pics and updating us soon. All the best for the weekend! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Adrian I'm definitely enjoying watching you put all of those details on your ship. You're definitely a master craftsman, that's for sure. Nicely done! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Michael Two words: simply outstanding!!! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Ben Now, that's fantastic progress. I can't tell you how good it to see your boat coming to life in front of our eyes. Your hard work on the design of the accommodation is starting to pay off handsomely. Keep up the great work! Cheers Patrick
  16. Once again, simply outstanding weathering! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi folks Thanks for all of your comments and Likes! I'm glad that you're enjoying Shadow's journey! I've almost finished the construction of the Owner's Stateroom. As you can see, the king sized bed now has a mattress, an assortment of pillows and a throw rug casually draped over the foot of the bed. Adjoining the bed are two arm chairs with a small wall-unit in the centre. Off to one side of the room, the three seater settee now has cushions and some scatter pillows; whilst directly in front of the settee is a metallic gold coloured coffee table. On the other side is situated the office desk, accompanied by it's own office chair. All in all, I reckon it's all coming together really nicely. I hope you enjoy these photos. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Greg - always great to hear from you. I gotta say that the addition of glasses, a printer and laptop is a great idea. Now, if only I could pull them off...it'd be a big achievement, for sure! Hi Piet-great to hear from you again. I'm glad you're enjoying Shadow's construction; although the crystal decanter may be a 'big ask"....but, I'll try! Hi Mark - many thanks for your comments, which are always gratefully appreciated. Please don't walk away too far...I want you around to drop in often to enjoy Shadow's voyage.
  19. Thanks Jeff! Lots of work to go, though, but heaps of fun at the same time. Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Denis Many thanks for your comments. Greatly appreciated, as always. I guess I was a bit naughty because I defiled the sponge, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to make the interior look good! I'll send you a big pat on the head, as well. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Ben Many thanks for your compliments about the superstructure. It was and is, a real challenge trying to replicate the complex curves and shapes...but, thanks to heaps of putty and sanding, she's not looking too bad. I'm glad that you like the interior work, as well. Much appreciated. All the best for the weekend. Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi Tozbekler That's some superb work you've got going on, there! I love the tiny steam boilers on the boats, as well as all the other details you're adding. Can I ask who the eventual owner of the model is? A private collector, or a museum? Either way, the owner would be very pleased. Thanks Patrick
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