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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thanks mate, suppose I was hoping to cut at every stantion, into average size pieces say 2-3inches, but I dont think that will happen as I would have to loose some railing without stantions and there wouldn't be enough length then. OC.
  2. I thought three, but its been a long time since I last went over her, so I stand corrected. OC.
  3. Thanks carl, she is getting there bit by bit, soon will be the deck railings(still looking at seeing if I can do them in managable lengths not long runs). OC.
  4. Great work kevin, I would say the position of the anchors is just right, didnt she have three - two larger ones positioned where you have them port and larboard, and a third one slightly smaller stowed further back and hooked from the forecastle bulwark. OC.
  5. Hi all, Firstly a Huge thank you for all the likes and comments. So I decided to pop the dry fitted parts on the ole girl and I took her outside to do a few more pics. OC.
  6. This was my argument about airports stopping spotting because of "terrorists" dont you think a man holding an shoulder missile launcher would stand out and most normal people their would take him down. OC.
  7. Hi carl, 300mm lenses I tend to favour either a prime like what I used to own, or a zoom 70-300 like I own now, the zoom gives me more versatility than the prime. OC.
  8. Aircraft enthusiasts/spotters is a huge hobby here in the UK also in Holland, there are even group trips to different airports/airshows, and plenty of websites and books about the subject. I am what they call an anorak. OC.
  9. I used to go to London Heathrow airport a lot when I was younger, there used to be a purpose built viewing terrace there, with seating a shop/cafe and fantastic views as it was situated wright at the center of the airport, alas it was closed down and spectators where banned from being in the central area of the airport, most who want to see the aircraft/photos have to use areas outside the airport. OC.
  10. Thank you so much for the replies guys, most of the airways photography I shoot is aircraft flying over head, between 30.000 - 35.000ft - I am at cross point with airways routes flying east to west and reverse and north to south and reverse, I try to shoot all I see then I log them after cross checking them in live radar sites that give me the airaft details - tail code etc, I have been doing this all my life and must have logged about 70.000 different aircraft over my lifetime. OC.
  11. I always relax with aircraft spotting/photography - stairing into the sky looking for planes kind of takes my mind off stuff. OC.
  12. Thanks lou, it is repaired and back on the mast, I even drilled out most of the superstructure port holes, and added a couple of ladders, she needs a bit of paint in this area, then I need to salvage a small yardarm that I will make from tiny dowel, that I will sand and roll till it slim enouth. Oh nearly foregot - I have also put two sections of deck railings on the hanger deck, they went on really well held inplace by gaitor pva (thick). OC.
  13. More progress today after spotting outside, anyway I had a good start (not) my idea for a semi rounded shield with some railing attached turned into a mess, so after several attempts to get the railing to stick to the resin part (even locktight ca) so I wripped it off sanded the shield to remove the mess from the dried ca, then I glued it inplace on the signal deck infront of the flag lockers. Next idea was to glue the wires direct to the inside of the shield (tub) - very tricky keeping the wires inplace with an area of about 3mm deep and ca glue smeared on the inside, well after about an hour I got two stuck with the wires about 6 inches long, next job was to glue inplace the forward mast using ca - this set fine, so I was then able to attach the two wires to the lower mast arm - went well till the top section of mast including the radar arial brioke off (damn plastic) at this point It was nearly thrown in the garden, but I took five than came back to the table and re glued the top mast using my normal poly cement (revell with the fine needle tubes), hay presto after getting the right alignement and leaving it to set - it was rescued. Thats about where it stands at the moment till more fun time tomoorrow. OC.
  14. Good evening all, I thought I would give a bit of an update (no pictures with it so you will have to make do with my writting content (sorry) anyway I have continued working on the foremast - I gave the rest of it a coat of paint or two, then I put it aside to dry. I then turned my attention to the main superstructure - this needed some ladders and a bit of touch up here and there, I then found a fab photo on the IWM site showing the cable routing and flag ropes and to my supprise where I had covered a cut out in the floor of the signaling deck - there is one surrounded by a curved shield. So I meesed around with one of my spare ork tubs and sanded it down in height, but also gave it a square end taht will sit aginst the flag lockers, I also cut it back underneath to give it a semi circuler cut out, the idea is - I will attache some railing around the top rim of it and attach some fine copper wire to this, that will be attached to the lower yard arm on the mast when I attach it (well thats the idea) OC.
  15. Another genious with xray vision - some days I have trouble finding my boat sitting on the sideboard, then I put my glasses on and it comes into focus but still a slight blur. OC.
  16. Sorry to hear about your uncle carl, building our little projects does help take our mind off stuff abit. OC.
  17. Evening all, more work today - still on the forward mast, I constructed and fitted one of the starfish boxes, then attached the post ladder, then I painted the lower half, while it was set aside to dry I constructed the type 281 radar aerial, this is fiddly box like construction and needs bending in on four sides, then the awkward part started - the radar (box) has two tiny holes that are supposed to drop over the end of the mast, these are real tinty, so no amount of thining the plastic mast would do - it was becoming too fragile, so plan number two - use another of my tiny drill bits like I did before, this was simple with the aerial, just pop it through the holes and add ca glue (job done) but the fiddly part was to drill a pilot hole in the top section of the mast after cutting off the kit part, this of course snapped away and I had to make up a stronger joining section for the part I had drilled a pilot hole in, a piece of dowel came to my rescue and the radar and top mast was glued to that with ca. So here are a few pics showing how the forward mast looks just dry fitted for now. OC.
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