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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Denis and Greg Yep! You bet. Shadow has two Caterpillar engines which are nestled in those rectangular holes. I'm gonna build them soon, but I don't know how much detail I can realistically put on them. Hence why I've held off doing them so far. Have a great day, you guys! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Bob It looks suspiciously like a percentage mark, as in %, but that wouldn't make sense, would it? Cheers Patrick
  3. Hey Nils Ok. I'm sitting here wondering...Mmmm, is there ANYTHING that Nils can't do????? The simple answer seems to be a resounding NO!!! Top job, Nils. Cheers Patrick
  4. HI Nenad I agree with Mark. I was also beginning to worry about you. Glad to hear that all's well! Take your time and you can get back to your MSW friends whenever the time's right. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Yancovitch Seriously nice work! However....I think you're gonna need a bigger room Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Kees Simply magnificent! I'm curious, though. Every parent says that they 'don't have a favourite child'. So, tell me, which one of the triplets is 'your favourite'??? Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Bob Many thanks and greatly appreciated! I have since started a new ship by the name of Shadow. Her Build Log can be found here: I hope you can join me on Shadow's journey, as well. Cheers Patrick
  8. Many thanks Piet! Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  9. Thanks Nils! I'm really glad you like her. She was heaps of fun to build, that's for sure. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  10. Many thanks Angafather I may actually join you with my own single malt on the Upper Deck. Nice to dream, isn't it? Have a great week! Cheers Patrick
  11. Many thanks Mark. I'm glad you enjoyed Majellan's log. Have a great week! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Angafarther Lovely! She's actually more akin to a work of art, with all of its carvings and colours, than a boat. I like it. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Steve Love it, love it, love it. The metal deck/grating with the ladder leading into the engine room looks great! Cheers Patrick
  14. All mistakes aside, what's important that you've noticed it and fixed it. Onwards and upwards now. Cheers Patrick
  15. Lovely shape of the hull. I'll be following along. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Mehmet Wow! Looks like another beautiful addition to your fleet has started. Although the hull's just been planked, it doesn't take much effort to imagine what she's going to look like when she's finished. Full of weathering, salt-spray, atmosphere, rust, grime, fishing gear, etc and above all, character; that's for sure. Please count me in! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Frank If it's any consolation, I'm with you about the planking. However, my thoughts are that it's sacrilege to put so much work into something that may never be seen. Leaving the hull and deck partially open seems to be the only way to go. Well, that's my opinion anyway. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  18. Good to see ya back in the shipyard again, Denis! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Frank You're never one to disappoint! Such meticulous and accurate work....well, it's akin to building the full sized ship! Perhaps you were a shipwright in a previous life? All in all, mighty fine work. 'Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Greg Now, about that dastardly strip of wood...it wouldn't be seen if it wasn't for Denis and his infamous eagle eyes! LOL. Oh well.... Thanks for your comments about the engine room, too. I've still got lots of work to do, though. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Frank You're off to a cracking start, I see. Precise and methodical as expected! Cheers Patrick
  22. Hey Denis Dang - you weren't supposed to notice that tiny strip. Now, I've got to see if I can take it out. LOL!!!! Eagle eyes, you have... Thanks for your compliments about the engine room, too. Cheers Patrick
  23. Hey Nick! Great to hear from you again. Thanks for your comments about Majellan's level of detail. Much appreciated. Cheers Patrick
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