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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Denis Greatly appreciated! Sorry about the confusion, though.. I've been itching to put Majellan's photos in the Gallery, but somehow never bothered. But, tonight, I thought 'what the heck, take some photos...'. So, I did. Thanks also for your comments about Shadow. I reckon she's even more complex than Majellan, but should still be heaps of fun to build. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  2. Ahhh! Giant hand and fruit bowl? Michael...my secret's out, now LOL. Thanks for the compliments!!! Cheers Patrick
  3. Thanks Igor! She was a fun build - full of mistakes (I'm not kidding), but I've learnt heaps from making her.
  4. Hey Denis I'm also glad to hear that you're almost germ-free! Great to hear and I'm looking forward to you making more progress on Syborn and the other members of your fleet. All the best. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi everyone. Just a quick update - I'm still working on Shadow's Lower Deck's accommodation. Still at an early stage, though. Have a great Friday and impending weekend! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hello everyone Many thanks for all of your comments and feedback; all of which are gratefully accepted. Majellan's finished! The final photos are as attached. All the best and thanks for following along! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Walter Welcome back! I agree with Mark's sentiments. Life just doesn't seem fair, at the best of times, but I hope you can move onwards to a more positive future for both you and your wife. All the the best and I wish you every success in this Build. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Sam You definitely work fast...and, what's more-She's progressing along very nicely. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Igor The ship's boat looks almost ready to be launched. Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  10. Very nicely done, Igor!!!!! Lena looks truly magnificent in all her glory. You're the mini-Master! Cheers Patrick
  11. HI Bob! Off to a flying start, I see. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hey Frank - Trust me. There's no chance of you disappointing us! I'm gonna be following along as well. I just have this feeling that she's gonna be a beauty! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Frederick She's coming along very nicely. In fact, it's amazing what a difference the addition of the bridge house, with it's windows has made. All of sudden, it's added even more character and atmosphere to the ship. Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  14. Thanks Mark! ''Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  15. Haha! Great idea, Greg. Gotta protect the crew; if not, the Unions will be on my back! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Nenad Thanks. I wish I had both! They'd make my job far easier How's your Cutty Sark going? Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi everyone Once again, many thanks for all of your comments and Likes! I've added some more detail to the two decks of Shadow's engine room. I'm hoping that with the addition of some cupboards, pipes, etc, that it'd look reasonably passable, even though the scale is so tiny. Bucket loads more to go, though. I hope you enjoy the photos. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Bob I'm in!!!...definitely champing at the bit to follow along. She's gonna be another "Captain Bob" masterpiece, for sure! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Dave Thanjs for your comments which are greatly appreciated! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Michael Many thanks! I have to agree with you about the photos with the decks on display. Seeing them now, emphasises (in my mind), just how complex these types of ships are in real life. I take my hat off to the modern-day naval architects who can envision and create such wonders. I hope you're well and that you're enjoying the cold weather over your neck of the woods. Cheers Patrick
  21. Thanks Lawrence! Great to hear from you. I hope your Bounty's going well. I'm certainly looking forward to some more updates and outdoor shots. Cheers Patrick
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