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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. HI everyone - many thanks for all of your comments and Likes. A special thanks to Leo-zd for the photos of his 1:1 ships! A quick update. I've spent the last couple of weeks cutting out and individually planking all of the internal decks. In doing so, care was taken to ensure that each deck could be removed and inserted easily and smoothly. Here are the results so far. I hope you enjoy the photos. All the best everyone. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Rob Lovely work, Rob. She's really looking the part now, especially with the masts being stepped. I can't wait to see her all rigged with sails. That'll be quite a sight. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  3. HI DJ It's wonderful to see you back posting again! That's an amazing level of detail that you've been able to add to the aft cabin. Crisp, clean and precise workmanship. I especially love the axe! Well done. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Ken Marvellous workmanship. Will you be doing the full diving suit as well? Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Denis I must admit that you've done an excellent job on shaping those chains so naturally. They look very realistic. A few strands of seaweed hanging off them, wouldn't go astray either . All in all, just lovely. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Bob Your efforts so far? Beautiful, nice and precise! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Jan Amazing work! I still can't quite believe that it's all cardboard. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Bill Just looking at that last photo emphasises the amount of work you've put into the Eagle so far. Mighty fine work! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Mark Seeing your beautiful boat - think I now know what happens when creativity, craftsmanship, skills and art all come together. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Cbeers Patrick
  10. Hey Jeff Now, that's almost microscopic! Tiny in size, but huge in achievement! What's more, it's great to see you getting back to the building process, again. I'm looking forward to more updates. All the best. Cheers Patrick.
  11. Hi Denis I'm glad to hear you're on the up and up. It can't be fun feeling like a wet dish rag! Anyhow, I hope you're well on your way to getting over it so that you can work on your fleet again. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Angafather Nice! You make it look so easy. Cheers Patrick
  13. Keep going, Nenad. You'll get there! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Bill Brilliant to see that you're back posting again. Nice job on the mast and trestle trees, etc. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Angafather Great to see you posting again! Your ship's looking brilliant, especially with all the details that you're adding. Hopefully you'll have more time now to work on her. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Ken Those letters - seriously nice!!!! Chers Patrick
  17. Hi Leo Thanks! Those are some nice 1:1 models you've got there. On the other hand, there's absolutely no problems about 'spamming' my log. I enjoyed them. Maybe you could put more photos in the Shore Leave forum for all to enjoy? Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Bob I agree with Carl. Those little beauties of yours are looking quite magnificent! I'm looking forward to your next updates. Cheers Patrick
  19. HI Denis I have to say, Denis, that your attention and commitment to getting things absolutely correct and realistic is paying off. After all, it's the tiniest details that can make or break a model. Your's is right on the money ! Cheers Patrick
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