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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Frank. "Challenge"....Totally in jest. It's all good fun, of course. Have a great week!
  2. Hi Frank and everyone else for all of your comments and Likes. Greatly appreciated!!! Well, Frank! Challenge accepted! I've done a quilt for the Owner's double bed. The only thing is that the quilt is taking the form of a black quilt that's folded and haphazardly thrown over the foot of the bed. Nothing precise here, because, after all, the ship is meant to be lived in! The same thing goes for the cushions at the head of the bed. Nothing neat and tidy; by design. I've also added a geometric wall hanging that's mounted above the bed head; just to add a bit of visual interest. Also, there's a red rug on the floor, which contrasts nicely against the blue carpet. Lastly, Mark - if you look closely, you may notice that I have added the two sinks in the bathroom! Hah! Anyhow, I hope you like the photos. Have a great week, everyone. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Mark Very nice! That looks like four days of hard work which has really paid off. You must be itching to release the hull from the Building Board...but, I understand that you may be reluctant to do so until you're absolutely sure that the time's right. I admire your patience. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Keith Gees you guys are hard to please! First the sinks. Next it's the running water! What's next? Well, I guess I could make an ugly naked guy standing in the shower...
  5. Hi David I wish! But, I'm having too much fun doing it on my own! I hope you're well. You've been a bit quiet lately, so I hope you're looking after yourself. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi everyone Hope you're all enjoying your weekend. Last night, I worked on the owner's bathroom which sits just forward of the stateroom. The photos don't show it clearly, but there is a bathtub and shower in there. There's still more stuff to add, of course. I've also had some fun trying to use a small mirror to focus in upon some of the interior details. I hope you like the photos. Have a great day! Cheers Patrick
  7. Marvellous work, Igor. I can see exactly what you're trying to achieve by the placement of the fish and the Old Man, ie a picture paints a thousand words. Nicely done, as always. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Hartmut Well done and enjoy your holiday! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Nils Absolutely brilliant work. I think the only thing separating your ship from the real ship are some crew members, salt-spray and a few streaks of rust here and there. At the rate you're going, she's going to be finished in no time. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hey Nenad Wow! The rear deck's really looking great! Well done. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Keith Nice job! She certainly has some beautiful lines, that's for sure. Keep up the great work! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Igor I love the weathering that you've applied. Talk about character and atmosphere! Your ship and the whole story behind her, is just magical. Well done. Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Frank Congrats and like you, I always look forward to the internal fitting out of the ships. I'll be eagerly waiting for the next updates. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Kees Love your work and I especially love the videos! Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Nils Marvellous, marvellous, just simply marvellous. I don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said by other posters. Words just can't describe... Cheers Patrick
  16. Hey Igor Really, really, nicely done! I love it. In fact, I can't even catch a fish, let alone make one. And...you've done two of them! Nice job on the boat, too. Have you got any photos of its construction? Nice. Cheers Patrick
  17. Thanks Keith With the J's used as inspiration, there's no doubt that the yachts you've chosen are going to be beautiful. What's more, whether large , or small scale, it makes no difference as long we enjoy what we're building. Looking back now, Rainbow was an absolute joy to build. I'm sure you'll feel the same way about your boats, too. All the best. Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Keith Thanks and greatly appreciated! Funny thing is, that I'd forgotten just how beautiful the lines of a J Class yacht are until I opened your post above. Which is strange because I pass my rendition of Rainbow umpteen times a day and never give it a moment's notice. But, you've now made me reminisce on the reasons why I built my model of her in the first place. I don't think anything can beat the J's for sheer beauty, majesty and power. They're truly magnificent boats. Thanks once again and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  19. Thanks Elijah I'm certainly no interior decorator, hence why the colours of the pillows may not all blend in together, but what the heck, they look OK to me! All the best Patrick
  20. Hi Mark I think I've lost count of how many times I've looked at your hull and thought ..."damn, that's a top paint job on a sweetly curved hull!". A real pleasure to enjoy. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Steve As a suggestion - If you wanted to go an alternative route, you could build a clay mock up of the full hull. Once you're happy with the overall shape, you can the slice the clay hull at the appropriate station lines, thereby giving you the shape of each frame. All you need to then do is transfer the shapes to wood and cut the frames out. It's really old-school, I know, but it works. Cheers Patrick
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