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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Nils It’s really enjoyable watching your masterpieces come together, this one being no exception. The care that you’re taking to get the right templates for the ribs is a perfect example for us to learn and follow. Nice job! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi folks. Here’s the next update on Sapphire’s construction journey. My main goal for the past couple of weeks has been to concentrate on building the superstructure and internal decks, so that I can get a real sense of how I’m going to make each deck removable. I’ve still got the top deck to go. As you can see, it all looks really rough and messy; but that’s understandable at this stage. There’s still plenty of work still to go. Enjoy your weekends! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Vaddoc Uggg...I wish I had access to the drawings of the hull lines, but all I’m ever able to get is what’s on the Internet. Therefore, I’m left with no other option but to look at photos and do a lot of guess work and, in the case of Genesis, I benefited from a little bit of extra help from one of our MSW friends who is a naval architect and was able to guide me. Apart from that, I just go by the rule -‘if it looks good, then it must be good😊’. Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Vaddoc Hah yep, you’re right about the last sailboat being ‘fragile’. That’s my model of Ingomar that you’re referring to...definitely one of my favourites as far as sailing models go. Thanks for your compliments about the fleet, as well. Much appreciated. Have a great weekend! Patrick
  5. Hi Piet and Dave Many thanks and welcome onboard! Progress has been slow, but I still hope to get some pics up soon! Have a great weekend. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Ben I like the idea of hiding each completed section from ‘prying eyes’. Gotta keep some surprises😊😊 Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Ben Your boat’s really coming along beautifully. I bet your daughter must be pretty excited as she watches it all coming together. I especially like the heater! Cheers. Patrick
  8. Thanks Frank! This should keep me out of mischief for a while 😊. Cheers. Patriok
  9. Many thanks, Mark and Gary. Much appreciated. Cheers Patrick
  10. Many thanks, Phil. I hope you can stick around and enjoy the journey. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi folks Well, I’ve been a bit impatient lately and started on my next model, Sapphire, before my previous model, Genesis is completely finished. Anyhow, Sapphire is based on an actual mega-yacht called, Okto (https://www.yachtcharterfleet.com/luxury-charter-yacht-43054/okto-yacht-charter-printable.pdf). As is customary with all of my miniature models, the interior accomodation will be fully detailed and viewable through removable decks and superstructure. I hope you can join me on Sapphire’s journey. Cheers. Patrick
  12. Hi Marcus One of the great joys of our hobby is seeing our creations take shape, from a set of plans, to a framed hull. Without a doubt, your ship’s really coming along beautifully. Pls keep the updates flowing. Cheers. Patrick
  13. Hi Keith Here I am, just catching up again, after a few weeks of absence and...yep, you guessed it, I’m totally gob-smacked! Damn, that hull is simply masterful. Cheers. Patrick
  14. Hi Gary Steve’s absolutely right. A nice Masterclass to inspire and help people like myself to learn and improve. All the best! Patrick
  15. Hi Eibwen I’ve just found your Build Log and am amazed at what you’ve achieved with popsicle sticks! I’m going to enjoy following along, so pls keep the updates flowing. Cheers. Patrick
  16. Hi Phil Just catching up. The sails look nice and will give your boat a real sense of atmosphere. All the best! Patrick
  17. Hi Sam I had to blink and do a double-take, when I saw how small your ship is. It makes your work even more special! Nicely done. Cheers. Patrick
  18. Hi folks Well, as Genesis is nearing completion...Guess what? It’s time for Genesis to meet the other ships in the fleet, (well, not the full fleet, but some of them, anyway). Enjoy! Have a great week, folks! Cheers. Patrick
  19. Not long to go now, Phil. Have you considered how and where you’re going to display her? Thanks. Patrick
  20. Hi Keith A masterful job on the scroll. I sense there’s another skill that you can add to your resume! Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  21. Hi Frank Once again, you’ve made a complex job for a mere mortal, such as me, look incredibly easy. Very, very nice work....but, then again, that’s totally to be expected. Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
  22. Hi Keith Many thanks. I’ll take a silk purse over a sow’s ear any day 😀😀😀😀. Have a great week. Cheers. Patrick
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