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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Thanks Greg. There's no such a thing as a silly question. In my mind, the engine works perfectly well. In reality, however, not so well. In reality, there's no hope for me, at all! Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Bill I've been admiring your ship for quite some time, and it is, without a doubt, a real beauty! Museum quality, dare I say. As Kenmentioned above, the fact that you've done your own chain is masterful. Nice stuff! Cheers Patrick
  3. Absolutely lovely. Your hardwork has definitely paid off, handsomely. Well done! Cheers Patrick
  4. Yep. I like it very much!!! Well done.
  5. Hi Hartmut Very nice work on the sheaves and pinrails. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Dan There's a lot to be said for thinking in the shower, isn't there! Good ideas come flowing freely..at least in my case, that is! The idea of using a solid block for the bow is a sound one and it'll even add to the rigidity of the hull, not to mention giving protection from the inevitable knocks and bangs that can happen when underway. Good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing your next update. Cheers Patrick
  7. Name, or no name, Mehmet, it's still amazingly good! Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Bob Notwithstanding some minor redo's, as you've mentioned, I have to say that the mock up of the superstructure gives a real sense of the beauty and charm of the design. I can see why you were attracted to building her. She's gonna look great. All the best Patrick
  9. Hi Mark I'd like it as well. Imagine having a real life sub of your own! One Powerball.... All the best! Patrick
  10. Hi David Thanks, but I think I'm beyond therapy at this stage! Not even Dr Per can help.... As for the sub, well, you're right. What a 'chick magnet'. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  11. Hi Frank Now, that would be fun to make, not to mention, challenging! 78mil, though. Wow! Thanks for sharing the info! All the best! Patrick
  12. Yep and many thanks, George. Two engines and associated pipe work etc; one on each side. Once the engine room's done, then I can start on the ship's tender and jet skis. Now, they'll be fun! All the best Patrick
  13. Hi folks Thanks for all of your comments and Likes! Well, I'll be damned! These Caterpillar C32 Marine Diesels are going to be the death of me! I've already built one engine, along with some pipework and I've come to the conclusion that I need Igor and Piet's skills to make a real go at it. But, at slightly less than a centimetre long, let's be realistic about how much detail I can actually add to them. I've persevered, though and, have come up with something that looks relatively realistic (well, to me, anyway!). Please bear in mind that the painting still needs to be done. Please see the photos below. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  14. Hi Jond Bittersweet Junior's looking absolutely fantastic! Ironically, you've got snow, but we're in for a heatwave with the next couple of days forecast at over 40 degrees Celcius! Yuck. I'm looking forward to the YouTube video of her maiden voyage. All the best Patrick
  15. Hi Dan I agree with everyone else' comments. To continue without fixing the error, would've made th error even worse in the long run. At least you can push forward and complete the hull. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Hartmut I'm with Crackers on this one. I'm running out of superlatives in the English language. All I can say, is "Wow and wow again". Nice work. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hey Vaddoc Good to see you're back. Those oars look great, as does all the other fixtures and fittings you've made. I reckon you must be on the home stretch, by now. All the best! Patrick
  18. Hi Igor I love the first photo, especially. It really emphasises what a great job you've done. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Denis I'm catching up on your last couple of updates and wow, she's really coming along beautifully. What's more, after seeing your photos of the lit cabin, I think two words immediately came to mind - magical and whimsical. The Windows just add to the overall effect. Beautiful! Cheers Patrick
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