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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Hi mike, Loving your start I understand the kit is very good Revell have made some really goods kist another is HMS Victory, anyway on with your build - Lou mentioned tips with hand painting - I have hand painted every kit I have built, comes from never moving on to getting spraying equipment, the tips I have leaned along the way are - (please excuse the colums) Try to keep two different thickness's of each color you use - one dilluted about 50/50 and the other original thickness. You can use propriety thinning agents or as I do use disstilled water. Keep a few good paitbrushes in good shape - I use a tiny one for fine details, a small one and a medium (the medium is good for spreading the undercoat and proceding thin layers. I try to keep my paint jars - tops and around the rim clean and free from residue paint, I also tend to use the lids for applying small areas of paint as they retain a small amount of paint from shaking the bottles, if using the paint tins same difference would be to load a small container (like the glass candle holders for t cup candles - cups) with paint from the brush in use. I always paint in layers starting from the base/undercoat - start with the normal thickness paint (but not too much on the brush) as soon as a basic layer of paint is applied, I use a hand held hair dryer to dry the paint quickly - it also helps to even out the paint molecules. Then move onto the thinned paint and again apply this in thin layers (do not apply too much as it will form bubbles when set, again use the hairdryer between each coat, also change direction of the brush - say from the opposit direction each application. The thin layers help the finnish to be smoother as it tends to self level. I also use acrylics as my prefered medium as they are just all around a better paint - easier to clean up and no smells. Hope I have covered everything any other tips just give me a shout. OC.
  2. More than welcome kevin, could also get a combination lock for that popcorn machine. OC.
  3. Most welcome mark, bring the popcorn machine but keep the key to yourself - you know how greedy the normal bunch can be😉 OC.
  4. Good day all, I thought I would start this log in preperation for finishing my HMS Warspite build, I have wanted to build a version of the Black Pearl for a while now, but there is no Honest company making a wood kit and only the one decent scale plastic kit, so I came up with the crazy idea of mashing my Peregrine kit into the Pearl. Most inportant Im building this for the wife as a Special request. This will take some doing as the keel pieces and ribs in the peregrine kit will all need modifying with extra pieces adding to them (I am under no illusion this will be a real trial of building skills and my first attempt at a real scratch built ship. I will have to firstly lengthen the keel section/s as the Pearl was about 30 feet longer than the Pergrine - so some additions to be added. So pull up a chair in readyness for this madness - it wont be dull. OC.
  5. Hi all, more work again today she is getting closer and closer to completion, anyway I cut the mid section of railing into two sections, the first one fitted in a nice short straight line between the 4inch gun mount shroud and the platform, the next section continued on from the platform and forward, this section needed bending in two opposing directions, then glueing into place. I did this for both sides then turned my attention to the rear access hull ladder, this has a platform at both ends and after assembling I fitted in the stowed position. OC.
  6. A bit more work on the bench today - I constructed the two lookout depth sounding platforms then glued them down, I then constructed a temporary house for my build out of the kit box - it will receive a couple of coats of white emulsion to cover the box art. OC.
  7. Following on from jasons excellent advice what I did was to find my line for the top lip of the wale, then start planking above this but not covering the gunports but trying to finnish the planks where each gunport is (its easy to clean up the edge where they meet the gunport) and to just keep working like this (I did mine in sequence on both the port and larboard side so as to make sure they matched in height). Then I continued up the hull sides till I reached the forecastle and poop deck edges. Then I constructed the wales and planed below that moving down to the keel. Hope this helps david. OC.
  8. Evening all, thanks again for all the likes and follows. After an unexpected early morning as the wife had a bad night and it was easier to just get up, anyway she lay on the sofa and I hit the bench - my first job was to paint the forward booms/supports, then I painted the tops of the rear section railings black, it came out quite good despite being half asleep. OC.
  9. Fine work mark, reminds me of my Agostini Vic build on here before the site problem - this was my ships barge I had built. OC.
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