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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Piet My word you're busy!!! Haven't you ever heard of 'taking it easy"? I guess not, but an active body means an active mind, That can't be a bad thing. Anyhow, getting back to your lion. I love the look that you're chasing. Classic and charming. It'd be great to see you carve it. As for the ship's boats, oh yer, you'll knock them out of the park, for sure. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Ken I think you know what I'm gonna say...."Absolutely brilliant. Super lifelike and just plain darn, marvellous". Top stuff. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Ben and Brian One of the best things about MSW is the feedback and advice that people such as yourselves offer. Both of you are far more knowledgeable about these ships than I'll ever be, which makes your advice invaluable. Truth be told, I always wondered what the purpose of the domes were. Now I know. Have a great week and thanks, once again. Cheers Patrick
  4. Woohoo Ben!!! I can't believe it's been 7 months, but I'm certainly glad that you're back. I've been wondering how you've been, especially with the new baby. The work that you've done so far on the parts look great. I can't wait to see the cardboard templates come together. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Igor Oh my word! I'd forgotten just how 'teeny tiny' your little beauty is. The last photo says it ALL!!!! Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Ben - welcome back!!! Thanks for your comments and also the advice about the domes. The plans that I'm using are really short on details, so, I used a fair bit of guess work with the positioning of the domes. Oh, well. I'll probably leave them as is, now. Good to know, though! Hi Piet - thanks and it's great to hear from you again. I've still got the major bulkheads to put in, but once they're done, the furnishing and fitting out can start. I'm definitely champing at the bit! All the best!!! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hey Igor At last! I've been waiting patiently and now, with these updates, I'm not disappointed! Definitely your best model yet. I'm really loving all the fine details that you're adding. Beautiful stuff! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Denis The temporary jig that you fashioned out of the cardboard roll and eyelet was a stroke of genius. It certainly seems to have made your life easier, because the nets really looked a treat. Nicely done! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Samuel I really like what you're doing with this cross-section. From the temporary structural timbers to give rigidity to the hull whilst it's under construction, through to the nice and clean planking, she's looking really good. Well done and keep the updates flowing! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Rob Dang, you work fast! She's gonna pretty spectacular once done, that's for sure. Have you got a display case sorted for her? Cheers Patrick
  11. Thanks Denis! She's been relatively trouble free, so far. Still lots of fun stuff, to go, though. Have a great week. Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Jeff I'm with Michael and Carl on this one. How you're able to fashion new tools and also work within that confined space is mind boggling. You may not be in a hurry to finish her though, but I'm keen as mustard to see it all done quick smart! I must repeat to myself over and over - "Patience, patience, patience...!" Cheers Patrick
  13. Flaws???? Where? Even the full sized boat would have the odd ding or scrape . Looks great to me! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Brian - many thanks for the compliment! I reckon she's not looking too bad, either. Hi Nils - Thanks. It's taken a while to figure out how to do it, but the result is well worthwhile! Full steam ahead from here, now that I've got that milestone (the removable decks) out of the way. Hey Carl - yep, the juices are certainly flowing! I'm looking forward to fitting her out! ...Should be great fun. Hi Greg - Many thanks and how are you? You're right - the fun stuff is starting now . The deck planking is approximately 1mm wide, being derived from an Australia Wattlyl veneer sheet. Hi Mark - that's one hell of a compliment! It put a really big smile on my face, that's for sure! Hi Jeff - many thanks. It caused me a lot of headaches trying to figure out how to make all the deck's removable, but, I reckon it's all good now. The reason being that the plans were not clear as to the exact location and layout of the decks, so needless to say, a lot of guess work was necessary. Have a great week,everyone! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Carl and Kees Interesting question. I do have an account, but I still wasn't able to access the video. It said that "I do not have access". Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Kees I recall that you were building a model of a trawler, but why did you post a photo of the full-sized superstructure in the photo? Are you trying to trick us into thinking that that's what you built? Ahem...of course you built it and of course that would've taken a heck of a lot of work and no doubt, only you and a few select other modellers would've been able to do it so well. Damn fine job, Kees. It looks so realistic. Amazing. Cheers Patrick
  17. HI everyone - many thanks for all of your comments and Likes. A special thanks to Leo-zd for the photos of his 1:1 ships! A quick update. I've spent the last couple of weeks cutting out and individually planking all of the internal decks. In doing so, care was taken to ensure that each deck could be removed and inserted easily and smoothly. Here are the results so far. I hope you enjoy the photos. All the best everyone. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Rob Lovely work, Rob. She's really looking the part now, especially with the masts being stepped. I can't wait to see her all rigged with sails. That'll be quite a sight. All the best! Cheers Patrick
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