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Everything posted by tarbrush

  1. Hi Omega, the hull will be 31 inches long with a beam of 7 inches. thanks for your good wishes and watching, I hope not to disappoint. take care, john
  2. This will be my first attempt at a build log, hope it comes out looking ok. Mary Rose has been on my have to model list for a long time but recently Chidokan, on the forum, and I have talked each other into tackling this project. Chidokan will be building a very accurate cross section, mine will be a whole hull model with short cuts for ease of modeling. I will be using the plans set by David Meagher that I have enlarged to 1:72 scale. What I have in mind is to build one side completely planked but leave the other side partially planked with some view holes cut into the side to see the interior. I would like to include lighting and a crew as well. As for the exterior finish, I love the painting on the cover of "Mary Rose, Your Nobelest Shippe". If I can make decent sails, then, yeah those too. This is without doubt the most ambitious model I have ever tackled. Prior to this I have my models have been mostly small workboats. While looking on the internet for crew figures I stumbled across this site: http://www.valdemarminiatures.com/default.asp?Site=Info&page=49 They have the best figures I have ever seen and will be perfect for the Mary Rose, just being able to use these figures will be a treat. They are a bit on the pricey side though and I will wait to order them till I am sure that I can pull this build off. The Plans: My research material: Also an article I downloaded from the internet with some very useful information on framing Mary Rose: The structures of tAtlantic shipbuilding the the 16th century. by Brad Loewen
  3. thanks Geoff, I got that one just recently, you are right it's really good book.
  4. thanks Randy, it really does sound like a fascinating book, I am planning to do as much internal detail as I have data for and was hoping that book might help me make any interior scenes more accurate. Let me know what you think of the book when you get it. I have to wait at least until next months allowance rolls around before I can order it. Mark, I am planning to do a build log. glad to hear you are retired now! congrats I still have to get up there to visit you when we go to our daughters house in Iowa, maybe I can bring my Mary Rose with me. thanks, john
  5. thanks for the input wq! I am working on a scratch build of Mary Rose, couldn't afford the kit. It's a very interesting ship to model. Chidokan, on the forum is building a cross section, mine will be whole hull. Why not get the kit and join us. john
  6. Hi all, I am building a model of the Mary Rose and am wondering if this book would be of use to me in making the model. The book is: Before the Mast: Life and Death Aboard the Mary Rose (The Archaeology of the Mary Rose) by Julie Gardiner Has anyone looked through this book? thanks! john
  7. I plan on doing a build log for my Mary Rose, do you think it would be confusing if I added it here? Should I start a separate build log?
  8. totally amazing detail at such a small scale!!
  9. Hi Kees, I love these trawlers, I am pulling up a chair to watch this one. I would love to see more of the 32 photos you mentioned.
  10. Apple is my favorite of all the woods to use for modeling, get as much of it as you can, it finishes beautifully, is easy to work with, and is the best wood I know of for steam bending.
  11. La Belle is a lovely ship I hope to try building one day so I will be following your progress with great interest! Best of luck with your build.
  12. I've been looking forward to this build Chuck. Now I know what I will be getting myself for Christmas.
  13. very interesting looking ship Mauro! I am pulling up a chair to watch.
  14. Hi Pete, your proposed painting scheme sounds great, I really like the model example, Dutch ships are so interesting, I am really looking forward to seeing your model progress.
  15. Congratulations Mark! you did an amazing job, looks great!
  16. Hi Chris, you are singing my song. this happens to me on most builds, I think your thought to go ahead and start on Le Gros Ventre is a good one . it will get your juices flowing again.
  17. Hi Kat, I found a blog with some awesome photos that you need to see! hotlink: http://davelandweb.com/chickenofthesea/ I have downloaded lots of photos of the Jolly Roger but these are the best I have found, lots of photos from the 50's
  18. What a wonderful project!!! I have loved this ship since I was a child and had a jigsaw puzzle of it. Looking forward to following your build log.
  19. congratulations Kats!! I am blown away that you were able to start with the wreck that this model was and rescue it to the beauty she is now! Wonderful!!
  20. Glad your hand injury has healed up and you are back to building! Brooklyn is such a great looking tug I have often thought of giving her a try so I will be following your build with great interest. I really sympathized with you when you were describing taping that seam with the fiberglass cloth they supplied. I imagine you are probably past having to apply anymore fiberglass tape but just in case I will offer you this tip. Instead of using the supplied fiberglass cloth use chopped strand mat. It's available anywhere you buy fiberglass materials, I think I got mine at Home Depot, but it's been a long time since I got it. I was doing a small fiberglassing job and the cloth was driving me crazy, it was much like dealing with a rebellious teenager. Chopped strand mat is very docile and easy to work with in comparison. Your build is looking excellent! Keep those pictures coming. John
  21. good to see you are able to work on Vasa again! your mast is beautiful!
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